Benefit for the G20 arrestees

Monday 18th September 2017, Benefit for the G20 arrestees in Hamburg. Volkseten Vegazulu at 7pm. After the food, legal update.

The first court case of the G20 arrestees took place in Hamburg on 28 August. A 21 years old Dutch comrade, accused of throwing two bottles at a cop during the Welcome to Hell demo on 6 July 2017, got convicted to 2 years and 7 months jail. This trial was nothing more than a big set up before the federal elections to be held on 24 September.

On 29 August, a Polish man was sentenced by the court in Hamburg to a suspended six-month prison sentence. On 8 July, during a search near a demonstration, the cops found backpack containing seven crackers, a lacrymo bomb, diving glasses, a rope and black clothes. The judge explained his decision by stating: “It is clear to the court that the accused was on his way to a demonstration “.

The public prosecutor launched 109 investigative procedures against “known” persons and 64 others against “persons unknown”. The charges generally concern “breach of the peace”, “violence causing injury”, “resisting the police” and “destruction”. In some cases, the accused risk prison sentences of up to 10 years. Other procedures could be added to those already underway, as the investigations continue. Till today, 189 “presumed guilty” persons have been arrested in connection with the G20 summit and 51 arrest warrants have been issued. 32 people, who are not from Germany, are still being held on remand for the anti-G20 riots.

Finally, the politicians are still traumatized by this counter-summit in Hamburg. Thus various political parties (SPD, CDU, Greens and FDP) are going to meet every two to three weeks, probably until the summer of 2018 in a commission on the G20. Various points will be addressed, including preparations for the G20, the development of the days of the G20 and its consequences.

Moreover, let us recall that an unprecedented repressive blow has struck the autonomous media in Germany, almost two months after the counter-summit. Friday, August 24, the free publication platform Indymedia Linksunten was shut down by the Minister of the Interior Thomas de Maizière, declaring it prohibited by the use of the law on associations. The following day, several searches were carried out by the LKA on persons suspected of moderating the site, in Freiburg. In addition to 4 apartments, the KTS autonomous centre was also searched and the entire IT infrastructure has been seized.

It is clear that the autonomous and anarchist agitation of recent times in Germany, with countless direct actions and sabotage against the infrastructure of capital and the State, is one of the reasons for the prohibition of this site, which largely contributed to the disorder, both during the days of the G20 but also especially before and after. Linksunten is one of the few German-speaking sites on which are published a good number of press releases of attacks and direct actions, which are obviously a danger to power and its henchmen.

Let us not forget that if this counter-summit was so devastating, it is linked to the fact that the many anarchist calls to sabotage the G20 had a real echo across the country. Putting this platform out of use is one of the many ways that power disposes of to put an end to the offensive and insurrectional dynamic.

More than ever, active and offensive solidarity with the comrades of Germany!

NL25 INGB 0007 6604 36
o.v.v. G20

Freedom for Peike and all other prisoners
United We Stand

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchen, every monday and thursday, all year long. Door opens at 7pm. Vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation.

We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

Benefit for the G20 arrestees

Monday 14th August 2017, Benefit for the G20 arrestees in Hamburg. Volkseten Vegazulu at 7pm.

NL25 INGB 0007 6604 36
o.v.v. G20

United We Stand

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchen, every monday and thursday, all year long. Door opens at 7pm. Vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation. In July and August, the people’s kitchen is closed on thursday.

We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

Antimilitaristic Camp in Germany – Info and discussion

deckblatt7Monday 5th June 2017, Antimilitaristic Camp in Germany – Info and discussion. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. Info and discussion at 8:15pm.

From the 31th of July to the 6th of August the War-Starts-Here camp will set up in Potzhene (close to Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany).

For several years now the War-Starts-Here camp brought together lots of different people in the village of Potzehne in central Germany, situated close to the border of the most modern and important military training site in Germany, the “Gefechtsübungszentrum Heer”, abbreviated as GÜZ. Antimilitarist discussions as well as practical resistance left a persistent mark on both the participants of the camp and the surrounding region. And it was fun!

We gather to gain and share knowledge about wars and their preparation, to figure out the situation we are living in and to analyse its internal relationships. Perspectives in emancipatory movements are highly diverse – and so are the views on military and war. This in mind, we want to further develop common ideas of resistance, strengthen the local anti-war-initiatives grown over long years and also discuss our differences respectfully. It seems highly important to us, that we make a step towards the locals and talk with them about their experiences…and maybe more…

By this year’s camp we build on last year’s main issues. The motto “Krieg.Macht.Flucht.” is still up-to-date, saying “war causes flight” while making use of the ambiguous German word “Macht” (translating both as makes/causes and power). This time our focus will be the development of common anti-militarist and anti-racist perspectives of resistance. Let’s overpower our powerlessness – the camp in Potzehne wants to provide a space for that. We want to have a discussions at eye level with everyone sharing our radical refusal of the global destructive circumstances.

Training, exercise, preparation and export – war starts here! We want to make this deadly site publicly visible, since it is of crucial importance to war preparation. Through various antimilitarist actions we want to disturb the “normal” operation on the GÜZ, let’s mark, block, and sabotage this full-speed-running machinery of war! To mobilize for the camp and give information face to face a comrade from Magdeburg will come to

Appeal in english: […Lees verder]

Benefit NSU Tribunal

NSU_tribunalThursday March 23rd 2017, Benefit for “Break the Silence Collective”. Infonight about the NSU murders and rising threat of extrem right-wing terror in Germany. Money goes to the project “NSU-Tribunal”. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

” Unraveling the NSU Complex – Indicting Racism in Germany
The immigrants affected by NSU terror knew who was behind the attacks on their family members, their neighbors, their friends or their own lives, their existences, their streets, and their businesses. The fact that their voices were not heard is due to structural racism in Germany. This, together with neo-Nazi structures established and paid for by the State, with all its official protectors, forms the NSU complex. NSU means: German state and Nazis hand in hand.
We, people targeted and affected by the NSU and antiracist activists, are organizing a tribunal in order to launch an indictment against all those responsible – a tribunal where the voices of the victims of racist violence are raised and heard.
In Cologne-Mülheim’s Keupstraße in 2004 the NSU attacked an entire street with a nail bomb. Moreover, they also attacked the idea of a multicultural society as such. In Germany in May 2017, juridical clarification of the NSU complex cannot be expected, racist hate violence and speech are still an everyday occurrence, and the people targeted by racist violence are repeatedly made into perpetrators.
The NSU could count on a racist division in German society which spreads fear among immigrant communities, while mainstream public perception either does not notice this at all or if they do, then only in an aggressive defense reflex, which immediately blames the people targeted by racist hate. This is the division we want to overcome with the tribunal.
An indictment launched by society instead of judge and verdict ”

Tribunal NSU-Komplex Auflösen:
17.5-21.5 in Cologne, Germany […Lees verder]

Black and white film night: M eine stadt sught einen morder (Fritz Lang, 1931)

M_Fritz_LangSunday June 26th 2016, Black and white film night: M eine stadt sught einen morder. (Fritz Lang, 1931). Door opens at 8pm, film begins at 9pm. Free admission.

The horror of the faces: That is the overwhelming image that remains from a recent viewing of the restored version of “M,” Fritz Lang’s famous 1931 film about a child murderer in Germany. In my memory it was a film that centered on the killer, the creepy little Franz Becker, played by Peter Lorre. But Becker has relatively limited screen time, and only one consequential speech–although it’s a haunting one. Most of the film is devoted to the search for Becker, by both the police and the underworld, and many of these scenes are played in closeup. In searching for words to describe the faces of the actors, I fall hopelessly upon “piglike.” […Lees verder]

Benefit & Infonight: Germany and its Nazis: the NSU murders

Thursday June 2nd 2016, Benefit & Infonight: Germany and its Nazis: the NSU murders. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

“The National Socialist Underground which was uncovered in 2011 killed 8 migrants, a son of a migrant family and a policewoman. Public discourse has remained focused on the “mistakes” made by German authorities during their investigations, especially the Federal Office and the State Offices for the Protection of the Constitution, while debates about racism in the German society, very alive indeed, remain absent. It was precisely this racism which was the basis of the 90’s militant Nazi scene, from which the NSU derived, and which allowed them to kill unhindered.”

Daniel Schmidt who will be giving a talk about the NSU murders and racist every day life in Germany is part of “das schweigen durchbrechen”, an antifascist-group, which was formed as an answer to these events and is located in Nuremberg – the city where the NSU started its murder series and which stands like no other for an unbroken continuity of racism in Germany.

Antifaschistische Initiative Das Schweigen Durchbrechen:

[…Lees verder]

Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: The Murderers Are Among Us

The_Murderers_Are_Among_UsSunday May 15th 2016, Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema:
(Die mörder sind unter uns)
Directed by Wolfgang Staudte
81 minutes
In German with English subtitles
Door opens at 8pm, film begins at 9pm. Free admission.

With a style that is a fusion of deep expressionism mixed with harsh documentary, this rare movie captures the mood of a demoralized Berlin directly after the Second World War. We enter a city of devastation, of decimated streets and broken lives. But imagine the feelings of the main character Susanne when she returns to her home city after having been released from a concentration camp. When she returns to her wrecked apartment, she finds a stranger living there. Both of them are lost souls. They strike up a friendship… but as she goes through the streets she realizes she is in a city of people that betrayed her. Who is who? Who are the innocent survivors, and who are the villains?

This unusual movie was made directly after the end of the war, and therefore captures the ideas and sensibilities of that bitter time better than any film made today which looks back with contemporary prejudices. All of the film’s photography was done in the real streets of Berlin, and the main characters roam the desolate streets of rubble. And this thriller is also interesting to compare to the upcoming film noir movement… all of the elements are there – the sharp shadows, human silhouettes against cracked walls, unusual angles, spiral staircases, haunted tormented individuals wandering through a jagged broken landscape. There is a mood of dark melancholy hanging in the air of this sombre movie as Suzanne tries to find a way to forgive her city for the atrocities she has endured. […Lees verder]

Benefit for recently established Prisoners Union in german prisons – Volkseten Vegazulu

Monday July 06th 2015, Prisoners Union Benefit. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

This benefit is dedicated to the young Prisoners Union in german prisons. The following interview gives a brief insight into the union.

Union behind bars
experiences from one year of union work – four questions to Oliver Rast (GG/BO)

Who or what is the Prisoners Union? What does it represent and what are its goals?

Last year in May we established ourselves as self-organized union initiative of prisoners at JVA Tegel. Day by day prisoners gather at the workbench and are confronted with highly precarious work situations: low-wage, piecework rush and no pension scheme, which amounts to an express ticket into poverty in old-age after being released. At that point we concentrate on two key demands: social insurance contribution for imprisoned employees and the inclusion of working prisoners in the general statutory minimal wage. By means of those steps we are aiming for full union freedom behind bars. Notions of solidarity, autonomy, emancipation and social reform shall not remain unknown words within the prison population any longer – we know that these are challenging demands.
[…Lees verder]