Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Kamikaze 1989 (Wolf Gremm, 1982)

kamikaze_1989Sunday June 7th 2015, Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Kamikaze 1989 (Wolf Gremm, 1982). In German with English subtitles. Free admission. Door opens at 20:00, Film starts at 21:00.

Set in the not-so-distant future, this film depicts a brave new world where illness has been eliminated, culture has been dumbed-down, there is no unemployment and a single conglomerate controls all the mass-media. Rainer Werner Fassbinder (in his final acting role) stars as the off-beat police lieutenant Jansen who is assigned to investigate a string of murders, but the deeper he digs the more complex and twisted the situation becomes. This is not the sort of film that leads you by the hand into a dystopian future, but a movie which dumps you in total alienation and a convoluted cultural anarchy- it’s Eurotrash, camp, arthouse and over the top.
Based on the 1964 novel Murder on the Thirty-First Floor by Per Wahlöö, this “West German cyberpunk thriller” features Fassbinder who was on his last legs when he starred in this crazed film. He is wildly dressed in a gaudy leopard-print suit, chain-smoking, sweating, and as one person said he is “lumbering around like a wounded walrus”. But that also adds a lot of flavor to the chaos. The decor and costumes are stuffed full of sci-fi kitsch, and that also adds to its nostalgic charm. The color scheme is gaudy, and the cinematography is by Xaver Schwarzenberger who shot Berlin Alexanderplatz along with most of Fasbinder’s last films. Besides Fassbinder the film also features Günther Kaufmann and Franco Nero. An extremely rare cult film from the Germany punk scene of the 80s with a vision of the future as an insane, senseless, labyrinthine junk world.
[…Lees verder]

Documentary: Children of the Revolution (2010)

children_of_the_revolutionSunday March 1st 2015. Documentary: Children of the Revolution (2010) by Shane O’Sullivan (Ireland, England, Germany, 2010, 92 minutes). In English. Door opens at 8pm, film begins at 9pm. Free admission.

Shane O’Sullivan’s documentary about Ulrike Meinhof and Fusako Shigenobu, leaders of the German Red Army Faction and the Japanese Red Army weaves their lives together through the testomy of their daughters authors and journalists Bettina Röhl and Mei Shigenobu. A portrait of late-60s radicalism told from an unusual perspective. With capitalism once more in crisis, they reflect on their mother’s actions as the film asks: what were they fighting for and what have we learned?

[…Lees verder]

Rent Rebels, screening & discussion with activists from Berlin

[nederlands beneden]

On the weekend of the 21th and 22nd of November we are welcoming people from Berlin to screen with us the very recent film about the Renter Rebels in the Berlin, a quite popular and diverse movement that emerged in the last couple of years and that struggles against massive gentrification and forced evictions of renters that take place at high pace. That weekend shall serve as space for discussion and exchange with the people from Berlin, about experiences being made in struggle, the urban restructuring that goes on in Berlin, and the self-organisation of all kinds of people to fight against it. Besides of being inspirational the events shall also be a space to come together and exchange ideas and experiences related to the unacceptable housing situation in Amsterdam and necessary housing struggles. Descent housing in its various forms and shapes and the city itself is not for profit but for us, the people, and a basic need of everybody independent of social status. […Lees verder]

Multimedia – Housing struggles and resistance against forced evictions

During our “Rent Rebels” benefit cooking last Monday we were screening a couple of short film to give some context to the “Rent Rebels – against the sale out of the city” documentary screening and discussion about necessary housing struggles in Berlin and Amsterdam that is taking place on the 21th and 22nd of November. Take a look below to watch the five short movies we screened in Joe’s if you missed the evening and come along on the 21th or 22nd of November, tell your friends and comrades and participate in the open discussion with housing activists from Berlin. […Lees verder]

Benefit Voku: Rent Rebels

Monday November 10th 2014, Benefit Voku: Rent Rebels, against the sale out of the city. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm

[nederlands beneden]. Tonight Joe’s Garage is cooking for an info and experiencüe exchange days we plan in November on the 21th at Joes and the 22th at the Pluk van Senecaflat. During the evening we will screen short films about housing struggles in Berlin, Cologne and Madrid.

On the weekend of 21th and 22nd we are welcomming people from Berlin to screen with us the very recent film about the Renter Rebels in the Berlin, a quite popular and diverse movement that emerged in the last couple of years and that struggles against massive gentrification and the forced evictions of renters that take place in at high pace. That weekend shall serve as space for discussion and exchange with the people from Berlin, about experiences being made in struggle, the urban restructuring that goes on in Berlin, and the self-organisation of all kinds of people to fight against it. […Lees verder]

Presentation about the occupation of the Hambacher forest and call for mobilization!

Thursday September 19th 2013, Presentation about the occupation of the Hambacher Forest and call for mobilization! The same evening at Joe’s Garage, Cardiff Squatters Network Infonight. With the Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

The Hambacher forest close to Cologne in Germany is now again occupied since a few weeks, wherefore the resistance movement against the clearing of the forest goes on. The new squatted area is now threatened by eviction, so that support in occupying the forest, infrastructural matters (e.g. cooking), presswork, etc. is needed. Furthermore the Hambacher forest represents a nice place to connect political activism with spending a good time with nice people!

In order to excavate coal, the energy company RWE clears the originally more than 4500 hectars big and 12000 years old forest, damages agricultural land and relocates villages Some of the effects of the excavation of coal are the destruction of living space for plants, animals and humans, air and fine dust pollution, release of radioactive substances and the lowering of ground water. The coal excavation in the rhine area is responsible for 13% of the CO2 emissions in whole Germany.

More informations: […Lees verder]

Autonomous Centre Köln on the Barricades


Monday June 3rd 2013: Volkseten Vegazulu, Autonomous Centre Köln on the Barricades, Benefit and Infonight about the situation at the AZ Köln, 7pm.

Tonight we are going to talk about the struggle of the Autonomous Centre (AZ) in Cologne (Germany), that is facing an eviction thread from the 1th of July 2013 on. We will talk about our 3 years history of shaping the space, struggling for it, defending it. We will also present our ideas for defeating the coming eviction, we will present our eviction consensus and we also want to sincerely invite everybody to come to Cologne at the begin of July. We are fed up with the destruction of autonomous and emancipatory spaces and are not willing to let this happen any longer.

Come to Joe’s tonight, there will be nice food, we will show plenty of video and photos of our space and let us start to organise. […Lees verder]

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Movie night: Prison Images / News from a Personal War


Sunday May 26th 2013, Movie night with Prison Images (original title: Gefängnis Bilder, directed by Harun farocki, Germany, 2000, 60min, German with English subtitles). Notes from a Personal War (original title: Notícias de uma Guerra Particular, directed by Kátia Lund and João Moreira Salles, Brazil, 1999, 57min, Portuguese with English subtitles). Door open at 20pm, films begin at 21:00.

“So long as every institution of today, economic, political, social, and moral, conspires to misdirect human energy into wrong channels; so long as most people are out of place doing the things they hate to do, living a life they loathe to live, crime will be inevitable, and all the laws on the statutes can only increase, but never do away with, crime. What does society, as it exists today, know of the process of despair, the poverty, the horrors, the fearful struggle the human soul must pass on its way to crime and degradation.” (emma goldman)

Prisons, courts, police, laws and the negative notion of “crime” are mere social constructs. They are developed by people and institutions (composed of people) that exercise power above others (no matters if in cleptocratic fashion or “authorized” by elections). These constructs are necessary to maintain an arbitrary order that solely aims to protect those with power and their amenities from the powerless. They are necessary to protect private property, and as we can see in present days it is not the property of the powerless that is protected, as those get rather kicked out of their homes en mass. After all these constructs are mandatory to deter people from disposing them altogether on the scrapheap of history, to eventually live and act in solidarity, co-operation and freedom. […Lees verder]