Contra Info solidarity event with anarchist comrades in Greek prisons

2013_04_12_Contra_Info_solidarity_event_ Joe's_Garage_Amsterdam

Friday April 12th 2013: Contra Info solidarity event with anarchist comrades in Greek prisons at Joe’s Garage, 7pm.

In the context of an everyday struggle against the existent, and aiming at the diffusion of factual solidarity with anarchist prisoners in the Greek dungeons, members of Contra Info [] translation counter-information network will carry out a series of events in various European cities, spreading information on cases of imprisoned comrades.

We want to make these gatherings an opportunity to strengthen the antagonist infrastructure of counter-information, to extend and multiply the solidarity gestures with our brothers and sisters behind bars, and to promote direct action and subversive praxis.

On Friday, April 12th, 2013, we meet at Joe’s Garage in Amsterdam. There will be a collective vegan kitchen at 7pm and at around 8pm we’ll start the talking. We are looking forward to your presence and invite you to share your ideas so as to find a common perspective towards the destruction of all prisons and the system that maintains them.

Stay tuned for upcoming events in other European cities.

Solidarity assembly for Villa Amalias

Saturday December 29th, 6PM, Joe’s Garage, Pretoriusstraat 43, Amsterdam

On December 20th 2012, riot police raided and evicted Villa Amalias in Athens, an anarchist social center squatted for 23 years. Hundreds of people took down the streets to protest against this escalation. The 8 people arrested inside the building have been released on Monday 24th.
We can discuss further solidarity actions for Villa Amalias and other comrades facing repression in Greece. […Lees verder]

14N, Vaga General Benefit

Do./Th. 15 november 2012, 19:00pm, Volkseten Vegazulu, 14N, Vaga General Benefit

On november 14th 2012, a general strike will take place in Spain, Portugal and Greece. A hot day in south Europe. People will take the streets. This benefit is for the people that will get arrested that day.
The 14th November European Strike – Call Out:
Volkseten Vegazulu is every monday and thursday, 19:00pm, vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation

The Story of the Tower

14 May 2008 – 20:00 – The Story of the Tower

A zero budget 100% DIY production from a squat in Greece. -A modern tale of old times-
A group of young people decides to shelter their dreams in a building, but its owners have other plans. Disturbed by the group’s “illegal” activities they want to kick them out. Their means are powerful. They are more. But the Corsairs love life and will not surrender as easy. Many will happen in the course…