Aman molli, modal music workshops

October 18th, November 1st, November 29th 2019, Aman molli, modal music workshops, from 19:30 to 23:00

Let’s gather to practice together our repertoire and exchange knowledge! First half is the practice of repertoire our guests showed us last year, open to all levels! Second part is open to improvisation and experimentation.

Aman Molli special concert

Saturday October 12th 2019, Aman Molli special concert.
Aman molli is proud to host one more special concert with traditional Greek and Turkish music.
Alexandros Papadimitrakis, Vanessa Kourtesi, Dimitra Metzaki, Duygu Alkan, Eirini Zogali and many more will be with us for a special winter welcoming concert, full of singing and music playing.
Melodies from all around the sunbathed Aegean Sea, Greek islands, Turkish sores, middle east bazaars, and desolate Arabic deserts will warm our hearts!
The doors will open at 7 pm. 7:30 pm food will be served! Music around 9pm.
Aman Molli:

Aman molli special: workshop and jam session by Alexandros Papadimitrakis and Vanessa Kourtesi

Sunday June 2nd 2019, Aman molli special, workshop and jam session by Alexandros Papadimitrakis and Vanessa Kourtesi. Door opens at 16:00. By donations. Bring on your instruments!

Alexandros Papadimitrakis and Vanessa Kourtesi will be with us for a special workshop full of singing and music playing! In this workshop we will go on step further by practicing in parallel repertoire of east Mediterranean on vocals as well as melodically and rhythmically. In the end we will try to assemble all together! Don’t miss another unique opportunity!
Alexandros Papadimitrakis teaches Turkish Music (Oud & Lavta) at the World Music department of Codarts university in Rotterdam. Vanessa Kourtesi is singing with the Serenade Ensemble, a group of five talented young musicians from Greece and Turkey. Alexandros and Vanessa have been actively participating in the Aman molli workshops and performed a few times at Joe’s Garage.
Alexandros Papadimitrakis with Michalis at a music Sundays Rodos: https: //
Vanessa Kourtesi The Circle: https: //
Somewhere in Athens: https: //
Aman Molli:

Aman molli: workshop by Alexandros Papadimitrakis and Vanessa Kourtesi

Friday April 12th 2019, Aman molli: workshop by Alexandros Papadimitrakis and Vanessa Kourtesi. Door opens at 19:30.

Alexandros Papadimitrakis and Vanessa Kourtesi will be with us for a special workshop full of singing and music playing! In this workshop we will go on step further by practicing in parallel repertoire of east Mediterranean on vocals as well as melodically and rhythmically. In the end we will try to assemble all together! Don’t miss another unique opportunity!
Alexandros Papadimitrakis teaches Turkish Music (Oud & Lavta) at the World Music department of Codarts university in Rotterdam. Vanessa Kourtesi is singing with the Serenade Ensemble, a group of five talented young musicians from Greece and Turkey. Alexandros and Vanessa have been actively participating in the Aman molli workshops and performed a few times at Joe’s Garage.
Alexandros Papadimitrakis with Michalis at a music Sundays Rodos: https: //
Vanessa Kourtesi The Circle: https: //
Somewhere in Athens: https: //

Aman molli: singing workshop by Vanessa Kourtesi

Friday March 22nd 2019, Aman molli: singing workshop by Vanessa Kourtesi. Door opens at 19:30.

Vanessa Kourtesi will be with us for a special workshop full of singing! Don’t miss this unique opportunity!
Vanessa is singing with the Serenade Ensemble, who performed at Joe’s Garage last december 8th. Serenade Ensemble is a group of five talented young musicians from Greece and Turkey who all met in Codarts university in Rotterdam.

The Circle: https: //
Somewhere in Athens: https: //

Aman Molli: special concert with Mále Vráse

Saturday January 19th 2019, Aman Molli: special concert with Mále Vráse, 19:30, donations welcome.

Once upon a time, in a period between wars, there was migration and sorrow (around ~1920). Folks from different places such as Smyrna, Istanbul, Aegean islands were gathering at the Piraeus docks to survive. While living at the margins of the society and being unable to adapt quickly to the rapid changes that industrial revolution and western countries dictated to Greece, they were meeting at “tekedes”, underground illegal dens, where they could blend their music traditions and experiences while smoking hash, marijuana using shisha and other custom made devices.They used to sing, dance, fight, love and discuss for many hours until the morning or until the police were forcefully stop them and take them to the prison.
Change is inevitable and Rebetiko was not an exception. Metaxas dictatorship in Greece (1936-41) enforce music censorship, which include melodic pathways, rhythms and lyrics. Someone said life always finds a way and music did the same!

That was the birthplace of Rebetiko, more or less…
And that music is what Male Vrase will play and sing with us!

Mále Vráse’ is a Greek slang expression, meaning upset, a mess, bust up. Having in common the love for music from a very young age, the members of Mále Vráse mixed their influences and started their own music journey. Each one with a different musical background, they form their sound with respect to the original gramophone recordings, combined with contemporary music elements.

Mále Vráse band are:
Antonis Laurijsen – Guitar, Vocals
Charis Laurijsen – Bouzouki, Vocals
Dimitris Maris – Bouzouki, Vocals
Nikos Kaliouris – Violin

Aman molli special concert with Serenade Ensemble

Saturday 8 December 2018, Aman molli special concert with Serenade Ensemble. Doors open at 7:00 pm, concert starts at 7:30 pm. Bring your instruments for the jam afterwards!

Serenade Ensemble is a group of five talented young musicians from Greece and Turkey who all met in Codarts university in Rotterdam. In this concert, they are going to connect the two sides of the Aegean sea by playing common songs that are widely known in both countries and there are lyrics in both languages.
For example, in their repertoire is a song called “Tsakitzis”. Tsakitzis was a mythical folk hero of both Turks and Greeks in Asia Minor and in Istanbul. He was a rebel (just like Robin Hood), who, according to the songs and the legends, always defended the weak people and stole money from the rich people to distribute it to the poor ones (19th-20th century).

Serenade Ensemble is een nieuwe muzikale formatie bestaande uit: Duygu Alkan (zang), Dimitra Metzaki (oud), Andriana Petala Achitzanova (ney), Vanessa Kourtesi (zang) en Nikos Augoustidis (oud & zang). Hun repertoire bestaat uit Griekse en Turkse volks en klassieke liederen.
A small sample:

Do you want to perform, play a concert at Joe’s Garage? Please get in touch: joe [at] squat [dot] net, we are curious to read on your own website, not on corporate social media, where you have been playing in the past, what type of venues you are heading to.

L’AMOUR ET LA RÉVOLUTION: No, nothing is over in Greece (Yannis Youlountas, 2018) — ΑΓΆΠΗ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΑΝΆΣΤΑΣΗ: Όχι, τίποτα δεν έχει τελειώσει στην Ελλάδα (ΓΙΆΝΝΗΣ ΓΙΟΥΛΟΥΝΤΑΣ)

Sunday 18 November 2018, Movie night | ΑΓΆΠΗ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΑΝΆΣΤΑΣΗ: Όχι, τίποτα δεν έχει τελειώσει στην Ελλάδα (ΓΙΆΝΝΗΣ ΓΙΟΥΛΟΥΝΤΑΣ) | L’AMOUR ET LA RÉVOLUTION: No, nothing is over in Greece | directed by Yannis Youlountas | 2018 | 84 minutes | Mainly in Greek and French | English subtitles | Door opens at 8pm, film starts at 8:30.

‘To fight is like falling in love. You lose all control. You do not know what will happen the next day. You leave behind any fear you might have. Fear vanishes when fighting or loving. “LOVE AND REVOLUTION”

The media no longer talk about Greece, suggesting that the austerity cure has been successful and that peace has returned. This film proves the opposite.

People fighting, and loving: Cooking for thousands, teaching children, securing the anarchist neighbourhood, stopping the airport, fighting the cops, and bashing in fascists.

A musical journey, from the north to the south of Greece, among those who dream of love and revolution.

Yannis Youlountas, a Franco-Greek author and film-maker, is also the organizer of philosophical debates for children, criticising the formation of media influenced opinions. Since 2008, He has been participating in the events in Greece, reporting them in his articles, photos, books and films, while also organising actions and solidarity convoys. In 2013, his film Let’s not live like slaves carried the word of the Greek social movement to all the continents, followed, two years later, by his film I fight therefore I am.

ΑΓΆΠΗ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΑΝΆΣΤΑΣΗ: Όχι, τίποτα δεν έχει τελειώσει στην Ελλάδα (ΓΙΆΝΝΗΣ ΓΙΟΥΛΟΥΝΤΑΣ)

Το να αγωνίζεσαι είναι σαν να αγαπάς. Χάνεις όλο τον έλεγχο. Δεν ξέρεις τι θα συμβεί την επόμενη μέρα. Αφήνεις πίσω κάθε φόβο που μπορεί να έχεις. Ο φόβος εξαφανίζεται όταν αγωνίζεσαι ή αγαπάς. ΑΓΆΠΗ ΚΑΙ Η ΕΠΑΝΆΣΤΑΣΗ.
Τα μέσα ενημέρωσης δεν μιλάνε πια για την Ελλάδα, προτείνοντας οτι τα μέτρα λιτότητας είχαν επιτυχία και πως η ευημερία έχει επιστρέψει. Αυτή η ταινία αποδεικνύει το αντίθετο.

Οι άνθρωποι αγωνίζονται και αγαπούν: μαγειρεύοντας για χιλιάδες, διδάσκοντας παιδιά, προστατεύοντας τις αναρχικές γειτονιές, σταματώντας το αεροδρόμιο, παλεύοντας με μπάτσους και φασίστες.

Ένα μουσικό ταξίδι, από τον βορά ως τον νότο, για εκείνους που ονειρεύονται αγάπη και επανάσταση.

Ο Γιάννης Γιουλούντας, Γάλλο-Έλληνας συγγραφέας και σκηνοθέτης, οργανώνει και φιλοσοφικά debates για παιδιά κάνοντας κριτική στην επιρροή των μέσων ενημέρωσής στην κοινή γνώμη. Από το 2008, συμμετάσχει σε γεγονότα που συμβαίνουν στην Ελλάδα, σθμπεριλαμβάνοντάς τα στα άρθρα, στις φωτογραφίες και στα στα βιβλία του, ενώ οργανώνει παράλληλα δράσεις αλληλεγγύης. Το 2013, η ταινία του ‘Ας μην ζήσουμε σαν δούλοι’ μετέδωσε το μήνυμα του ελληνικού κινήματος σε όλες τις ηπείρους, ακολουθούμενο, δυο χρόνια μετά, από την ταινία του ‘αγωνίζομαι άρα υπάρχω’.

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to play a movie, let us know: joe [at] squat [dot] net