Volkseten Vegazulu – Benefit for the (recently set free) anarchist prisoner Gabriel Pombo da Silva

Thursday November 10th 2016, Benefit for Gabriel, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Until June this year, Gabriel was a non-compliant anarchist prisoner in Spain. After 32 years, thereof nine years in a high security prison in Aachen, he became free in June for the time being, even though the Spanish state would like to deprive his liberty again, until 2032.

Gabriel grew up in a poor neighborhood in Vigo, Galicia. His posture, achievements and writings do motivate many people inside and outside the prison walls. Solidarity actions for his release has been conducted in Spain, Germany, Italy, Greece, Chile, Mexico and Argentina.

In summer this year, his case gained attention again. He was supposed to be released on the 17th of May but was further being hold in custody at the prison C. P. la Moraleja, in Dueñas. On the 9th of June, he was finally set free. Gabriel is currently free, but may face further prosecution by the state. […Lees verder]

Movie night: The Last Supper (1976)

The_Last_SupperSunday October 23rd 2016, The Last Supper. Directed by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, 1976. 120 minutes. In Spanish with English subtitles. Film starts at 21:00. Free admission

The past might have a way to help make sense about understanding the present and the future. The Last Supper is a film that does this. If you want to understand why total insurrection against prison society, industrialism and the state is not to be seen in the immediate future, this film can provide some anecdotal understandings. Likewise, a close and inquisitive eye might see affinity between a slave plantation and society/state, even locate yourself or how you want to be on the plantation, which might mean reflecting on your everyday choices. Besides highly recommending this film to all to see, even if it might not be for you, the one hint I give the viewer is to watch and listen closely to the conversations and dialogues at the dinner table.
The film tells the story of a pious plantation owner during Cuba’s Spanish colonial period. The plantation owner decides to recreate the Biblical Last Supper using twelve of the slaves working in his sugarcane fields, hoping to thus teach the slaves about Christianity. […Lees verder]

Benefit Mumia Abu-Jamal

mumia_thenandnow2015Thursday June 9th 2016, Benefit for Mumia Abu-Jamal, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Angela Davis calls for action:

The ‘one million roses’-campaign was one of the keys that opened my prisoncell in 1972, when 100 of 1000ths of people send postcards to me, to express their solidarity and demand my freedom, while i was in jail.
My 2 years in prison were tough enough on me – now try to imagine someone living there for more then 34 years! ‘a bright shining hell’, is how Mumia used to refer to the tiny concrete bathroom, he had to stay in for 22 hours, every single day, for nearly 29 years, while he was on deathrow.
At the end of 2011 his deathsentence was definitely found unconstitutional, which even in strictly legalistic terms means, he should never have been in this dark place to begin with. That alone should be enough for the Governor to pardon him.
Much is pointing to his innocense; he never received a fair trial and was not allowed to demonstrate his innocense in court.
Now he faces another kind of deathsentence: a life-threatening illness (active hepatitus C), for which he is not receiving the needed treatment in prison, cause it’s too expensive, so the prison-authorities rather see him dead.
Mumia and other sick prisoners started a courtcase, demanding adequaat treatment; the outcome of this case is still unknown. If he wins, he has made a precedent for the other 10.000 sick prisoners, waiting for the right treatment.
the Governor of Pennsylvania has the power to grant freedom for Mumia.
let’s write 1000ths of postcards to the Governor, in which you can expres your concern
and ask for treatment and of course FREEDOM !

Governor Tom Wolf
508 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120, USA
governor [at] pa [dot] gov
(717)787 2500
for more info: www.bringmumiahome.com or www.freemumia.com […Lees verder]

Solidarity with the struggle of the political prisoners in Turkey! X Ray Cat Trio gig

X_Ray_Cat_Trio_TourMonday April 25th 2016, Solidarity with the struggle of the political prisoners in Turkey! X Ray Cat Trio gig. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

After visiting us twice before, X Ray Cat Trio once again comes to entertain us at Joe’s Garage!
This amazing vampire surf band makes you wanna move your feet!


Backseat Mafia: “This (X-Ray Cat Trio) is lo-fi and stripped back surf with a Latin edge, think Link Wray shooting tequila with a Mariachi band in a dive bar late into the evening.”

Food: 19:00 (benefit for political prisoners in Turkey)
Band: 21:00 (strict!)

[…Lees verder]

Solidarity with the struggle of the political prisoners in Turkey!

Monday March 28th 2016, Solidarity with the struggle of the political prisoners in Turkey! Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm

The solidarity committees, active in Europe (thus also in The Netherlands) have the aim to :
– Raising the solidarity with the political prisoners in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan, to be their voice.
– Providing financial support
– Standing in solidarity with their families
– Struggling against all kinds of treatment, not complying with human dignity.

In Turkey and Northern Kurdistan are more than 10.000 politival prisoners. Most of them from PKK, others from revolutionary parties like MLKP, TKP/ML, DHKP/C and MKP. A minority of the political prisoners is accused with commitment to other organisations.

Daily misery in Turkish prisons

All the torture and murder related cases filed against prison administrations end in favor of the same. Arbitrary prohibition of visitors, letters and publications. Isolation terror, physical violence, frequent violation of various rights. Violation through many different methods against the right to use other languages than Turkish speaking communication and writing.

Arbitrary implementations to hinder medical treatment.
Bad conditions of heating, nutrition. Expensiveness of their vital needs which are only allowed
to be bought from the prison canteens.
Transport difficulties of families to visit their relatives in prison.
Most of the prisoners are put in prisons in cities far away from their family houses.

Reasons enough for development the united struggle with all democratic organisations in order
to stand shoulder to shoulder with revolutionary and patriotic prisoners in different countries
of the world, to convey their outcry and calls to the masses and to build up a broad solidarity
in practice.

The Voice of the Political Prisoners in Turkey publishes the bulletin “Free Dreams Post”. The bulletin includes letters, news, poems and articles sent from prisons.

You can reach The Voice of the Political Prisoners in Turkey by sending an E-mail to: dayanismakomites [at] hotmail [dot] com

Let us increase the solidarity with the political prisoners!

Committee The Voice of the Political Prisoners in Turkey

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchen, every monday and thursday, 7pm, vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation. From September, the people’s kitchen is also open on thursday.

We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

Down By Law (1986)

Down_by_LaySunday March 27th, Movie night: Down By Law by Jim Jarmusch, USA, 1986, 107 minutes. Door opens at 8pm, film begins at 9pm. Free admission.

Tom Waits ends up in jail for a crime he didn’t commit in this re-released comedy of 1986. Cue hypnotic score, superb cinematography and stupendous performances. With its hypnotic score, stupendous performances and its superb monochrome cinematography by Robby Müller, it is something to set aside early work by David Lynch and Spike Lee. But it also gains from comparison with Jarmusch’s own later work, particularly his vampire fantasy Only Lovers Left Alive.

The eerie, ghost-town New Orleans that he conjured in Down By Law is like the post-economic-apocalypse of Detroit. Jarmusch has in each a miraculous gift for finding a dreamlike emptiness in cities, in which his characters and we, the audience, wander, as if in a lucid dream.

Down By Law is effortlessly laidback, superbly elegant. Jarmusch made it look easy. It stars Tom Waits as Zack, the unemployed DJ fitted up for a crime he didn’t commit and finding himself in a grim Louisiana prison with a sleazy pimp called Jack (excellently played by musician and actor John Lurie). They have to share their cell with an eccentric Italian, Roberto, and this was the film that launched Roberto Benigni on an unsuspecting world. It made a star of him – about which I still have mixed feelings. He is tremendous here; his simple presence lends surreality to the situation, but he is under close directorial control, which Benigni’s own later, sugary and over-indulged movies lacked.

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Doors open at 8pm, film begins at 9pm, free entrance. You want to play a movie, let us know: joe [at] squat [dot] net

Benefit for LLECA, a Dutch-Nicaraguan theatre collective

20160112_menores_y_mujeres_bnMonday march 7th 2016, Benefit for LLECA, a Dutch-Nicaraguan theatre collective, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

LLECA is a Nicaraguan cultural-artistic organization created by and for youth from the ‘lleca’ (slang for ‘street’). Violence is in its pluriformity the base and daily reality of our society which manifests itself through our bodies. As such art should be violent: violent in breaking and annihilating, in questioning and proposing, in deconstructing and producing; only then can it be the basis of freedom. Our principle objective is to establish spaces of communication, creation, reflection, and freedom. We work in non-conventional spaces with non-conventional ‘actors’ through our concept of posthuman theater. Since 2009 we are the force behind the only continuous artistic educational process of theater in prison, where we have founded our inmate theater groups who we train every year. We also work with at risk youth and ex prisoners, and create posthuman theatre outside prison too. […Lees verder]

Benefit against state repression in Madrid (And the rest of the world!)

20160303_Benefit_against_state_repression_in_Madrid_with Almudena_y_DavideThursday March 3rd 2016, Benefit against state repression in Madrid (And the rest of the world!). Concert with Almudena y Davide

19:00 Door opens, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.
At 21:00 short talk about why this benefit and some bizarre state repression examples in Spain from the last months.
21:30 Acoustic Concert: Almudena y Davide (voice and guitar) Popular folk songs about revolution and love from Spain and Latin America. https://soundcloud.com/almudena-y-davide

The money we collect this evening will go to the suport group of Javier, see below for more info:

Two years in jail and € 7,500 for recording racist police round-up

On March 17th 2012, Javier, a member of the 15-M movement and the CNT Union, was arrested while filming a racist round-up in Lavapiés, Madrid.

In the coming weeks we will know the exact date of the trial, scheduled for the spring, in which the state prosecutor and the private attorney of one of the officers who assaulted him during his detention charge our comrade with resisting arrest and assault & battery, crimes punishable with two years in prison and civil penalty of more than €7,500.

The events for which he will go to trial occurred almost four years ago, when a spontaneous demonstration of neighbors tried to publicly denounce the umpteenth racist police raid in the streets of Lavapiés. Peaceful demonstrations like this had already occurred several times in that neighborhood and other quarters with high migrant populations such as Carabanchel, showing that residents had grown weary of the constant police harassment of migrant workers, who suffer identity checks on a daily basis merely for having a dark skin color. Although successive Spanish governments have been reproached for these raids by organizations which are far from revolutionary, such as the EU, the UN, and Amnesty International, they are still occurring every day in the public spaces of our city, with the active collaboration of the Madrid municipal police and private security agents on the subway, commuter trains, etc. They intend to fill the quota for people without residence permits which the Spanish Interior Ministry requires of police department to satisfy their goal of human bodies in their cells, their Immigrant Detention Centers and on their deportation flights, and at the same time, to incite to hatred and divide the native and foreign sections of the working class.

March 17, 2012 was a turning point in escalating repression against neighborhood anti-racist self-organization. An unprecedented police deployment and the subsequent police set-up of our comrade Javier tried to put an end to these spontaneous and peaceful demonstrations of solidarity which were marked by chants of “No human being is illegal!”. The authorities want to put an end to the emerging solidarity movement against the scourge of ethnic identity checks and subsequent arrests (kidnapping) of neighbors whose only “crime” was to be migrants, poor and to have lost or failed to complete the administrative process to establish their legal residence in our neighborhoods.

The Assembly of Lavapies is taking the opportunity of this new political trial to appeal for solidarity with our comrade and to renew the fight against racist police controls and raids. Watch out for updated information on the trial and support grassroots organizing, without leaders. Don’t let the police continue to undermine coexistence in our neighborhoods with their racist practices.

No human being is illegal!
Racists aren’t welcome in our neighborhoods!!

A interview with Javier, in 2012 about the arest and the situation in Lavapies-Madrid (in Spanish) http://migracionyconvivencialavapies.blogspot.com/2012/03/apaleado-y-detenido-por-documentar-una.html […Lees verder]