Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Death of a Bureaucrat (Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, 1966)

Sunday 9 June 2024, Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Death of a Bureaucrat (La muerte de un burócrata) * by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea * 1966 * 85 minutes * In Cuban Spanish with English subtitles * free screening * doors open at 8.30 * intro and film start at 9:00.

A key black comedy in Cuban film history, directed by one of its maverick filmmakers Tomás Gutiérrez Alea (Memories of Underdevelopment, Strawberry and Chocolate) who chose to stay in post-revolutionary Cuba and supported its socialist cause but never thought twice about criticizing the regime’s shortcomings.

In this film director Alea lampoons the stuffy and insane world of bureaucratic red tape. The journey begins when a widow realizes there was an important document in the pocket of her deceased husband who has already been buried, and needs an official permit to have the body exhumed. This starts an absurd chain of events with a razor-sharp Buñuelian sense of black humor.

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to screen a movie, let us know: joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net

Movie night: The Last Supper (1976)

The_Last_SupperSunday October 23rd 2016, The Last Supper. Directed by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, 1976. 120 minutes. In Spanish with English subtitles. Film starts at 21:00. Free admission

The past might have a way to help make sense about understanding the present and the future. The Last Supper is a film that does this. If you want to understand why total insurrection against prison society, industrialism and the state is not to be seen in the immediate future, this film can provide some anecdotal understandings. Likewise, a close and inquisitive eye might see affinity between a slave plantation and society/state, even locate yourself or how you want to be on the plantation, which might mean reflecting on your everyday choices. Besides highly recommending this film to all to see, even if it might not be for you, the one hint I give the viewer is to watch and listen closely to the conversations and dialogues at the dinner table.
The film tells the story of a pious plantation owner during Cuba’s Spanish colonial period. The plantation owner decides to recreate the Biblical Last Supper using twelve of the slaves working in his sugarcane fields, hoping to thus teach the slaves about Christianity. […Lees verder]

Benefit for Centro Social Libertario in Cuba

Centro_Social_Libertario_CubaMonday February 8th 2016, Benefit for the new anarchist/libertarian Social Center opening in Cuba. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. Music (Tim Loud & X Ray Cat from Leeds, UK) from 8:30 till 10pm!

The borders are opening after many years, and changes in Cuba predict new possibilities and dangers for the Cuban society. It is essential, therefore, reinforce the work of those that from Cuba defend a critical, anti-capitalist and antiautoritarial system-world , the same machine expressed every day more clearly in the national life.

After more than a decade of social and political activism in the Critical Cuban Observatory and five years as part of the Alfredo Lopez Libertarian Workshop (Tlal) , we have identified as the main difficulty for our performance and expanding for our social impact, the lack of a permanent base, which allows to build community and shape our identity stronger and lasting way.

Who we are?

The TLAL is a specifically anarchist collective, which has hold a systematic activity in recent years, radicalizing their proposals and keeping a strong anchorage in Cuban society and their communities. We have succeeded in a short time to ser the annual Libertarian Spring Meeting in Havana, where we seek to merge thought and anarchist or libertarian action on the island. In addition, we issued a modest printed newspaper, Tierra Nueva!, with some troubles we tried to bring our critical vision to ordinary people, that which is majority and do not have access to Internet in Cuba, as well as promoting libertarian, anarcho-syndicalist, and naturist ideals, present in the country’s history before the insurrectional victory in 1959, and whose impact beats hidden in the interstices of the now a day Cuba.

Moreover, we have embarked in major organizational efforts, along with other comrades in the region. Has been the foundation of the Central American and Caribbean Anarchist Federation network in March 2015 containing a large expansion and development potential. […Lees verder]