Solidarity with the political prisoners in Turkey! Benefit voku

Monday February 1st 2016, Solidarity with the political prisoners in Turkey! Benefit voku. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

More than 10.000 political prisoners are behind bars in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan. Most of them are PKK prisoners. The others are those who are claimed to be related with revolutionary parties like MLKP, TKP/ML, DHKP/C and MKP. A tiny minority is accused with commitment to other organisations.

Daily misery in Turkish prisons

The fact that all the torture and murder related cases filed against prison administrations end in favour of the same. Arbitrary prohibition of visiters, letters and publications. Isolation terror, physical violence, frequent violation of various rights, Violation through many different methods against the right to use other languages than Turkish in speaking communication and writing. Prevention of watching the legal progressive TV channels. Arbitrary implementations to hinder medical treatment. Hindering the prisoners to send their scientific and literary productions to publishers. Bad conditions of heating, nutrition. Expensiveness of the vital needs which are only allowed to be bought from the prison canteens. The transport difficulties of families to visit their relatives in prison. Most of the prisoners are put in prisons in the cities away from their family houses. […Lees verder]

Prisoner support in Chile. Benefit voku and music with Rebet guitarS

20160104_Prisoner_support_in_ChileMonday January 4th 2016, Prisoner support in Chile, Benefit voku. Rebetiko music with ‘Rebet guitarS’ and ‘Rebet guitaR’. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Joseba‘ is a comrade from Chile, currently under house arrest until his trial beginning of 2016. He was arrested on 2014 under charges of transporting an incendiary device. He was accused, under false testimonies, of participating in a firebomb attack. Due to personal finances, the case was given to a public defender from the state. Thanks to this lawyer’s irresponsibility and disinterest in the case, necessary legal procedures were never completed and during a routine probation visit, Joseba was arrested a few months ago and put in jail. The state wanted to keep him in preventative imprisonment until his trial in 2016, but thanks to the pressure generated by friends and comrades they were able to change his preventative imprisonment for house arrest.

Earlier in February of 2015, the Chilean state modified the arms control law to classify molotov cocktails as the same as a firearm, increasing the penalties for their use or transportation. In July, 5 students were arrested for a 2014 molotov attack against a station of the PDI (Policía de Investigaciones). During the September 11 demonstrations in memory of Chile’s brutal 17 year long military dictatorship, two students were arrested and charged with transporting an incendiary device. While Joseba‘s case came before the approval of this new repressive legislation, it is obvious that the Chilean state is trying to make an example of cases involving molotov cocktails in order to damper the anarchist and social struggles in this country, making it especially important to support comrades while the state equips itself with ever more repressive laws.

When Joseba‘s trial comes, he will be facing a sentence of up to 5 years and one day. In order to hire a private and sympathetic lawyer for his case, we need to raise money that is impossible for him to raise on his own while under house arrest. Because of this, we are asking for solidarity and monetary support from any and all anti-prison comrades. Thank you!

‘Rebet guitaR’ – Charis Konstantinou
Rebetiko, the music crossroad between middle east and west from the early 1900’s. Songs about love, joy and sorrow. A musical sub-culture, a music of the lower classes.
“The womb of rebetiko was the jail and the hash den. It was there that the early rebetes created their songs. They sang in quiet, harsh voices, unforced, one after the other, each singer adding a verse which often bore no relation to the previous verse, and a song often went on for hours. There was no refrain, and the melody was simple and easy.” Ilias Petropoulos
Rebet guitar, focuses on the early Rebetiko with one guitar, finger-pick style.

‘Rebet guitarS’ – Jaap Faber and Charis Konstantinou.
A guitar duet, will present the music of the legendary “Kostis”, the most enigmatic of all greek rebetika artists. 12+1 songs of truly unique guitar duets and black-humor lyrics chronicling the hash dens, prison culture and pickpockets of old Athens. Recorded in 1930-31 on 78 rpm records, under a pseudonym for export to the greeks living in America, research has uncovered the musician, journalist and cartoonist Kostas Bezos as the figure lurking behind the Kostis name, with ties to the famous singer and producer Tetos Demetriades.

Rebet guitar-“Ντερτιλήδικο” @ Molli, Amsterdam, April 2015.

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchen, every monday, 7pm, vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation.

We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

Benefit for Mumia Abu-Jamal

mumia_thenandnow2015Monday December 7th 2015, Benefit for Mumia Abu-Jamal. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Mumia Abu-Jamal is an African American reporter and political activist, who spent 34 years innocent in the prison of Pennsylvania, from which he spent 30 years in isolation on death row. Here the statement issued by his support group on October 20, 2015:


“In 1199 we believe that quality health care is a human right for every person in this country, and it should not be determined by your income, your zip code, or whether or not you are an imprisoned person,” said Estela Vasquez, executive vice president of Local 1199 SEIU, United Healthcare Workers East, which is hosting the press conference. “We demand immediate treatment for Mumia Abu-Jamal. We cannot allow the authorities of the state of Pennsylvania to continue to deny him lifesaving medical treatment.”

Mumia Abu-Jamal, an internationally renowned political prisoner who Amnesty International and other human rights organizations say was unfairly convicted in the 1982 killing of a Philadelphia policeman, has been severely ill with symptoms of active hepatitis C for at least the last six months. If left untreated, hep C can lead to diabetes, heart disease, liver failure and even death. New direct-acting, anti-viral medications for hep C exist with a 95 percent cure rate. Endorsed by the American Liver Foundation, these treatment protocols were adopted by the Federal Bureau of Prisons in June, ensuring immediate treatment for all federal prisoners with active hep C symptoms.

Abu-Jamal is not alone. There are an estimated 10,000 PA Department of Corrections (DOC) inmates, many of whom are over 60 years old, who have the hep C virus. A 1997 study estimated that 29 to 43 percent of all people infected with hep C passed through a correctional facility. Called a “silent epidemic,” HCV has a disproportionate impact on impoverished communities and people of color. While African Americans comprise about 13 percent of the U.S. population, they represent 25 percent of all hep C cases. For African Americans ages 45 to 65 years old, hep-C-related chronic liver disease is the leading cause of death.

New York State prisons hold an estimated 10,000 prisoners with HCV. But the difference is that New York prisons have begun to treat prisoners with HCV, including political prisoner Seth Hayes.

In Pennsylvania the state has repeatedly denied lifesaving treatment for Abu-Jamal and the other prisoners. According to Dr. Joseph Harris, an expert in hep C who reviewed Abu-Jamal’s medical records and examined him, “Failure to treat Mr. Abu-Jamal’s hepatitis C will result in serious harm to his health, as his current extra-hepatic symptoms will not be cured, and he faces an increasingly serious risk of suffering from fibrosis and cirrhosis, liver cancer, complications of his diabetes, and eventual death.” Dr. Harris’s statement is part of a 10-page affidavit submitted to a federal Pennsylvania court in August demanding immediate treatment for Abu-Jamal. (A summary of it will be passed out at the press conference, and is available upon request.)

It took extensive international protests beginning in March, when activists held sit-ins at the PA DOC, press conferences in the rotunda of the Harrisburg capitol and at SCI Mahanoy prison, and a daily deluge of phone calls from all over the world to three governmental officials that Abu-Jamal was transferred to a hospital in mid-May for extensive testing, which showed he had liver damage. Only now are the PA DOC and the PA Dept. of Health hammering out a protocol.

“The evidence is overwhelming that the suffering being experienced by Mumia is the result of hepatitis C,” said Robert J. Boyle, one of his lawyers. “The Pennsylvania Department of Corrections can cure him and many others by administering treatment. Their refusal to do so is a violation of the Constitution and basic human rights.”

CRITICAL COURT HEARING FOR MUMIA ABU-JAMAL IN SCRANTON, PA (Getting Mumia the New Hepatitis-C Medication). December 18, 2015

While Mumia is definitely better, which is not to the credit of the Department of Corrections, but rather to the thousands who have struggled for him over the last many months. But he still has hep-C, is in the infirmary, and is subject to getting very sick again as the underlying problem has not been resolved.
There will be a court hearing in Scranton, PA, on Friday, December 18, on whether or not Mumia should get treatment for his hepatitis-C. We want to pack the courtroom to support the demand for Mumia and 10,000 other Pennsylvania prisoners infected with hep-C to get the new drug which has shown a greater than 90% cure rate.
Friday, December 18, at 9:30 am In Scranton

2015_10_09_cartoon_bw-776x1024Cartoon about Mumia from Seth Tobocman, a renowned comic book artist whose work deals with political issues. In 1979, he and Peter Kuper co-founded the magazine World War 3 Illustrated. His work on this project continues to this day. In 1985, he collaborated with Charles Frederick on a poster protesting the bombing of the MOVE house. In 1994, he produced Freedom of Speech in Black and White, a 15-page black-and-white biography of Mumia that was published in World War 3 Illustrated and has since been reprinted in many places and many languages. Since then, Mumia Abu-Jamal has been contributing articles and artwork to World War 3 Illustrated. In 1999, Seth did a second Mumia biography; this one, two pages in color, was published in Revolutionary Worker. Seth Tobocman continues to produce art for radical movements.

Click on the link below for a large readable version of the cartoon:

Angela Davis is calling for action, to flood the Governor with cards. He is the one who could just put his autograph to set Mumia free. During the benefit, these cards will be available. If you want to write a card yourself, then here’s the direction of the governor:
Governor Tom Wolf, 508 Main, Capitol Building, Harrisburg, PA 17120, USA. email: governor [at] pa [dot] gov tel:(717)7872500

If you want to write to Mumia himself: Mumia Abu-Jamal, #AM 8335 SCI Mahanoy, 301 Morea Road, Frackville, PA 17932, USA.

Don’t forget our prisoners. POWER FOR FREEDOM!
for more information look at:

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchen, every monday, 7pm, vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation. From September, the people’s kitchen is also open on thursday.

We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

ICAD Benefit

ICADThursday September 24th 2015, Benefiet voor het werk van ICAD (Internationaal Comite Tegen Verdwijningen), afdeling Nederland. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm

De opbrengst van de maaltijden is bestemd voor de organisatie van acties en uitgifte van publicaties door ICAD.
Deze avond worden Koerdische maaltijden bereid: groentesoep, witte bonen met rijst (kurufasulye|) en salade. […Lees verder]

Benefit for recently established Prisoners Union in german prisons – Volkseten Vegazulu

Monday July 06th 2015, Prisoners Union Benefit. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

This benefit is dedicated to the young Prisoners Union in german prisons. The following interview gives a brief insight into the union.

Union behind bars
experiences from one year of union work – four questions to Oliver Rast (GG/BO)

Who or what is the Prisoners Union? What does it represent and what are its goals?

Last year in May we established ourselves as self-organized union initiative of prisoners at JVA Tegel. Day by day prisoners gather at the workbench and are confronted with highly precarious work situations: low-wage, piecework rush and no pension scheme, which amounts to an express ticket into poverty in old-age after being released. At that point we concentrate on two key demands: social insurance contribution for imprisoned employees and the inclusion of working prisoners in the general statutory minimal wage. By means of those steps we are aiming for full union freedom behind bars. Notions of solidarity, autonomy, emancipation and social reform shall not remain unknown words within the prison population any longer – we know that these are challenging demands.
[…Lees verder]

Benefit Liberta’ per Billy, Costa e Silvia

20150518_Benefit_Billy_Costa_SilviaMonday May 18th 2015, Benefit Liberta’ per Billy, Costa e Silvia. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

On Thursday the 15th of April 2010, Costantino Ragusa, Silvia Guerini and Billy (Luca Bernasconi) were arrested in Switzerland. Costa, Silvia and Billy are fellow anarchists who have been active in fighting for things like radical ecology and animal liberation, fighting against health hazards such as biotechnology, nanotechnology and nuclear technology and supporting and standing in solidarity with prisoners. It seems as though the authorities in Zurich are handling the accusations against and the detention of these three activists.
The Swiss Federal Prosecutor’s Office continues its harassment of Silvia, Costa and Billy. In addition to current censorship, which causes long delays in the mail delivery, another limit has been unlawfully added to the censorship of their mail, making it impossible for them to send or receive letters if not written to the specifications of the procurator. This is an evident attempt to isolate our friends by interrupting their means of communication with the outside so to heavily limit their participation in our struggles. The arrogance of the prosecutor and the absurdity of the new limitations on communications are due to the massive amount of support shown by fellow activists and expressed in letters, but this foul measure won’t stop us from expressing our solidarity.
It seems as though Silvia, Billy and Costa were stopped by a blockade near Zurich. While the car (rented in Italy) was being searched, the Swiss police declared to have found explosives, a detonator and a statement in reference to the IBM laboratories, which do research on nanotechnology (source: Communicating through their lawyers, each having their own lawyer because in Switzerland they can’t share the same one, they have reported that they are doing well; it also seems as thought they have been able to get vegan meals in prison, although we are only certain that this is the case for Billy and not the other two.
The following are updates from the anarchists of via del Cuore – Pisa […Lees verder]

Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Campaign Benefit

berliner-mauer-graffiti_free_mumia_abu_jamalThursday April 16th 2015, Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Campaign Benefit, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm

The life of brilliant journalist, intellectual, revolutionary, and political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal is in great danger. Pennsylvania set two execution dates for Mumia in the ’90’s despite his innocence. Only the international movement stayed the hands of the executioner.Now removed from Death Row, Mumia is once again subject to attempted execution, this time through medical neglect and malpractice. With no history of diabetes, and subsequent to having three blood tests only weeks earlier, on March 30, Mumia went into diabetic shock. He was hospitalized on Monday, March 30, with life-threatening high blood sugar, but two days later was transferred back to the same prison that failed to diagnose or treat him even though he was still very ill. His diet is dangerous and his health is deteriorating. Once again, only massive pressure will prevent his death. […Lees verder]

Movie Night: Incendies (2010)

IncendiesSunday January 4th 2015, Movie Night: Incendies (Scorched) by Denis Villeneuve (130 minutes, 2010). In Arabic and French, with English subtitles. Door opens at 8pm, film begins at 9pm.

People who have lived through noteworthy experiences – fascinating or tragic – have always inspired writers and filmmakers. Soha Bechara is one such figure. A militant with the communist resistance to the Israeli occupation of south Lebanon, Bechara was imprisoned without trial when she was 21 for trying to assassinate Antoine Lahad, the leader of the Israel-backed South Lebanon Army. She spent 10 years in Khiam prison, six of them in solitary confinement.
Bechara’s story has captured the imagination of Lebanese filmmakers and since her release from Khiam in 1998, she has appeared in a number of documentary studies. Now, in the wake of these artful documentaries, the first of the fiction films has come: “Incendies”. Villeneuve’s film is based on the play of the same name by Lebanese-Canadian playwright Wajdi Mouawad. The plot of “Incendies” revolves around the character of political activist Nawal Marwan, who lived through a harrowing detention before leaving her fictional home country for a life of exile in Canada. Her story is loosely inspired by Bechara’s own experiences. […Lees verder]