Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Benefit

Demo Free Mumia Abu-Jamal

Monday December 16th 2013: Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Benefit, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Don’t forget Mumia Abu-Jamal
Mumia Abu-Jamal is an African-American reporter and political activist. He is called “the voice of the voiceless”, as he reported about racism and police brutality in the U.S.A. And he was a Black Panther member. In 1981 Mumia get involved in a shooting where 1 white policeman got killed and Mumia badly injured, but Mumia survived. He got wrongfully convicted for murder on the policeman and got the death penalty. In Pennsylvania he spend 30 years on death row! Since then, worldwide protest and campaigns were held to ask for his release. […Lees verder]

Movie night: Prison Images / News from a Personal War


Sunday May 26th 2013, Movie night with Prison Images (original title: Gefängnis Bilder, directed by Harun farocki, Germany, 2000, 60min, German with English subtitles). Notes from a Personal War (original title: Notícias de uma Guerra Particular, directed by Kátia Lund and João Moreira Salles, Brazil, 1999, 57min, Portuguese with English subtitles). Door open at 20pm, films begin at 21:00.

“So long as every institution of today, economic, political, social, and moral, conspires to misdirect human energy into wrong channels; so long as most people are out of place doing the things they hate to do, living a life they loathe to live, crime will be inevitable, and all the laws on the statutes can only increase, but never do away with, crime. What does society, as it exists today, know of the process of despair, the poverty, the horrors, the fearful struggle the human soul must pass on its way to crime and degradation.” (emma goldman)

Prisons, courts, police, laws and the negative notion of “crime” are mere social constructs. They are developed by people and institutions (composed of people) that exercise power above others (no matters if in cleptocratic fashion or “authorized” by elections). These constructs are necessary to maintain an arbitrary order that solely aims to protect those with power and their amenities from the powerless. They are necessary to protect private property, and as we can see in present days it is not the property of the powerless that is protected, as those get rather kicked out of their homes en mass. After all these constructs are mandatory to deter people from disposing them altogether on the scrapheap of history, to eventually live and act in solidarity, co-operation and freedom. […Lees verder]

Contra Info solidarity event with anarchist comrades in Greek prisons

2013_04_12_Contra_Info_solidarity_event_ Joe's_Garage_Amsterdam

Friday April 12th 2013: Contra Info solidarity event with anarchist comrades in Greek prisons at Joe’s Garage, 7pm.

In the context of an everyday struggle against the existent, and aiming at the diffusion of factual solidarity with anarchist prisoners in the Greek dungeons, members of Contra Info [] translation counter-information network will carry out a series of events in various European cities, spreading information on cases of imprisoned comrades.

We want to make these gatherings an opportunity to strengthen the antagonist infrastructure of counter-information, to extend and multiply the solidarity gestures with our brothers and sisters behind bars, and to promote direct action and subversive praxis.

On Friday, April 12th, 2013, we meet at Joe’s Garage in Amsterdam. There will be a collective vegan kitchen at 7pm and at around 8pm we’ll start the talking. We are looking forward to your presence and invite you to share your ideas so as to find a common perspective towards the destruction of all prisons and the system that maintains them.

Stay tuned for upcoming events in other European cities.

Benefiet for political prisoner 1st of May in Montevideo


Thursday June 14th 2012, 19pm Benefiet Voku for political prisoner in Montevideo (Uruguay).
Anarchistische kameraad in de gevangenis voor confrontaties met stakingsbrekers op de eerste mei. Wat de staat bestraft is niet enkel de actie zelf. Wat bestraft wordt is het niet rustig en zwijgzaam blijven, de weigering het hoofd buigen of de andere kant opkijken, het niet passief blijven in deze wereld van uitbuiting.

Tegelijkertijd fungeert het als een lesje voor iedereen die weigert de levensvoorwaarden die de machtigen en de uitbuiters ons hebben opgelegd te aanvaarden. Het fungeert als een lesje voor ons, die pretenderen te breken met deze manier van leven. Wat ze willen is angst creëren. David is een anarchistische kameraad die al meer dan 15 jaar tussen ons strijdt, vanaf het oude anarcho-punk verzet in zijn tienerjaren, tot de gelederen van het Sindicato Unico del Automovil con Taximetros y Telefonistas (SUATT, Enig Syndicaat voor Taxi en Telefoon) en verschillende anarchistische collectieven. […Lees verder]

Monday August 2d: Solidarity night for Anti-War activists imprisoned in Iran

Sarah, Shane & Josh: three anti-war activists from US have been held in an Iranian prison, without charges, for nearly a year. Through their films, photography, writing and lives the three have spent years contesting US aggression in the Middle East and around the world.
The US government has done little to get them out, so now it’s up to us.

[…Lees verder]