Radical Sunday School: Corruption 101, why you should have friends

Sunday November 10, 2024, Radical Sunday School: Corruption 101, why you should have friends. From 18:00 till 20:00.Growing up in Hungary during the 2010s, I frequently heard it from many liberal adults and newspapers, that one of the most important problems of our country is the rampant corruption by our conservative government. The argument was the following: if only our political elite wouldn’t steal our or the EU’s taxpayers’ money, the standard of living would increase drastically. There was also often a flipside to that, namely that one of the main reasons why Western European countries have such a high standard of living is because their politicians don’t steal their taxpayers’ money, and their citizens always follow the rules, and do not try to find loopholes, unlike us, Hungarians. Even in these few statements, there’s a lot to unpack.
However, during the past two years that I spent in the Netherlands, I have never heard anyone talk about corruption in any context. This made me wonder: is there really no conversation about corruption here?

Radical Sunday School
radicalsundayschool [at] riseup [dot] net

All Crafts Are Beautiful – 1 year/1 jaar birthday!

Sunday, November 10, 2024, All Crafts Are Beautiful, 1 year/1 jaar birthday! From 14:00 till 18:00.

We denken dat we nu ongeveer een jaar lang All Crafts Are Beautiful hosten, daarom vragen we iedereen die komt om iets aan te trekken wat je zelf hebt gemaakt voor de feeststemming!
Doe deze zondag met ons mee voor All Crafts Are Beautiful! Er is een tijd om samen de barricades op te gaan en er is een tijd om samen te komen om het samenkomen. Kom en breng je eigen handwerkproject mee of leer nieuwe vaardigheden van anderen zoals breien, haken, repareren enz.
14:00-18:00 elke tweede zondag van de maand at Joes Garage

We think we are hosting All Crafts Are Beautiful for about one year now, so we ask everyone who is coming to wear something they made themselves for festive vibes!
Join us this Sunday for All Crafts Are Beautiful! There is a time to go on the barricades together and the is a time to come together for the sake of coming together. Come and bring your own craft project or learn new skills from others like knitting, crocheting, repairing etc.
14:00-18:00 every second sunday of the month at Joes Garage

All Crafts Are Beautiful https://radar.squat.net/en/amsterdam/all-crafts-are-beautiful

Aman molli: Practice of east Mediterranean Music

Friday November 8, 2024, Aman molli: Practice of east Mediterranean Music. From 20:00 to 23:30.

This is a weekly open practice session of east Mediterranean music, in which we play genres such as rebetiko and Greek/Balkan/Turkish/Middle Eastern folk music. Together we explore the melodic pathways, rhythms (e.g. 9/8, 7/8. 5/4) and harmonies of, as well as connections between these musical traditions. We gather to have fun playing music together, to share musical knowledge and experience, and improve our skills on our instruments. We welcome interested newcomers to join in, regardless of musical experience, and using any kind of instrument (strings, percussion, wind, voice).

Aman Molli https://radar.squat.net/en/aman-molli

Benefit voku for Help 4 Dunkerque (H4D)

Thursday November 7, 2024, Benefit voku for Help4Dunkirk (H4D). Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

Help 4 Dunkerque (H4D) is an autonomous collective of international activists who work with people on the move from France to the UK during the winter months. First organized in 2020, the group goes from December to March in order to provide essentials during a cold winter where hundreds of folks wait to cross the dangerous channel with the slim hopes of a better life by way of legalizing papers.
Each day, a group of 15 to 20 people work together to bring these necessities to the ‘Jungle’ – a Kurdish term meaning woods — where people on the move live in a number of tents. H4D offers tea, coffee, hot chocolate, and music (because it universally warms hearts and unites people). We also collect and distribute wood for heating and cooking. We collaborate with other organizations on a daily basis to ensure there is food; we also distribute clothes and blankets, provide charging stations for phones and power banks, and we explain important information about the dangers of crossing the channel. Furthermore, twice per week we run a shower truck to provide 80-100 showers and a mini-barber shop. We also provide activities for children and board games for the adults.

The winters are extremely harsh, and we attempt to provide some humanity and minor ‘comfort’ (if such a thing can be said in this situation) to those who are constantly facing a multitude of violences from Europe. This year we are very low on funds as an organization (costs about $2000 to run the orga for one month), and are hoping you can help donate. You can do so at Joe’s Garage this Thursday (7-11-2024) and also on this website. There will be a short info-talk after the dinner about the organization if you are interested to hear more. Thank you for your help!

Help 4 Dunkerque
help4dunkerque [at] riseup [dot] net
https://help4dunkerque.wordpress.com/ […Lees verder]

Esperanto Workshops

Wednesday november 6, 2024, Esperanto Workshop for beginners and intermediates. Doors open at 18:00, beginner’s course starts at 19:00, intermediate’s starts at 20:00.

The Esperanto Workshops are made of two events: a course for absolute beginners and a reading group for intermediate. We learn the Esperanto language and its culture, thanks to the intermediates who help beginners. Fluent speakers join in, so do not miss the occasion: you will listen to advanced speakers with their wonderful Esperanto life stories. Moreover, beginners are welcome to follow the reading group to taste the literature in the language.


Falasteen Fundraiser, voku for a family in Gaza

Monday November 4, 2024, Falasteen Fundraiser, voku for a family in Gaza. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

Cozy night of warm autumn food, fuzzy socks, and candles. All donations for the three-course meal will go to mutual aid for a family in Gaza. Our aims for the space are to foster solidarity, build community and comfort, and foster action and resistance!
It’ll also be the birthday of two people from the collective!! Bring your keffiyeh, your cutest outfit, and your comfiest sweater + cash!!

Broken Collarbone Collective
brokencollarbone [at] riseup [dot] net
https://radar.squat.net/en/amsterdam/broken-collarbone-collective […Lees verder]


Radical Sunday School: Open Session: What is Radical Sunday School?

Sunday November 3rd, 2024, Radical Sunday School: Open Session: What is Radical Sunday School? From 18:00 till 20:00.In this week’s session of Radical Sunday School, we’ll be opening up the conversation to people who’ve never been to RSS before! (And of course, we’d love to see familiar faces as well 🙂 ) In the first of what we hope to be a series of open session, we’d like to include everyone in the kinds of discussions we’ve been having within our collective. For example:

– What exactly is the difference between a “brave” and a “safer” space? What does that mean in a learning environment?
– How do we attract new people to our sessions?
– What exactly are our perspectives on mainstream education and academia?

We’d love anyone who’s ever been curious about what radical education can look like to stop by for a more laid-back, joyful reflection on these kinds of ideas, and whatever else you want to know!

Radical Sunday School
radicalsundayschool [at] riseup [dot] net

Raising Radicals – Zine making

Sunday November 3, 2024, Raising Radicals – Zine making. From 14:00 to 16:00.
Gathering for activist kids and parents/care takers. This week we try to make a zine together! There will be paper and craft materials, bring bites if you like! Raising Radicals, monthly on a Sunday afternoon in Joe’s Garage Amsterdam-Oost! You are all very welcome in with kids!

Idee is een maandelijks ouder-kind-cafe maar dan een beetje anders. Misschien komt er af en toe een specifiek thema aan bod zoals; welke acties zijn veilig met kinderen en welke niet? Of misschien is er soms een leuke activiteit voor kids, of misschien is het gewoon al leuk genoeg om te kletsen met politieke activistische ouders en kunnen kids lekker met elkaar spelen, klagen over hun hippy-ouders whatever. Alle input en ideeen zijn super welkom, idealiter gaat het zichzelf een beetje organiseren en ben ik alleen de toevallige starter van het geheel….. Stuur graag door naar alle ouders die zich thuis voelen op een plek als Joe’s Garage zodat de eerste keer zo leuk wordt dat we dit vaker willen doen! ♥️&✊🏼✊🏽✊🏿&💩

Idea is a monthly parent-child cafe, but a little different. Perhaps a specific theme is discussed occasionally, such as; which actions are safe with children and which are not? Or maybe there is a fun activity for kids, or maybe it’s just fun enough to chat with political activist parents and kids can play with each other, complain about their hippy parents, whatever. All input and ideas are super welcome, ideally it will organize itself a bit and I am just the coincidental starter of the whole….. Please forward to all parents who feel at home in a place like Joe’s Garage so that the first time It’s going to be so much fun that we want to do this more often!