Th./Do. 31 mei 2012, 19:00, Voices of Women Media Benefit [].
Voices of Women Media is an emerging organization that aims to provide a way for marginalized communities of women to educate and express themselves through different forms of media.
VOW Media believes that personalizing women’s individual experiences in the long run can have a long lasting effect on women’s rights worldwide. VOW Media aims to contribute to the advancement of women in society by giving these women the means to take media in their own hands. Through using media and skill training, we want to further their abilities to empower themselves and let their own voices be heard.
Screening of the “Day in her life 2,” a video project by and about women and transwomen involved in the sex industry in Amsterdam. […Lees verder]
Voices of Women Media Benefit
Voices of Women Media Benefit
Th./Do. 31 mei 2012, 19:00, Voices of Women Media Benefit [].
Voices of Women Media is an emerging organization that aims to provide a way for marginalized communities of women to educate and express themselves through different forms of media.
VOW Media believes that personalizing women’s individual experiences in the long run can have a long lasting effect on women’s rights worldwide. VOW Media aims to contribute to the advancement of women in society by giving these women the means to take media in their own hands. Through using media and skill training, we want to further their abilities to empower themselves and let their own voices be heard.
Screening of the “Day in her life 2,” a video project by and about women and transwomen involved in the sex industry in Amsterdam.
Filmavond: Rabbit Hole
Zo./Su. 27 mei 2012, Filmavond, 20uur: Rabbit Hole (John Cameron Mitchell, USA, 2010, 91′). Life for a happy couple is turned upside down after their young son dies in an accident. Based on a play by David Lindsay-Abaire. […Lees verder]
Filmavond: Rabbit Hole
Zo./Su. 27 mei 2012, Filmavond, 20uur: Rabbit Hole (John Cameron Mitchell, USA, 2010, 91′). Life for a happy couple is turned upside down after their young son dies in an accident. Based on a play by David Lindsay-Abaire.
ASEED Info night: Agriculture Action camp & Anti-gentech campaign
Sunday, May 20th 2012, 8pm – Landbouwactiekamp 2012: “Voedsel terug in eigen hand” (5-10 juli)
Ben je geïnteresseerd in zelf je eigen voedsel verbouwen op een duurzame, klimaatneutrale, autonome en sociale manier? Wil je ook meer weten over de strijd tegen gentech en de door grote bedrijven gedomineerde industriële landbouw?Ben je niet bang om tijdens een workshop zelf vieze handen te krijgen?Zorg dan dat je 5 tot en met 10 juli vrij houdt in je agenda! Meer informatie op […Lees verder]
Filmavond: ‘Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People’
Zo./Su. 13 mei 2012, Filmavond, 20uur: Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People (Jeremy Earp, Sut Jhally, 2006, 50′) This groundbreaking documentary dissects a slanderous aspect of cinematic history that has run virtually unchallenged form the earliest days of silent film to today’s biggest Hollywood blockbusters.
Featuring acclaimed author Dr. Jack Shaheen, the film explores a long line of degrading images of Arabs–from Bedouin bandits and submissive maidens to sinister sheikhs and gun-wielding “terrorists”–along the way offering devastating insights into the origin of these stereotypic images, their development at key points in US history, and why they matter so much today. Shaheen shows how the persistence of these images over time has served to naturalize prejudicial attitudes toward Arabs and Arab culture, in the process reinforcing a narrow view of individual Arabs and the effects of specific US domestic and international policies on their lives. By inspiring critical thinking about the social, political, and basic human consequences of leaving these Hollywood caricatures unexamined, the film challenges viewers to recognize the urgent need for counter-narratives that do justice to the diversity and humanity of Arab people and the reality and richness of Arab history and culture. []
Film night at Joe’s Garage, nice, warm and cozy cinema! Doors open at 20:00, film starts at 20:15, free entrance. You want to play a movie, let us know: joe [at] squat [dot] net
Filmavond: ‘Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People’
Zo./Su. 13 mei 2012, Filmavond, 20uur: Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People (Jeremy Earp, Sut Jhally, 2006, 50′) This groundbreaking documentary dissects a slanderous aspect of cinematic history that has run virtually unchallenged form the earliest days of silent film to today’s biggest Hollywood blockbusters. […Lees verder]
Benefiet Mobiele Aktie Keuken
Th./Do. 10 mei 2012, 19:00, Benefiet Mobiele Aktie Keuken, voor de aanschaf van spullen voor een mobiele keuken.
Benefit for a new Action Kitchen, located in Joe’s Garage. Since there’s no proper mobile kitchen in Amsterdam, we’re gonna set one up. The kitchen will be for communal use, so everybody who would like to cook for demo’s/actions can borough the pots, pans, burners, cups, warmhoudcontainers etc… […Lees verder]