December 2012 Joe’s Garage program

The weather may be cooling down but the conflicts are still heating up:
The French Prime Minister is green in the gills about his Green coalition partners opposition to his private airport, not to mention his private security police cutting out the supports of the platform they stand on like their political masters do. The Mexican government is still un-comradely with the comrades of Guadalajara and the southern mountains of Chiapas. The Belgian government is still not modifying it’s position on Monsanto, the modifier (and seller) of nature.
And closer to home the refugees will have to seek refuge from their nutty village in Osdorp, west Amsterdam where the Labour Party (former housing corporation lawyer) mayor has recently announced a prohibition of protests at the refugee protest camp, and the defeated squatters who wouldn’t need another hot eviction wave haven’t given up even after the latest heated wave of evictions, not to mention the never ending battle between the beleaguered Saint Nikolaas and the American invader Santa.
And here in Joe’s Garage we’ve had inspiring evenings with the visit from two ZADists, the Mexican provinces, the village of the refugees and many more places.
But don’t think we will be sleeping cozy by the yuletide fire because we have many events in store even now, with or without a hoodie!
This month we have various benefits : Anarchist Black Cross Mexico, Mapuche Indian communities from Chile, FLM (Field Liberation Movement), various movie nights with In Time, Standard Operating Procedure, Larks on a String, Mars Attacks!, and even a sneak preview super 8 night on the barricades against Santa Inc. And let us not forget the free freegan sermons every Wednesday. […Lees verder]

Voku Special & Super 8 Sneak Screenings

Mo./Ma. 24th december 2012: Volkseten Vegazulu, Voku Special & Super 8 Sneak Screenings, from 19:00pm, no reservation! Bring your own rolls of Super 8. Voku Special starts at 19:00pm, Film Screenings from 22:00pm.

Do you have something else to do on such an evening than coming to eat at Joe’s Garage, have a good time and watch the unexpected on a Super 8 film projector? We already have a lot to screen. Bring your own rolls of Super 8, we’ll play them, anything you collected at your grand mother’s house, in the street, in the attic of your squat, rolls you bought at the flee market. […Lees verder]

Movie night: Mars Attacks!

Sunday December 23rd 2012, Movie night: Mars Attacks! (Tim Burton, USA, 1996, 106′). Door open at 20pm (films start at 21:00pm)

Mars Attacks! is a 1996 American science fiction film directed by Tim Burton and written by Jonathan Gems. Based on the cult trading card series of the same name, the film uses elements of black comedy and political satire, and is a parody of science fiction B movies. […Lees verder]

FLM (Field Liberation Movement) Benefit, Steun de Wetteren 11

Th./Do. 20 december 2012: Volkseten Vegazulu, FLM (Field Liberation Movement) Benefit, info-night, film and “Bière des Faucheurs”, 19:00 pm.

The court case against the Belgium Field Liberation activists is starting in January 2013. The two Dutch comrades who joined the action in June 2011, are now bringing you a benefit beer ‘La Faucheuse’ in order to support the costs. They’ll be present during this people’s kitchen and will tell you more about the action and the coming court case, and will play you a film.

Het proces tegen de Belgische veldbevrijders gaat in 2013 verder. Twee Nederlandse kameraden waren in juni 2011 van de partij, en moeten nu alvast heel veel benefiet-bier ‘La Faucheuse’ zien aan te prijzen, om donaties te halen voor de proceskosten. Ze zijn bij het etentje aanwezig om een en ander te vertellen over de actie en het aankomend proces. […Lees verder]

Movie night: Larks on a String (1969)

Sunday December 16th 2012, Movie night: Larks on a String (orginal titel: Skřivánci na niti) from Jiří Menzel, Czechoslovakia, 1969, 94 min. In Czech with English subtitles. Door open at 20pm (films start at 21:00pm).

Although it was shot in 1968, Jiří Menzel’s sociopolitical comedy Larks On A String didn’t actually see the light of day until 1990, when it premiered and won the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival. Censorship had been lifted in Czechoslovakia for a short period, resulting in a fleeting burst of liberalization, especially for filmmakers – but the freedom was soon crushed by the invasion of Soviet tanks, which restored Czechoslovakia’s oppressive regime. Communism once again held a vice-like grip over the country, and Menzel’s film (which had finished shooting) was banned. […Lees verder]

Movienight: Standard Operating Procedure

Sunday December 9th 2012, Movie night: Standard Operating Procedure (Errol Morris, USA, 2008, 115′). Door open at 20pm (films start at 21:00pm)

A blockbuster of a documentary, Errol Morris’s “Standard Operating Procedure” is an inquiry into the prisoner abuse scandal at Abu Ghraib. It’s an estimable roll call, all the more so when you compare it with the average documentary or even a modest fiction film. The very scale of “Standard Operating Procedure” — evident in its costly-looking production values, special effects and elaborately choreographed re-enactments — suggests that Mr. Morris has grown weary of working in the margins to which documentary filmmakers are still too often relegated. “Standard Operating Procedure” is a big, provocative and — it goes without saying — disturbing work, though what makes it most provocative is that its greatest ambitions are for its own visual style. […Lees verder]

Benefit Mapuche Indian communities from Chile

Th./Do. 6th december 2012: Volkseten Vegazulu, Benefit Mapuche Indian communities from Chile, 19:00 pm.

In Maricheweu International (“10 times we shall overcome”) some people have come together whose main goal it is to support the human rights of the Mapuche (People of the Earth). The Mapuche are an indigenous people of South America. Their ancestral lands are located in Chile and Argentina. Currently there live more than 1 million Mapuche in Chile and about 50,000 in Argentina. The ongoing systematic destruction of indigenous peoples in South America is an indisputable fact, and apparently an international political strategy. In Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, Chile and elsewhere the human rights of indigenous peoples flouted over and over again. While there is progress on legal issues, as there are made judgements, decrees, laws and international treaties for the protection, conservation and respect for Indigenous People, all this does not seem to suffice. The treatment of the Mapuche people provides an example for this. […Lees verder]

Two benefit diners for the Anarchist Black Cross Mexico

Mo./Ma.  3rd & 17th december 2012: Volkseten Vegazulu, Benefit for the Anarchist Black Cross Mexico, 19PM

It has been 8 years since the Mexican federal government of Jalisco brutally detained and tortured many protesters who mobilised against the summit of the heads of state from Latin American countries, the Caribbean and European Union.
By now, there are still some of arrestees facing criminal proceedings, as the public prosecutor has decided that neither the imposed sentences are finished, nor the statute of limitations has lapsed, and is looking for harsher punishment of the comrades to crush any other attempt of protest in the region. […Lees verder]