May 2013 Joe’s Garage Program

Welcome to post gentrification. Forget about affordable housing, these words are gone from the vocabulary. In Amsterdam, the price per meter square is higher in social housing than on the market price. Tenants are waiting in temporary housing for a proper one. These anti-squatters, also called “guardians” to preserve their image, haven’t been given the rights of a normal tenant. They even pay to guard houses. Not only young people and students live in this precariat. Anti-squat companies have seen their benefits exploding in recent years, while former social housing corporations have been cashing big money and forgotten since long about their social purpose.
People who can’t afford to live in the city have to go. They are denied the right to live in the city, they are made feeling guilty and ashamed of being social tenants. Our policy makers want people to move around in this monetary driven housing market. Social dramas on individual scales are common, people can’t sell back their house, the money they make is used to pay back mortgages. In Germany, a group like Recht Auf Stadt put back these issues on the political agenda. Some political parties have now an opinion about that. In the Netherlands, the discourse is still the same, “there is no problem”. SNS nationalised, the Russian roulette game has reached money lender Rabobank. For how long? […Lees verder]

Movie night: Prison Images / News from a Personal War


Sunday May 26th 2013, Movie night with Prison Images (original title: Gefängnis Bilder, directed by Harun farocki, Germany, 2000, 60min, German with English subtitles). Notes from a Personal War (original title: Notícias de uma Guerra Particular, directed by Kátia Lund and João Moreira Salles, Brazil, 1999, 57min, Portuguese with English subtitles). Door open at 20pm, films begin at 21:00.

“So long as every institution of today, economic, political, social, and moral, conspires to misdirect human energy into wrong channels; so long as most people are out of place doing the things they hate to do, living a life they loathe to live, crime will be inevitable, and all the laws on the statutes can only increase, but never do away with, crime. What does society, as it exists today, know of the process of despair, the poverty, the horrors, the fearful struggle the human soul must pass on its way to crime and degradation.” (emma goldman)

Prisons, courts, police, laws and the negative notion of “crime” are mere social constructs. They are developed by people and institutions (composed of people) that exercise power above others (no matters if in cleptocratic fashion or “authorized” by elections). These constructs are necessary to maintain an arbitrary order that solely aims to protect those with power and their amenities from the powerless. They are necessary to protect private property, and as we can see in present days it is not the property of the powerless that is protected, as those get rather kicked out of their homes en mass. After all these constructs are mandatory to deter people from disposing them altogether on the scrapheap of history, to eventually live and act in solidarity, co-operation and freedom. […Lees verder]

Lawaai Launch Party and Benefit

Friday May 24th 2013: Lawaai Launch Party and Benefit, 19:00 food

The ebb, flow and crises of the capitalist economy, the rise and fall of great empires, the episodic appearance of Halley’s Comet…Great events that come to pass only on serious intervals. Such an event is the publishing of that illustrious magazine: Lawaai! The first issue came out in 2007, after which things became unsettlingly quiet. But no longer do we wait! Number two is here.
Come and celebrate, hang out or criticise the fuck out of us at Joe’s
Garage on the evening of Friday the 24th of May. […Lees verder]

Benefit Mobilization against Monsanto


Monday May 20th 2013: Volkseten Vegazulu, Benefit Mobilization against Monsanto, 19:00 pm.

Monsanto is the biggest seed company in the world. They monopolise our food with GMOs and patents. They own 75% of the broccoli, paprika and tomato in Europe. 99% of the soy grown in Argentina is Roundup Ready from Monsanto. In The Netherlands Monsanto owns 2 mayor vegetable seed companies: De Ruiter and Seminis. They force farmers to buy their seeds and their Roundup pesticide year after year, by taking over the seed market. […Lees verder]


Movie night: Infamy

Sunday May 19th 2013, Movie night: Infamy (Doug Pray and Roger Gastman, USA, 2005, 90 min., documentary). Door open at 20pm, film begins at 21:00

Film for anybody interested in street scribbling, doodling and writing. Life looking upon EARSNOT, TLOKO, CLAW, REVOK, JA and GRAFFITI GUERRILA.
Six of the most prolific writers in the last decade explain us why, how and the personal struggle breaking the law with art. “I didn’t want to make another ‘scene-movie’ or a general overview of subculture and its
history. Instead, we’ve set out to create a more hard-hitting, personal portrayal of the pain and joy of being addicted to the only illegal art form there is.” Director Doug Pray said, adding, “These are intensely passionate individuals, they are incredibly talented at destroying surfaces with spray paint, and they don’t like cameras. What more could you ask for in a subject?”. Film night will be hosted by E.C. Iwana, local foreigner and writer. […Lees verder]

“Non-monogamy and the Romantic idea of love” Workshop/Discussion

Fri./Vri. May 17th 2013: Workshop/Discussion, 18:30 pm

Non-monogamy is ok. We are all young…or we all were young at some point. We know what it’s like. But there will come a day when you will find a nice person who will be just right for you. And then you will not desire anything or anyone else. And you’ll be able to settle down and live happily every after – monogamously! And if you are still having non-monogamous thoughts, that may be because you haven’t found the right person yet. But do not worry. One day, you will find “the one.”

Are we being socialized to believe in unrealistic ideas of love and relationships? Or are those romantic ideas realistic, but just don’t fit us all? Does ethical non-monogamy really work in the long run? Can we escape the romantic ideas of love and embrace alternative relationship forms? Can non-monogamy provide promises of feeling unique and of being in loving reciprocal confident relationships? Can non-monogamy keep these promises? To explore these questions and many more, join us for an informal discussion and a cup of tea.

The discussion takes place in Joe’s Garage, on Friday, 17th of Maybetween 18:30 and 21:00. If you intend on attending the workshop, drop me a line by email.

If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact me at joeworkshops [at] squat [dot] net.

This event is part of a series about gender and sexuality called “It’s more than what’s in your pants.” Each month, Joe’s will host a event on a different theme.


Benefiet Steungroep Vrouwen Zonder Verblijfsvergunning


May 16th and May 30th 2013: Volkseten Vegazulu, Benefiet Steungroep Vrouwen Zonder Verblijfsvergunning, 19:00 pm.

De huidige wetgeving maakt het voor vrouwen zonder papieren steeds moeilijker om hun recht te halen. Vrouwen die in aanmerking komen voor een verblijfsvergunning wordt het door de torenhoge legeskosten onmogelijk gemaakt om een procedure te beginnen, omdat zij immers door hun status als ‘illegaal’ niet in de positie verkeren om een inkomen te verwerven. Hierdoor blijven zij toegewezen op een onzichtbaar, kansarm bestaan in de Nederlandse samenleving.
Stop deze machtsbarrière en deel de maaltijd uit loyaliteit, waarbij de opbrengst zal gaan naar het mogelijk maken van een eerlijke procedure voor een vrouw in deze positie.
Hopelijk tot dan!
Steungroep Vrouwen Zonder Verblijfsvergunning […Lees verder]

Indigenous Movement Benefit


Monday May 13th 2013, Volkseten Vegazulu, Indigenous Movement Benefit, 7pm.

Indigenous peoples continue to lose their lands, their rights and their resources. Indigenous peoples make up a third of the rural poor and have higher mortality and child mortality rates than any other group. The UN Declaration on Indigenous Peoples’ Rights has finally got the consensus it deserves, but their rights are still far from being recognized at national and local levels.
Indigenous Movement: […Lees verder]