April 2016 at Joe’s Garage


Greek night with ‘Rebet Guitar’

Thursday April 28th 2016, Greek night with ‘Rebet Guitar’, aka Charis Konstantinou. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm

Rebetiko, the music crossroad between middle east and west from the early 1900’s. Songs about love, joy and sorrow. A musical sub-culture, a music of the lower classes.
“The womb of rebetiko was the jail and the hash den. It was there that the early rebetes created their songs. They sang in quiet, harsh voices, unforced, one after the other, each singer adding a verse which often bore no relation to the previous verse, and a song often went on for hours. There was no refrain, and the melody was simple and easy.” Ilias Petropoulos
Rebet guitar, focuses on the early Rebetiko with one guitar, finger-pick style.

Rebet guitar-“Ντερτιλήδικο” @ Molli, Amsterdam, April 2015. […Lees verder]

Solidarity with the struggle of the political prisoners in Turkey! X Ray Cat Trio gig

X_Ray_Cat_Trio_TourMonday April 25th 2016, Solidarity with the struggle of the political prisoners in Turkey! X Ray Cat Trio gig. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

After visiting us twice before, X Ray Cat Trio once again comes to entertain us at Joe’s Garage!
This amazing vampire surf band makes you wanna move your feet!


Backseat Mafia: “This (X-Ray Cat Trio) is lo-fi and stripped back surf with a Latin edge, think Link Wray shooting tequila with a Mariachi band in a dive bar late into the evening.”

Food: 19:00 (benefit for political prisoners in Turkey)
Band: 21:00 (strict!)

[…Lees verder]

Black and White movie night: La Vie de Bohème (Aki Kaurismäki, 1992)

Sunday April 24th 2016, Black and White movie night: La Vie de Bohème (Aki Kaurismäki, 1992). In French with English subtitles. Door opens at 8pm, film begins at 9pm. Free admission.

La Vie de Bohème manages to mine more impact from the simple fact of movement than most movies can get even with a flurry of mobile shots and onscreen action. The title of the original novel translates to “Scenes from the Bohemian Life”, a title which could just as easily apply to a painting or set of paintings as it does to a film or collection of writings. Kaurismäki’s deep-focus shots are filled with the attention to detail and design that defines many of the greatest directors of onscreen comedy: Jerry Lewis, Frank Tashlin, and Kaurismäki’s contemporary Roy Andersson among them.

Unlike their color scenery and elaborate contraptions, however, (Andersson in particular is capable of a how’d-he-do-that craft in the tradition of stage magic) Kaurismäki’s compositions create the impression of a series of still lives in which his characters move tentatively about. The first shot captures the poet Marcel Marx (Andre Wilms) rummaging about in a heap of trash before he commits a violent pratfall, picking himself up with a bemused demeanor as he mutters about the predicament. What did he think would happen? […Lees verder]

Nieuwland-Soweto benefit and info night

NieuwlandThursday April 21st 2016, Nieuwland-Soweto benefit and info night, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Update from Nieuwland dated 02/04/2016:

Dear NieuwLand visitors, after three months of relative radio-silence, here’s what’s been going on.

In spring 2015 many friends helped us with blood, sweat, tears and money to make the public space NieuwLand a reality. It has become a beautiful place and of course we couldn’t wait to start with using it! Many people were enthusiastic to make NieuwLand into a great social-political neighbourhood centre, accessible to people with or without a big wallet. A place that recognises and supports non-subsidised social/political initiatives, where issues can be shared and discussed. A place where you can enjoy getting together, for idealists, activists, neighbours, everybody.

We enthusiastically started with the NieuwLand Athenaeum, the Kapstok Hangout, filmnights, information- and discussion nights, and of course the people’s kitchen: cooking vegan food together and sharing it as a way to foster solidarity for good causes. Your participation benefited several small initiatives for refugees, the Food Not Bombs projects in the Philippines, the LLECA Prisoners theatre in Nicaragua, JAAN in Indonesia, the PQBDS & Alqaws in Israel, Buro Jansen & Jansen, and more.

While we were applying for the revelant permits to run the space, in December we received a letter from the municipality, forcing us to cancel our activities, under threat of a €10.000,- fine. We find the threat of a such a large fine an excessive measure against a volunteer collective and have filed a well argued formal protest. Since we always had been announcing our activities openly, we would have expected the authorities to approach us in case of problem, giving us the opportunity to explain about our goals and activities. The extensive threat of fine for any public activity made it impossible on the short term to come to an agreement to keep the space open while awaiting the permits. Not being discouraged and expecting to get the permits soon, we carried on with the permit application. Unfortunately, after the municipality extended the examination procedure, our request was refused!

We are putting all our efforts into making our dream for this place possible, and we still envisage a positive outcome. It is clear however, that it will take longer than we wished for (read: possibly several months from now). Until that time we will continue with a ‘light’ program, without the film nights and people’s kitchens. Think of: book swap and anarchist library, give-away shop/clothswaps, gardening days, chess nights. In April we are planning some dance workshops. During these activities, we are told it’s prohibited to serve drinks or food, even for free or in return of a donation – bringing something for yourself is possible though! The activities remain, like always, with free entrance, and there will be coffee and tea for free. If you have ideas or if you’d like to organise something yourself, send a message to: publiekepiet [at] soweto [dot] nl

So while we are still in the procedural limbo of permits applications, fine objections, and such, the rent for the space still needs to be paid. At the moment we, the NieuwLand volunteers, pay the rent ourselves. Also we will organise a few benefits nights at other locations: Last Saturday there was a benefit at MKZ. The next one will be Thursday 21st of April in Joe’s Garage! These nights we will also be present to explain more about the situation. See you!

Nieuwland: https://nieuwland.cc/
Soweto: https://soweto.nl/ […Lees verder]

Rhythms of Resistance benefit dinner

RoRMonday April 18th 2016, Rhythms of Resistance benefit dinner, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Rhythms of Resistance Amsterdam (RoR Amsterdam) is part of the international Rhythms of Resistance network. We are a network of action samba bands playing for different kinds of socio-political causes. We actively criticize and confront any form of domination, exploitation, discrimination or oppression and choose tactical frivolity and/or other forms of creative protest as a way to express our rage and indignation.

This year we will be organising the yearly meeting of the entire action-samba network in Amsterdam! The week will be filled with frivolous, rhythmical, radical activities and workshops to strengthen the tactics of our international network. This meeting is very important for the network to cooperate on a trans-national scale and to provide support to struggles in different locations.
Rhythms of Resistance https://www.rhythms-of-resistance.org/ […Lees verder]

Iranian New Wave Cinema: Buddha Collapsed Out of Shame (2007)

Buddha_Collapsed_Out_of_ShameSunday April 17th 2016, Iranian New Wave Cinema: Buddha collapsed out of shame (Hana Makhmalbaf, 2007). In Dari with English subtitles. Door opens at 8pm, film begins at 9pm. Free admission.

Buddha Collapsed Out of Shame (Persian:بودا از شرم فرو ریخت : Buda az sharm foru rikht) is a 2007 Iranian film directed by Hana Makhmalbaf. The story takes place in modern Afghanistan following the removal of the Taliban and revolves around a 5-year-old Afghan girl who wants to attend a newly opened school. The girl Bakhtay (Nikbakht Noruz) lives in the caves under the remains of the Buddhas of Bamiyan which were destroyed by the Taliban in 2001. Bakhtay becomes obsessed with the idea of going to school but must fight against a society influenced by conditions suffered during the strict Taliban rule including male domination, war, poverty and dire children’s games.

Amidst the wreckage beneath the ruined statue of the Buddha, thousands of families struggle to survive. Baktay, a six-year-old Afghan girl is challenged to go to school by her neighbour’s son who reads in front of their cave. Having found the money to buy a precious notebook, and taking her mother’s lipstick for a pencil, Baktay sets out. On her way, she is harassed by boys playing games that mimic the terrible violence they have witnessed, that has always surrounded them. The boys want to stone the little girl, to blow her up as the Taliban blew up the Buddha, to shoot her like Americans. Will Baktay be able to escape these violent war games and reach the school?

Director’s View:
In a period of 25 years Afghanistan has experienced many rulers; the communist Russians, Al-Qaeda and the Islamic extremists Taliban and western or laic Christians. Each of these rulers in order to save Afghanistan from the hegemony of the other have initially attacked and destroyed this country. The present day destructions in Afghanistan are not limited to cities and homes. Now the children of this land in their games fire at each other with wooden arms and play the stoning game with little girls and place mines under each other’s feet in humor. How will these children who mock the game of war in childhood like adults play with each other and the future of humanity?

More about the film: http://www.makhmalbaf.com/?q=film/buddha-collapsed-out-shame
More about the director: http://www.makhmalbaf.com/?q=hana

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Doors open at 8pm, film begins at 9pm, free entrance. You want to play a movie, let us know: joe [at] squat [dot] net

Concert with Gus Ring. Volkseten Vegazulu

Thursday April 14th 2016, Concert with Gus Ring. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. Music from 9pm till 10pm!

Gus Ring (Sweden)- Inspired by the alternative rockband scene and the simplicity of singer-songwriters, Gus Ring creates his own mix of acoustic folk and lo-fi dreampop.
To keep the music as honest, pure and close to heart as possible, Gus writes, plays, records and mixes everything himself in his closet studio. […Lees verder]