Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Joe (John G. Avildsen, 1970)

Sunday 30 September 2018, Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Joe (1970). Directed by John G. Avildsen. 102 minutes. In English with English subtitles. Doors open at 8pm, film starts at 8:30pm.

I screened this wild flick three years ago, as I saw a certain tendency building in the United States. Since then things have exploded… so let’s just take another look at this motherfucker in relation to current events.

This is vintage 1970’s filmmaking – swerving into unexpected areas and taking on topics that today’s formula-ridden cinema wouldn’t even imagine. Set in the swinging 60s and filled to the hilt with exploitation-like situations, this unusual film centers on corporate executive Bill Compton (Dennis Patrick) whose young daughter Melissa has overdosed on drugs. One night in a bar Bill meets a guy named Joe, an all American, anti-hippie, anti-commie, gun lovin, working class hard-head. The bizarre friendship that develops plummets the movie into the depths of the American nightmare… in a way that is totally fitting today’s political climate.

Directed by John G. Avildsen (Rocky) and starring Peter Boyle and Susan Sarandon in her film debut. Interestingly, this was the first film that Lloyd Kaufman (Troma films) ever worked on… he was the assistant director. The music is soulful and performed by Bobby Scott (who wrote He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother). Without going into the subject of the movie too much, I should say that it is something even more relevant today than when it was made… one could even say it was prophetic. A great counter-balance to the commercial nonsense that we are offered in the cinemas today, much of which – directly or indirectly – sensationalize and glamorize violence.

This will be a high-definition screening.

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to play a movie, let us know: joe [at] squat [dot] net

Pervomaisk, 1st of May – documentary film by Flora Reznik – screening and conversation

Sunday 23 September 2018

Pervomaisk, 1st of May
Documentary film by Flora Reznik
65 minutes

Screening and conversation with the director.
Doors open at 20, screening is at 20:30.
There will be drinks!
Organized by Jewdas.

To understand why Flora Reznik’s first film is called like a remote Ukrainian city and not Kibbutz Metzer -the Israeli commune located 2500 kilometers from Pervomaisk, where the film takes place almost in its entirety- one needs to arrive to the final ten minutes. To “arrive” and not to “await”, because what makes Pervomaisk a precise and potent symbol of so many things is being deciphered on the way towards there (and, in a sense, it is the way). There are lives, as much as there are places, in which History seems to inscribe with traces stronger than usual: many of the dilemmas, tensions and contradictions of the 20th Century are clearly readable in the parable of the kibbutz founded by Pesaj Zaskin, a wrecked utopia that Reznik does not send off with laments, but with the glorious rebellion of a techno song.
-Agustín Masaedo -Buenos Aires International Independent Film Festival.


Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to play a movie, let us know: joe [at] squat [dot] net

Benefiet diner voor Jalazone speeltuin project #7

Thursday 13 september 2018, Benefiet diner voor Jalazone speeltuin project #7 by SRP (Studenten voor Rechtvaardigheid in Palestina). Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Het zevende benefietdiner van SRP in Joe’s Garage. Onderdeel van onze campagne voor Jalazone, een project waarbij we de bouw van een speeltuin ondersteunen. Afgelopen zomer is SRP als onderdeel van ons jaarlijks georganiseerde reis naar Palestina in Jalazone geweest. De leef omstandigheden van de palestijnen in deze vluchtelingen kamp heeft een blijvende indruk gemaakt op de groep.
Gemotiveerd door wat ze hadden gezien hebben zij de lokale vrouwenbeweging om advies gevraagd. Zo heeft het idee om geld op te halen voor de bouw van een speeltuin vorm gekregen. Kom genieten van een heerlijke maaltijd en breng je vrienden, familie en buren mee. Een avond met fijn gezelschap en lekker eten!

The 7th benefit diner from SRP at Joe’s Garage. Part of our fundraising campaign for Jalazone, a project to support building a playground for the children in the camp. Last summer SRP visited Jalazone camp during one of our annually organised trips to Palestine. The living circumstances of the Palestinians in this refugee camp left a lasting impression on the group. Motivated by what they had seen they asked the local women’s collective for advice. Out of this conversation, a fund-raising project for the building of a children’s playground was formed. Come and join us for a delicious meal and bring along your friends, family and neighbors. It will be a night of good company and great food!

SRP (Studenten voor Rechtvaardigheid in Palestina) : […Lees verder]