Monday October 21, 2024, Voku for family Baroud in Gaza. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.
Benefit for the family Baroud in Gaza, who got displaced the fourth time. […Lees verder]
Monday October 21, 2024, Voku for family Baroud in Gaza. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.
Benefit for the family Baroud in Gaza, who got displaced the fourth time. […Lees verder]
Sunday October 20, 2024, Radical Sunday School: Fuck this Job! Taking Power Back at Work. From 18:00 till 20:00.What would you do if your boss started stealing your pay? What if you were getting pressured to work longer than you’re getting paid for? Would you complain? Would you quit? Under capitalism, we all have to work, and in the workplace, bosses and managers get to act like little kings. We don’t get a vote in the places we live 8 (or often more) hours a day. Alone, we have no power to stop this. But what if we could work together to fight back?
In this week’s session of Radical Sunday School, we’ll be sharing horror stories about work and complaining about our bosses, but we’ll also be talking with people who have taken the fight to their bosses. We’ll hear from veterans of the war against capitalism, and find out what the front lines look like: collective actions, walk-outs, escalation tactics, and large scale strikes!
Whether you work at a university, a factory, a restaurant, or an office building, we can all learn skills together to help us fight labor exploitation and start to take control of our own lives. Let’s get together to make sure that Mondays don’t have to be the worst day of the week anymore!
Radical Sunday School
radicalsundayschool [at] riseup [dot] net
Thursday October 17, 2024, Voku Benefit to help A.casă in Cluj-Napoca by ZZW Rafelrand and friends. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.
This is Call-out for support. A.casă social center in Cluj-Napoca (in so called Romania), the place where multiple informal political radical groups organise, needs your help. Since the new location opened in 2020, lots of energy and money were put into making the space safer, comfortable and better fitting the needs of the people using it. Electricity, gas and water installation were replaced and the roof was fixed, besides many other thing.
Now we just realised we need to reinforce the foundation of one 10 meters long wall of the house, otherwise we risk that the wall will continue to crack and maybe even collapse in time.
We need to do all the necessary work and fix this in November. We are reaching out to groups, friends and initiatives abroad which could organise small solievents for A.casă, so that we can raise the amount needed.
If you would like to help with that, please get in touch by mail.
Solidarity is our weapon!
You are always welcome in A.casă
casa [dot] fara [dot] nume [at] riseup [dot] net […Lees verder]
Monday October 14, 2024, Falasteen Fundraiser, voku for a family in Gaza. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.
First event from the Broken Collarbone Collective. Cozy night of cute food, mutual aid, art-making and skill sharing. Traditional Palestinian dishes including mujaddara, falafel, and manaeesh and Levantine snacks will be served (plus dessert!!). There will also be a dabka workshop (which is a traditional Palestinian dance) organised by the lovely Rama and a body artist who will be doing henna. Our aims are to foster solidarity, build community and foster action and resistance! Bring your keffiyeh your cutest outfit!
Broken Collarbone Collective
brokencollarbone [at] riseup [dot] net […Lees verder]
Sunday October 13, 2024, Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: INCUBUS (Inkubo) * Directed by Leslie Stevens * 1966 * 78 minutes * In Esperanto with English subtitles * doors open at 20:00 * intro & film start at 20:30.
Once there was a guy named Zamenhof who lived in Russia. In 1887 he decided to make a second language that could be spoken by everyone. His aim was to make it easier for international communication, by avoiding division which led to war. The language he invented was simple to learn, and it was called Esperanto. It’s High Point perhaps with the 1960s, an era when people wanted to end war and misunderstandings, unlike today. There is only one movie in the history of cinema that was spoken totally in Esperanto, and it’s this one.Holy cow, what planet was this movie made on? Not only is the language exceptional, but the whole mood, story and orientation is so otherworldly and oddly mysterious. We are thrown into a world without a history, with people speaking this familiar but at the same time strangely unidentifiable language. The landscape where everything takes place seems out of context, and perhaps in that way it’s like an early Jodorowsky movie. The film is surreal, pagan and supernatural. In a way, we find ourselves thrown into a bizarre world, one that works by different laws, which pits the human soul against powerful forces of nature.
Another bizarre thing about it is that it has an actor who a year later would become totally famous in the original Star Trek TV series – William Shatner. Yep, it seems he actually spoke Esperanto. Shatner was a strangely committed actor who often did movies that he believed in.
The whole movie is an incredible trip, and even though it was obviously extremely low budget it has great cinematography, and some of the images are absolutely astounding. It was thought to be lost for decades, and only recently has there been a copy discovered in archives in France.
Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to screen a movie, let us know: joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net
Sunday October 13, 2024, Radical Sunday School: What’s wrong with academia? From 18:00 till 20:00.From its very beginnings, Radical Sunday School defined itself as a collective that is highly critical of the currently existing formal education systems and aimed to offer and imagine alternatives as best as we could. Most of us in the collective have a lot of different personal experiences with formal education as students and we also read others’ thoughts on this topic who had more time and resources to form their opinions. However, we have significantly less knowledge about how the academia looks like from teachers’ and researchers’ points of view. So, tonight, we will have the opportunity to listen to and ask a researcher and lecturer at the UvA, Dirk Damsma, who studies and teaches about topics in the philosophy of science while being critical of the institution where he works. How can you climb up the steps of the academic ladder? And is that even worth it? Is working as an academic just like any other job? Whether you think universities should be burned to the ground or you still want to believe at least a little bit that the promises of the academia are not complete lies, join us for the discussion!
Radical Sunday School
radicalsundayschool [at] riseup [dot] net
Friday October 11, 2024, Aman molli: Practice of east Mediterranean Music. From 20:00 to 23:30.
This is a weekly open practice session of east Mediterranean music, in which we play genres such as rebetiko and Greek/Balkan/Turkish/Middle Eastern folk music. Together we explore the melodic pathways, rhythms (e.g. 9/8, 7/8. 5/4) and harmonies of, as well as connections between these musical traditions. We gather to have fun playing music together, to share musical knowledge and experience, and improve our skills on our instruments. We welcome interested newcomers to join in, regardless of musical experience, and using any kind of instrument (strings, percussion, wind, voice).
Aman Molli
Thursday October 10, 2024, Solidarity VoKu-New Energy for Rojava. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.
Solidarity VoKu-New Energy for Rojava. Fundraiser for solar panels in Rojava! For a democratic and ecological alternative in the Middle East.
Energy crisis in Rojava
The Rojava Autonomous Region in northern and eastern Syria has been in existence for 12 years and is a glimmer of hope for democratic reconstruction in Syria. Since its foundation, Rojava has had to defend itself against numerous threats. In addition to the clashes with the Assad regime, the main threats have been the wars with Turkey and the so-called Islamic State.
Now, however, the autonomy project is facing existential challenges. The energy supply is threatening to collapse. Turkish air strikes have largely destroyed the power stations and substations in the region. Electricity is in short supply and is mostly generated by dirty diesel generators. The civilian population suffers from a lack of electricity and water on a daily basis, but agriculture – in a region already hardest hit by climate change – is also severely affected.
Clean energy as a solution
But we can do something. With clean energy from the sun in Syria. The installation of decentralised solar panels should help to supply municipal facilities, hospitals, schools and women’s shelters with electricity.
We are therefore raising one million euros for solar panels to supply public facilities in northern and eastern Syria with sustainable electricity. In this way, we can make a difference and contribute to the further development of a democratic, gender-equitable and ecological alternative in the Middle East.
Let’s make a difference together: let’s send new energy to Rojava!
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