Huurdersvereniging Benefit

Do./Th. 26 Jan. 2012, 19.00 Volkseten Vegazulu, vegan food, no reservations, donations welcome

Kom in groten getale, onwetendheid kan echt niet meer! Verzet tegen het wanbeleid van de rechtse rakkers is broodnodig

De Huurdersvereniging Oost streeft naar het behoud van voldoende betaalbare en goed onderhouden huurwoningen.

De Huurdersvereniging Oost behartigt de belangen  van alle huurders in het stadsdeel Amsterdam-Oost door overleg met stadsdeel Oost, woningbouwcorporaties en particuliere verhuurders. Zij spreken in bij vergaderingen van het stadsdeel om zaken die huurdersbelangen raken aan te kaarten en op de agenda te krijgen. Aandachtspunten zijn de rechtspositie van huurders, goed onderhoud van woningen, het behoud van voldoende betaalbare huurwoningen, een goede en veilige woonomgeving en inspraak van huurders bij renovatie, sloop en nieuwbouw.

[…Lees verder]

Boats4People Benefit

Ma. 9 January – Boats4People Benefit, 19.00, Volkseten Vegazulu, vegan food, no reservations, donations welcome. With special guests: Diyar and K-Man, saz & baz acoustic duo ( kurdistan / belgium).

Boats4People [] zal in juni 2012 de Middellandse Zee opgaan met een vloot van solidaireitsboten. Aan boord zullen activisten en waarnemers de activiteiten van EU-agentschap Frontex in de Middellandse Zee nauwgezet volgen. In de Middellandse Zee wordt de oorlog tegen migratie pijnlijk duidelijk; duizenden mensen verdrinken ieder jaar in de slotgracht rond Fort Europa. De vloot wordt een varend protest tegen de repressieve migratiepolitiek van Europa, dat getekend wordt door een steeds verder toenemende criminalisering, een flinke dosis racisme en dat desastreuze gevolgen heeft. Boats4people vindt het tijd om tot directe actie over te gaan: voor meer informatie over deze campagne zie: []

On December 18th 2011, Day of Global Action Against Racism and for the Rights of Migrants, Refugees and Displaced People, Boats 4 People had been mobilising in order to raise awareness of and condemn the situation affecting thousands of migrants who risk their lives attempting to cross the Mediterranean. The mobilisation goes on.

Aseed Infonight & Benefit Voku

19.00 Volkseten Vegazulu, vegan food, no reservations, donations welcome

A SEED is currently busy organising Reclaim the Seeds. A seed exchange fair will be held during the weekend of 10-11 March in Amsterdam. On Saturday there will be a market where seeds will be sold, traded and given away. There will also be information stands from relevant organizations, as well as workshops, discussions and film screenings. On Sunday the focus will shift towards local initiatives and actions focused on increasing food production in the city. In the afternoon we will take to the streets for theater and a demonstration. Practice, discussion and protest will be united during the weekend, all under the motto of “Reclaim the Seeds”.

The goal of the weekend is to preserve diversity in food crops, and to support farmers and organizations working towards this end. Saving, using and trading one’s own seeds is in contradiction to European regulations, which hold that only seeds from crops on a specific list can be traded. The seed exchange is also a protest against the patenting of crops. Multinationals are gobbling up more and more small seed companies, also in the Netherlands.

If you want to help out contact reclaimtheseeds (a)

Later in the year A SEED will also be organising a second agriculture-action camp in the Netherlands. For more info check the website or email actiekamp (a)


Born into Brothels: Calcutta’s Red Light Kids

Zo./Su. 18 Dec. 2011 – Filmavond, 20uur: Born into Brothels: Calcutta’s Red Light Kids (Roby Ross Kauffman and Zana Briski, USA, 2004, 85′.) Watch trailer

Two documentary filmmakers chronicle their time in Sonagchi, Calcutta and the relationships they developed with children of prostitutes who work the city’s notorious red light district. […Lees verder]

Infonight and film about Dale Farm

Zo./Su. 20 Nov. 2011, 20:00: Infonight and film about Dale Farm. A group of people will talk about their experiences on the travellers site Dale Farm in the UK, resisting the eviction plan that had been a threat to them for many years. The eviction took place one month ago. There will be footage of the eviction as an extension of their talk. It´s a BBC-documentary made by a a trusted filmmaker who spent a lot of time at Dale Farm for many years.

Dale Farm, in Crays Hill, Essex, is the UK’s largest Travellers’ community, consisting of nearly a hundred separate properties, lying well outside the village and made up of extended family plots or yards. A number of Gypsies and Travellers have lived at Dale Farm legally since the 1960s. Over the years, more families came to join them after councils began shutting down public sites and Travellers were forced to look for permanent places to settle. […Lees verder]

BajesDoc, Reclaim the Screens

Amsterdam Oost presents BajesDoc, Reclaim the Screens. A free alternative documentary festival, 8-11 December 2011. Documentaries, discussions, drinks and food.

Amsterdam Oost presents BajesDoc, Reclaim the Screens, 8-11 December 2011. Bajesdoc is a free alternative documentary film festival in Bajesdorp and other autonomous locations in Amsterdam Oost, Joe’s Garage and de Valreep. With dozens of inspiring documentaries related to environment, politics, human-rights, and various social struggles here and over the world, discussions/debates with some of the movie makers will sometimes follow the screenings…Bajesdoc is made possible by a group of international volunteers engaged in alternative neighbourhood initiatives. Documentaries will be screened with english subtitles. Discussions will follow. We’ll provide you drinks and food. […Lees verder]

Kinky boots

Zo./Su. 13 Nov. 2011, 20:00 – Filmavond: Kinky Boots (Julian Jarrold, UK, 2005, 107′). Watch trailer

A drag queen comes to the rescue of a man who, after inheriting his father’s shoe factory, needs to diversify his product if he wants to keep the business afloat. […Lees verder]

Benefiet voku voor de Doorbraak krant

Ma./Mo 7 Nov. 2011, Benefiet voku voor de Doorbraak krant, 19.00, Volkseten Vegazulu, vegan food, no reservations, donations welcome. Doorbraak is een linkse basisorganisatie die strijdt voor een ecologisch duurzame wereld zonder uitbuiting, onderdrukking en uitsluiting. Daarom vechten we van onderop tegen kapitalisme, patriarchaat, racisme, nationalisme, religieus fundamentalisme en militarisme. []