No Border Kitchen Lesvos Benefit

Monday January 29th 2018, No Border Kitchen Lesvos Benefit, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

No Border Kitchen Lesvos is a collective of independent volunteers that is active on the island since 2012. It is well know that the situation on the Island is extremely horrifying, with the current military camp of Moria currently holding 8.500 people, 6.500 more then it’s capacity. People are forced to live in inhumane conditions, and if they manage to find a place somewhere else on the island, they will still be hunted. NBK provides cooked food on a daily basis to the people who are on the street. Also we provide food boxes (a crate with fresh vegetables, oil and flower) to 300 people who do have the means to cook for themselves. Next to this we try to help people on an individual level with assisting in their asylum cases, monitoring deportations and setting up a group specificly aimed at LGBTIQ people. This of course costs money to keep going, and that’s why we need your money!

NBK Lesvos

If you want to support NBK financially to cover their daily costs, you can donate to:
Rote Hilfe OG Salzwedel
IBAN: DE93 4306 0967 4007 2383 12
Comment: NBK Lesvos

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchen, every monday and thursday, all year long. We are remaining closed if no one is volunteering to cook. Keep an eye on this page to make sure we are open. Door opens at 7pm. Vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation.

Have you ever considered cooking at Joe’s Garage with your friends? We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

Benefiet voor J20 arrestanten + docu ANTIFA

Monday January 22nd 2018, None are free until we’re all free. Benefiet voor J20 arrestanten + docu ANTIFA. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. Film: 9:30pm

Op 20 januari 2017 werd president Trump in Washington ingehuldigd, duizenden mensen gingen de straat op om de feestelijkheden te verstoren. Een Black Block van 600 mensen braken door politie kordons heen en verstoorden de feestelijkheden met directe acties. Nu een jaar later zijn de rechtszaken begonnen tegen de 200 arrestanten van die dag, in totaal word er 600 jaar gevangenisstraf geëist. Omdat wij altijd solidair zijn met mensen in strijd organiseren wij dit bescheiden benefiet om zo een kleine bijdrage te leveren aan de financiële kosten die dit monster proces met zich mee brengt. Komt allen!! Doneer gul!!!

None are free until we’re all free. Defend J20 resistance.

De mensen van Global Uprisings hebben speciaal voor de gelegenheid op 20 januari 2018 hun nieuwe documentaire ANTIFA gelanceerd en deze vertonen we dan ook.

Over de docu : ANTIFA
Since the election of Donald Trump, acts of racist violence have proliferated across the United States. Racists and misogynists feel emboldened to express and act on their views. White nationalist groups and resurgent traditional white supremacist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan have used Trumps victory to gain new recruits. All that stands in their way are the groups of anarchists and anti-state communists who have taken it upon themselves to prevent fascism from becoming a powerful political force in the United States. This film tells the story of what “Antifa” is and why people are using these tactics to confront racism and fascism in the US today.
Who are the anti-fascists? What motivates them to risk their lives to fight the far right? What is the history of militant anti-fascism and why is it relevant again today? How is anti-fascism connected to a larger political vision that can stop the rise of fascism and offer us visions of a future worth fighting for? Through interviews with anti-fascist organizers, historians, and political theorists in the US and Germany, we explore the broader meaning of this political moment while taking the viewer to the scene of street battles from Washington to Berkeley and Charlottesville.

Dit word georganiseerd door enkele anarchisten i.s.m. de Vrije Bond

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchen, every monday and thursday, all year long. We are remaining closed if no one is volunteering to cook. Keep an eye on this page to make sure we are open. Door opens at 7pm. Vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation.

Have you ever considered cooking at Joe’s Garage with your friends? We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

Benefit Freedom of Movement

Monday January 15th 2018, Benefit dinner for All Included, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

The current developments on the EU-borders demonstrate the power of migration that breaks the illusion of Europe as an island of equal rights, civilization, democracy and welfare(state). We support the migrants who come to our borders and welcome them. The EU has always pretended to be in control of the border security without degenerating into a Fortress Europe. Given the large numbers of migrants entering ‘irregularly’ today, the EU broke out in panic while portraying migrants as a threat and migration as a crime. The repressive EU-deal like the one with Turkey is not new. Other buffer states such as Morocco, Libya, Mauritania, Senegal have had to sign those deals in the past where migrants, irrespective of flight pattern, are kept outside the EU. Human rights are violated outside the EU in return of a bag of money. The war against immigrants is just more visible now because it is clear that the EU cannot control the migration at its borders. We support migrants breaking through borders and confronting the image of the EU as an tolerant civilization. The EU is pressuring African states to stop migration threatening with stopping development Aid: the Velletta agreements. We say: Open Escape Routes! Stop Deportations! Our African friends are resisting these deals:

All Included is involved in Afrique-Europe Interact, a partnership between African and European grassroots organizations that support free migration and sustainable development. Contacts are mainly in Western Europe (Mali, Togo, Burkina Faso, Senegal) and North Africa (Morocco, Tunisia). Themes are deportation, freedom of movement, land grabbing, corruption. All Included is also active in Watch the Med and Alarm Phone (, a 24-hour emergency phone for those who cross the Mediterranean. Undocumented migrants in Amsterdam are where possible supported by All Included.

What’s included?

All Included Amsterdam is a new initiative that fights for freedom of movement and for the right of residence for migrants. In a time when globalization is a fact, migration should be recognized as part of a package deal. It’s All Included. This means: no illegality, no detention for undocumented migrants and no forced evictions.

With the disappearance of national borders, national identity disappears. Everyone becomes global citizen and deserves regardless of origin equal rights and equal opportunities. Therefore also for migrants ‘all included’ rights and obligations. fightsg for an open society through extra-parliamentary action which intervenes in the political climate of assimilation, closeness and fear. Through direct assistance to rejected asylum seekers and other migrants without residence permit, indictments against abuses of current polities are being propagated. We want to contribute to the public debate with alternative visions of migration and globalization based on open borders, solidarity and initiative from the base.

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchen, every monday and thursday, all year long. We are remaining closed if no one is volunteering to cook. Keep an eye on this page to make sure we are open. Door opens at 7pm. Vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation.

Have you ever considered cooking at Joe’s Garage with your friends? We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

VegaZulu Freedom for Peike

Thursday December 28th 2017, VegaZulu Freedom for Peike, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Peike is one of the activists who got arrested during the G20 demonstration in Hamburg last summer. He got charged with severe bodily harm to a police officer after allegedly throwing bottles. Even though the officer in question admitted in court not to have been hurt at all. Subsequently he got charged with resisting arrest go moving himself into a foetal position when the cops tried to arrest him. The court convicted Peike for 2 years and 7 months imprisonment, in spite of public outrage over the severity of the sentence. He has been held in captivity ever since the G20.
Recently all over Germany, police razzias have been taking place, rounding up more G20 activists. This is an ongoing struggle.
All yields from the benefit will go to support the case of Peike. This will also be the last voku of the year in Joe’s. Please do come!

United We Stand
Freedom for Peike and all other prisoners

NL25 INGB 0007 6604 36
o.v.v. G20

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchen, every monday and thursday, all year long. We are remaining closed if no one is volunteering to cook. Keep an eye on this page to make sure we are open. Door opens at 7pm. Vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation.

Have you ever considered cooking at Joe’s Garage with your friends? We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

Benefit for legal costs for anti Pegida demonstrators Dublin. Featuring music from Raz O’Connor

Monday December 18th 2017, Benefit for legal costs for anti Pegida demonstrators in Dublin from stopping Pegida in Febuary 2016. Benefit Voku from 19.00. Music from Raz O’Connor (Fuck the borders folk) from 21:00

Raz O’Connor about himself : “Born and raised in the melting pot North London in 1987 to an South-East English musician father and and Northern Irish- Australian journalist mother, it was pretty obvious I would turn out to be a political singer-songwriter and activist focusing on issues of immigration and international solidarity…” […Lees verder]

Benefiet eten voor waterdichte patentwet voedselgewassen

Donderdag 14 december 2017, Benefiet eten voor waterdichte patentwet voedselgewassen, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Grote bedrijven zoals Monsanto en Syngenta vroegen de laatste twee jaar meer dan duizend patenten aan op natuurlijke eigenschappen van groenten en fruit, waarvoor er al ruim honderd zijn verleend. Er werd bijvoorbeeld al patent verleend op paprika’s met een natuurlijke afweer tegen schadelijke insecten, meeldauwresistentie bij uien, en op bepaalde eigenschappen voor sla (langer vers blijven en ziekteresistentie) waar wel honderderden soorten sla onder vallen. Daarmee krijgen die multinationals de eigendomsrechten over zaden, planten en vruchten waar een 100% natuurlijke eigenschap in zit. Dat geeft ze enorm veel macht. Met rampzalige gevolgen:

– de prijzen gaan flink omhoog
– er komt veel minder keuze in de winkel
– andere kwekers mogen de zaden niet vrij meer gebruiken voor de ontwikkeling van verbeterde en nieuwe rassen
– minder soorten: voedselzekerheid in gevaar bij ziektes
– de controle over de wereldwijde zaad –en voedselproductie komt bij enkele multinationals te liggen

Na veel maatschappelijk protest besloot de EU afgelopen februari dat er geen patenten meer op natuurlijke eigenschappen (evt. middels klassieke veredelingsmethodes verkregen) van planten en dieren mag worden afgegeven, slechts wanneer het gaat om een (gentech) innovatie. In juni heeft het Europees Octrooibureau hiervoor de regels aangescherpt, maar waterdichte wetgeving ontbreekt nog en dat is in de strijd tegen dit toe-eigenen van de natuur door multinationals wèl hard nodig: Zo won Monsanto vorige maand helaas nog de rechtzaak tegen het aan hen verleende patent op een klimaataanpassende eigenschap van 250 soja-soorten en heeft het bedrijf hiermee de monopolie gekregen op het toekomstig gebruik van honderden natuurlijke DNA-variaties in sojabonen. Een bedrijf kan namelijk met een nieuwe veredelingstechniek (die wel octrooieerbaar is) een natuurlijke eigenschap inbouwen in een plant en vervolgens een claim leggen op alle planten met diezelfde (natuurlijke) eigenschap. Daarnaast blijft het mogelijk om patenten aan te vragen op planten en dieren met een eigenschap die het gevolg is van een spontane mutatie terwijl dit toch moeilijk een uitvinding genoemd kan worden. Ook blijven de reeds afgegeven patenten geldig. Dat schiet niet op!

Met de campagne ‘De Grootste Zaadbank van Nederland’ probeert Bionext mensen over deze risico’s te informeren en op ludieke wijze zaden van speciale rassen ui, komkommer, sla, pompoen en meloen (die waarschijnlijk zouden verdwijnen als de patenten doorgaan) veilig te stellen in de vriezers bij mensen thuis. Zo liggen er al in 4100 persoonlijke ‘filiaaltjes’ van len’ zaadjes.’De Grootste Zadenbank’ zaadjes.
Met het geld voert Bionext verder campagne en lobby voor een definitief verbod op patenten op planten en dieren, om de Europese patentwet geheel waterdicht te krijgen zodat multinationals er geen mazen in vinden om alsnog de natuur en ons voedsel toe te eigenen, en om rechtzaken te voeren om reeds verkregen patenten in te laten trekken (waaronder het hoger beroep van hierboven vermelde zaak tegen het soja-patent van Monsanto).

Kom vanavond lekker een bordje eten, en donneer voor een waterdichte patentwet. Zakjes van de ‘bedreigde zaden’ uit de campagne zijn dan ook te koop, voor wie ook ‘filiaalhouder’ van de grootste zaadbank wil worden.

Meer info:

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchen, every monday and thursday, all year long. We are remaining closed if no one is volunteering to cook. Keep an eye on this page to make sure we are open. Door opens at 7pm. Vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation.

Have you ever considered cooking at Joe’s Garage with your friends? We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

Ajo Negro Benefit

Monday 4th December 2017, Ajo Negro Cocina Antiautoritaria Benefit, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Ajo Negro is an anti-authoritarian collective that cooks to support events and projects of social transformation. It is run by volunteers based on a libertarian perspective. Encouraging human and non-human freedom. We are an active kitchen that criticise capitalism and welfarism. We choose vegan as a nourish option and as a political decision. We help each other in a horizontal way, considering that the collective effort is more fruitful that the individual one.

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchen, every monday and thursday, all year long. We are remaining closed if no one is volunteering to cook. Keep an eye on this page to make sure we are open. Door opens at 7pm. Vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation.

Have you ever considered cooking at Joe’s Garage with your friends? We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

Benefit voku for refugee families in the Netherlands

Thursday 30th November 2017, Benefit voku for refugee families in the Netherlands, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Children who have been in the Netherlands for over 5 years have settled here. To rip them from their environment is irresponsible and damages their development. Still it happens often; children are being dragged from their home by lots of police and are then deported. Daily they live with this fear. A law that should stop this – the ‘Children’s Amnesty’ – costs families 170 euro’s per family-member appliance. 98% of the applications are denied, so this is actually throwing money down the drain.
GEEN KIND AAN DE KANT is of the opinion that the application-costs are way too high, especially since this money goes directly to the state without much result. Still we want to help refugees who want to try this, to share their burden. Therefore we are collecting money to try and support them by paying 15% of their application. We will do this for as long as there is money, but unfortunately this is not endless.
That is why we would like to ask you for help share this load, by coming to the benefit VOKU at Joe’s Garage on Thursday October 5th starting from 19:00 – Pretoriusstraat 43 Amsterdam.

Vluchtelingkinderen die langer dan 5 jaar in Nederland zijn, hebben zich hier geworteld. Hen uit hun omgeving trekken is onverantwoordelijk en schadelijk voor hun ontwikkeling. Toch gebeurt het veel; zij worden met politieovermacht uit hun huis gehaald en gedeporteerd. Zij leven daarom dagelijks in angst. Een regeling die hier een eind aan zou moeten maken – het Kinderpardon – kost voor de aanvraag 170 euro per gezinslid. 98% van de aanvragen wordt vervolgens afgewezen, waardoor het allemaal weggegooid geld is.
GEEN KIND AAN DE KANT vindt de aanvraaggelden die betaald moeten worden voor het Kinderpardon belachelijk hoog, vooral omdat het geld vrijwel rechtstreeks de staatskas in gaat en er maar erg weinig aanvragen worden ingewilligd. Toch willen we vluchtelingen die deze weg willen bewandelen, proberen te helpen deze gigantische last te dragen. Daarom zijn we geld aan het inzamelen om te proberen 15% per aanvraag te kunnen helpen betalen. Dit kunnen we doen zolang we geld hebben, maar zodra het op is, is het op.
Daarom vragen we jullie om een steentje bij te dragen door naar een benefiet VOKU te komen in Joe’s Garage op donderdag 5 oktober vanaf 19:00 – Pretoriusstraat 43 Amsterdam.

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchen, every monday and thursday, all year long. We are remaining closed if no one is volunteering to cook. Keep an eye on this page to make sure we are open. Door opens at 7pm. Vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation.

Have you ever considered cooking at Joe’s Garage with your friends? We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.