Info-night and benefit for Prosfygika occupied neighbourhood in Athens, Greece

Monday October 27th 2014: Info-night and benefit for Prosfygika occupied neighbourhood in Athens, Greece, Volkseten Vegazulu, 19:00.

“Prosfygika”, or otherwise refugee homes, is a complex of residential flats built in 1930’s to house refugees resulting from the Asia Minor conflict between Greece and Turkey. The buildings are situated on a central avenue of Athens, surrounded on either side by the police HQ and the supreme court, in a heavily gentrified area . After years of abandonment, Prosfygika has been increasingly reclaiming its original purpose as many refugees, migrants, poor, greek and foreigner working class people have sought to resolve their need for housing by squatting the empty flats.

For some years now, people from the neighbourhood have organized on the basis of collective procedures and communal resources in order to meet the daily and particular needs of the neighbourhood. The ceaseless activity of the community of Occupied Prosfygika includes building maintenance, baking bread, collective cooking, laundry facilities, making soap, a school for migrants and locals and hosting refugees on emergency basis. The evolution of the self organized community has emerged from the initiatives of an assembly with horizontal procedures (which has been active in the neighbourhood since 2011). This assembly participates in the movement of class and social struggle expressing its solidarity in a number of ways. […Lees verder]

Kitchen Workshop: Falefel

Kitchen woekshop: FalafelToday (October 22nd), durring Day Cafe, we can starp prepairinf for tomorrow voku: falafel. The plan is to make 260 falafel balls fo cca 60 people.

‘Our Right’ Screening/ Voices of Women Media Benefit

Apna HaqMonday October 20th, Screening and Benefit for Voices of Women Media, Volkseten Vegazulu, 19:00

We invite you to a screening of our latest project, ‘Our Right.’ Voices of Women Media wants to contribute to a world where women from marginalized communities are empowered and their voices strengthened. We are an international non-profit organization that is committed to providing women from marginalized communities with innovative media tools, such as video, radio and photography, to enable them to voice their own lives.
In 2014 a group of young girls from the slums around Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi were trained to use media in an incredible way to raise awareness of the issues they face in their daily lives. Over three months, they learned to use film, photography and radio in order to enable them to tell their stories. By the end of the training workshop they created a beautiful body of photography documenting their everyday lives, and made a radio show in which they bravely recount the violence they suffer at home at the hands of their fathers, brothers and mothers. In the final part of the workshop, the girls made a film about the critical issueof toilets: in their communities, up to 700 families share only 20 toilets. The film creatively shows how lack of access to a toilet can have a major effect on people’s lives, particularly young women’s. The girls shot the film in their own neighborhoods and involved each other as well as members of their communities throughout the entire process. Of course it wasn’t always easy as they would get harassed by boys, told off by the police etc. but keeping focused on their work, the girls managed to get all the necessary footage. […Lees verder]

Benefit for the Palestinian Circus School in Birzeit, Palestine

Monday October 13th 2014: Benefit for the Palestinian Circus School in Birzeit, Palestine, Volkseten Vegazulu, 19:00.

The first performance of the school, “Circus Behind the Wall”, was presented in August 2006 at Ashtar Theatre in Ramallah. More than 250 people attended the first show and they took it as more than simply a sign of encouragement, it was a sign that the dream of the Palestinian circus group was very much alive. The Palestinian Circus School dreams of a free Palestine in which Palestinians engage in a dynamic cultural and artistic life that embraces creativity, freedom of expression and diversity as the main pillars for a just and inclusive society.
Therefore the cooking collective Gember came together to raise funding for this initiative with the support of Joe’s Garage. Join us on the coming Oct 13 for a night of food, films and discussion on how to keep supporting this initiative. […Lees verder]


AutoControl: Benefit and info evening

Thursday October 9th 2014, AutoControl: Benefit and info evening, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm

AutoControl is squatted complex consisting of four buildings on Papaverweg in Amsterdam Nord. Activities of AutoControl include peoples’ kitchen, bar nights, the Hand to Hand Freeshop, guitar workshop, jugglers’ meeting, concerts, free bike repair shop, an upcoming underground cinema and more.

The complex hes been operating with no running water and electricity since april 2014.

Autocontrol1Autocontrol2 […Lees verder]

Benefit dinner for ART+ACTION in Bilin, occupied Palestine

Monday September 29th 2014: Benefit dinner for ART+ACTION in Bilin, occupied Palestine. Volkseten Vegazulu, 19:00.

The Popular Struggle Committee In Bilin & ImaginAction are organizing a gathering in October with many international artists. The program will include giant puppet making, mural painting, olive harvesting, participation in local political actions and an intensive Forum Theater workshop (see below) culminating in public performances within Bil’in and neighboring villages. A series of evening cultural events will feature performances and presentations by Palestinian and International actors, singers, musicians and filmmakers.

Bil’in is one of many Palestinian villages engaged in ongoing, unarmed struggle against Israel’s policy of settler colonialism and military occupation. Over the past decade, Israel has confiscated almost 60% of village land and used it for the construction of Israeli settlements and the apartheid wall. Weekly demonstrations against these illegal activities have included a multitude of creative, non-violent actions led by Palestinian activists with support from allies around the world. […Lees verder]


Squat dot net benefit voku dinner

Monday September 22nd 2014: Benefit for ‘’, Volkseten Vegazulu, 19:00.

Monday night 22nd of September in Joe´s there will be a benefit voku dinner for needs to pay yearly hosting costs, and recently a new server was placed.

See also : […Lees verder]

Hands off the trees! Call for action in the Hambacher Forest

Thursday September 11th 2014: Hands off the trees! Call for action in the Hambacher Forest, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. With the screening of the Hambacher Forest movie (german with english subtitles) that was finished in 2014.

Time for Ac­tion! ​Cut­ting se­a­son starts in oc­to­ber! We won‘t just stand and watch! Every au­tumn the fo­rest pre­pa­res for the slee­py win­ter­ti­me. The lea­ves fall off the trees, the squir­rels hide the last nuts and the ac­tivists in­so­la­te their tree hou­ses. Every being is look­ing for­ward to a cold but quiet and peace­ful time. But with the be­gin­ning of oc­to­ber, the ma­chi­nes in­tru­de the Ham­bach Fo­rest again. Hu­mans and so-​cal­led “Har­vester” (big ma­chi­nes for cut­ting trees) will not grant any rest to the fo­rest and for­ward the cut­ting bar­ri­er for ano­ther 200m towards the camp, to kill more of the al­re­a­dy woun­ded Ham­bach Fo­rest. But if they won‘t let the fo­rest sleep, we don‘t want to rest eit­her.

There’s in­nu­me­ra­ble pos­si­bi­li­ties to in­ter­fe­re, let it be by di­rect ac­tion, con­fu­si­on or the ex­pan­si­on of the oc­cupa­ti­on.
So for all those, who don‘t have the time or en­er­gy to spend a long time in the fo­rest, there is en­ough ways to sup­port the strugg­le: Get your af­fi­ni­ty group (peop­le you trust), sit to­ge­ther, be crea­ti­ve and think of an ac­tion you would like to do in the fo­rest – on the ac­tion weekends, but also on any other day.
If you want to come on your own, you can join in on the big­ger month­ly ac­tion days or come whe­ne­ver you want and sup­port us in ma­king a dif­fe­rence! […Lees verder]