Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: F For Fake (1974), Death in the Port Jackson Hotel (1972)


Sunday April 28th 2013, Movie night, double bill! Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema by Jeffrey Babcock. Door open at 20pm, films begin at 21:00..

F For Fake (Orson Wells, 1974, 85′). In English with English subtitles!
The great Orson Wells (Citizen Kane), nearing the end of his career of filmmaking, created this crazy film about magic, illusion and truth. In a sense this is a documentary about the illegitimacy of all documentaries. This film is totally bizarre even within the catalog of Orson Wells, being unlike anything else he ever created. What a magnificent final film for a wild, uncompromising career! Even with his last breath Orson Welles, pulls out something that you would never expect.

Trickery. Truth. Deceit. Magic. The art world. So-called experts. In Orson Welles’ free-form documentary, the legendary filmmaker (and self-described charlatan) jumps head-long into the central theme of his career- the tricky line between truth and illusion, art and lies. […Lees verder]

Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Campaign Benefit


Monday April 22nd 2013: Volkseten Vegazulu, Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Campaign Benefit, 19:00 pm.

Mumia Abu Jamal is an african-american reporter and political activist.They called him,the ‘Voice of the Voiceless’,as he reported about racism and police brutality in the USA. So the local authorities didn’t really liked him.
Once having been a victim of police racism, he joined the Black Panter Party.In the 70ts he became a reporter and reported about the state-terror against the radical,black organisation MOVE. When he spook about the brutal violence by the police against MOVE-headquarters,he lost his job and became a taxi driver. In 1981 Mumia got involved in a shooting,which resulted in 1 dead white policeman and Mumia badly injured,but Mumia survived. The very conservative judge Sabo gave him the death penalty for murder on this white policeman. […Lees verder]

Film night: Reds


Sunday April 21st 2013, Film night: Reds (Warren Beatty, 1981, 195 min) in English with English subtitles. Door open at 20pm, film begins at 21:00.

This movie tells the true story of John Reed, a radical American journalist around the time of World War I. He soon meets Louise Bryant, a respectable married woman, who dumps her husband for Reed and becomes an important feminist and radical in her own right. After involvement with labor and political disputes in the US, they go to Russia in time for the October Revolution in 1917, when the Communists siezed power. Inspired, they return to the US, hoping to lead a similar revolution. A particularly fascinating aspect of the movie is the inclusion of interviews with “witnesses”, the real-life surviving participants in the events of the movie. […Lees verder]

Revolutionary Cells – Defend militant history: Solidarity with Sonja and Christian Info evening with the solidarity group of Sonja and Christian from Germany


Friday April 19th 2013: Revolutionary Cells – Defend militant history: Solidarity with Sonja and Christian Info evening with the solidarity group of Sonja and Christian from Germany. Opening at 7pm with food, info evening from 8pm.

Tonight the solidarity group of Sonja and Christian is visiting Joe’s Garage and will talk about the trial Sonja and Christian are facing right now in Frankfurt am Main (Germany). Both are detained in Germany since 2011 after 33 years of exile in France. The German state is taking them to court for several actions the left urban guerilla network Revolutionary Cells has been conducted in 1977 and 1978 in Germany, particularly against German nuclear industry and their support of apartheid South-Africa in developing nuclear weapons and against the ruthless urban renewal that took place in Heidelberg during that time.

Tonight the solidarity group will give insights into the trial that is taking place in Frankfurt and narrate the militant history of Sonja and Christian. We will talk about ways to show solidarity and speak about their current situation: Sonja locked up in prison and Christian released under obligations due to his poor health status. The group will report back from the latest court date that is scheduled for the 9th of April 2013 in Frankfurt. During the evening we will also dive into the militant history of the Revolutionary Cells, their actions and perspectives. […Lees verder]

Steun Choucha Vluchtelingen Benefiet


Thursday April 18th 2013: Volkseten Vegazulu, Steun Choucha Vluchtelingen Benefiet, 19:00 pm.

Support Choucha refugees! 41 refugees in hunger strike in front of UNHCR office in Tunis since 29 March 2013. UNHCR camp near Libyan border to be closed in May 2013 leaving 200 plus refugees with nowhere to go. UNHCR, finish your job!

Two years ago NATO (-countries) declared war against the Gaddafi regime and bombed the country. Hundreds of thousands of people fled Libya, among them many migrant workers and refugees from Sub-Saharan Africa. More than 20.000 were placed in the UNHCR Choucha camp just over the Tunesian border. Most refugees left Tunisia. The majority returned to their countries of origin, not all of them voluntarily. Some returned to Libya, where the rights of migrants are still being violated. Others tried to reach Europe by boat, risking their lives. About 2600 people were accepted by European countries, the US and Australia (“resettlement program”). […Lees verder]

Czech film night with Pavel Juráček and Jan Němec


Sunday April 14th 2013, Czech film night with a double bill, Joseph Kilian (“Postava k podpírání” original tile, from Pavel Juráček, 1965, 38 min.) and A Report on the Party and the Guests (“O slavnosti a hostech” original title, from Jan Němec, 1966, 70 min.). English subtitles. Door open at 20pm, films begin at 21:00.

Joseph Kilian (“Postava k podpírání” original tile, from Pavel Juráček, 1965, 38 min.)
A year after Franz Kafka’s work had been translated from German into his native Czech, this experimental feature was full of Kafka’s tone and style. The story is about Harold, an isolated figure in an overwhelming world of totalitarian bureaucracy. Harold tries to find the elusive Joseph Kilian, an old acquaintance, in Prague. When Harold stumbles across a state-run cat-lending store, he impulsively rents a feline for the day. Later, he attempts to return the cat and finds that the store no longer exists. Now with a furry companion, Harold continues his search for Kilian. Written and directed by Pavel Juracek, this 40 minute film effectively aims its allegorical shots at personality cults and the absurdities of a totalitarian regime. […Lees verder]

Contra Info solidarity event with anarchist comrades in Greek prisons

2013_04_12_Contra_Info_solidarity_event_ Joe's_Garage_Amsterdam

Friday April 12th 2013: Contra Info solidarity event with anarchist comrades in Greek prisons at Joe’s Garage, 7pm.

In the context of an everyday struggle against the existent, and aiming at the diffusion of factual solidarity with anarchist prisoners in the Greek dungeons, members of Contra Info [] translation counter-information network will carry out a series of events in various European cities, spreading information on cases of imprisoned comrades.

We want to make these gatherings an opportunity to strengthen the antagonist infrastructure of counter-information, to extend and multiply the solidarity gestures with our brothers and sisters behind bars, and to promote direct action and subversive praxis.

On Friday, April 12th, 2013, we meet at Joe’s Garage in Amsterdam. There will be a collective vegan kitchen at 7pm and at around 8pm we’ll start the talking. We are looking forward to your presence and invite you to share your ideas so as to find a common perspective towards the destruction of all prisons and the system that maintains them.

Stay tuned for upcoming events in other European cities.

Queeristan Benefit

Thursday April 11th 2013: Volkseten Vegazulu, Queeristan Benefit, 19:00 pm.

Queeristan is an autonomous festival in Amsterdam for the exploration of radical queer politics in the form of workshops, performances, art, fun and anything in between or inside-out. Queeristan is not only a space that dodges logics of profit and commercialisation, but also a platform to both explore issues of solidarity in times of change, and talk about privilege, power, and sex. This year the festival will be from May 31st to June 2nd at Op De Valreep and Vrankrijk.
Also, until the 31st of March, we are looking for proposals! Check out the call out: […Lees verder]