Workshop: baking bread with sourdough

June 14th and 15th, we are going to learn how to make our own bread. Baking is fun and the knowledge about it gives us back some small means of production.

We won’t use any prepared baking mix from the supermarket and no yeast, but solely sourdough. Baking with sourdough is an old form of bread making, dating back more then 2000 years.

With sourdough we may bake whenever we want, and we basically just need additional water, flour and salt, thus ingredients we can easily obtain and that are not too expensive. In addition we also want to distribute sourdough to all participating people. At the end you should not only go home with your own self made bread and some knowledge about making it, but also with a jar of sourdough that will enable you to continuously bake bread at home, your squat or for your Voku.
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Reclaim the Square! Volkseten Vegazulu on the Steve Bikoplein

Thursday June 12th 2014: Reclaim the Square! Volkseten Vegazulu on the Steve Bikoplein, 7pm.

Welcome to gentrified Transvaalbuurt! Two new apartment blocks are being built next to the Steve Bikoplein. New trendy terraces and restaurants keep appearing. We’ll take the square the time of a voku. We’ll eat all together 50 meters away from Joe’s Garage, on the Steve Bikoplein. For once, an event on that square not sponsored by Ymere. Bring your friends and music instruments, the acrobatic show is already arranged. Food will be served on the square from 7pm.
[…Lees verder]

Autocontrol Squat Benefit


Monday June 9th 2014: Autocontrol Squat Benefit, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Autocontrol Squat is a complex of 5 spaces on the Papaverweg in Amsterdam Noord owned by the City and abandoned 3 years ago after trying to find asbestos on the place. The place have no water and light, so we do benefits to try to improve this situation. The houses are squatted since April 20th. […Lees verder]

Eenhorn Filmavond presents: Old Boy (Park Chan-wook, 2003)

Sunday June 8th 2014, Eenhorn Filmavond presents: Old Boy. Directed by Park Chan-wook, 2003, 120 minutes, in Korean with English subtitles. Door opens at 8pm, film begins at 9pm.

South Korean filmmaker Park Chan-wook directed this violent and offbeat story of punishment and vengeance. Oh Dae-su (Choi Min-sik) is a husband and father whose reputation for womanizing is well known. One day, for reasons he doesn’t understand, Oh Dae-su finds himself locked up in a prison cell, with no idea of what his crime was or whom his jailers may be. With a small television as his only link to the outside world and a daily ration of fried dumplings as his only sustenance, Oh Dae-su struggles to keep his mind and body intact, but when he learns through a news report that his wife has been killed, he begins a long and difficult project of digging an escape tunnel with a pair of chopsticks. Before he can finish — and after 15 years behind bars — Oh Dae-su is released, with as little explanation as when he was locked up, and he’s soon given a wad of money and a cellular phone by a bum on the street. Emotionally stunted but physically strong after 15 years in jail, Oh Dae-su struggles to unravel the secret of who is responsible for locking him up, what happened to his wife and daughter, and how to best get revenge against his captors. Old Boy was screened in competition at the 2004 Cannes Film Festival and won the coveted Grand Prix

Film night at Joe’s Garage, warm and cozy cinema! Doors open at 8pm, film begins at 9pm, free entrance. You want to play a movie, let us know: joe [at] squat [dot] net

Zaterdag 7 juni, de Valreep Manifestatie, de allerlaatste keer!

Persbericht 30 mei: De Valreep vertrekt niet zomaar
Amsterdam 30 mei 2014

De gemeente Amsterdam wil De Valreep ontruimen. De Valreep organiseerde de afgelopen 3 jaar activiteiten in het gekraakte voormalige dierenasiel in Amsterdam Oost en is niet van plan zomaar te vertrekken. […Lees verder]

Movie night about Afghan refugees in Iran: “Three, Four Days Ago” & “Baran”

Sunday June 1st 2014, Movie night about Afghan refugees in Iran. Short film: “Three, Four Days Ago” By “Dornaz Hajiha” (2011). Feature film: “Baran” by Majid Majidi (2001). Films with English subtitles. Door opens at 8pm, film begins at 9pm.

Baran – After the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, over 1.4 million Afghans fled to Iran seeking sanctuary and work. In this extraordinarily spiritual drama by Majid Majidi (*Children of Heaven, The Color of Paradise*), the plight of these refugees is vividly portrayed. They are strangers in a strange land forced to make do in dire circumstances after the loss of everything near and dear to them.
Synopsis: In a building site in present-day Tehran, Lateef, a 17-year-old Turkish worker is irresistibly drawn to Rahmat, a young Afghan worker. The revelation of Rahmat’s secret changes both their lives. […Lees verder]