Benefit voku for refugee families in the Netherlands
Thursday 30th November 2017, Benefit voku for refugee families in the Netherlands, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.
Children who have been in the Netherlands for over 5 years have settled here. To rip them from their environment is irresponsible and damages their development. Still it happens often; children are being dragged from their home by lots of police and are then deported. Daily they live with this fear. A law that should stop this – the ‘Children’s Amnesty’ – costs families 170 euro’s per family-member appliance. 98% of the applications are denied, so this is actually throwing money down the drain.
GEEN KIND AAN DE KANT is of the opinion that the application-costs are way too high, especially since this money goes directly to the state without much result. Still we want to help refugees who want to try this, to share their burden. Therefore we are collecting money to try and support them by paying 15% of their application. We will do this for as long as there is money, but unfortunately this is not endless.
That is why we would like to ask you for help share this load, by coming to the benefit VOKU at Joe’s Garage on Thursday October 5th starting from 19:00 – Pretoriusstraat 43 Amsterdam.
Vluchtelingkinderen die langer dan 5 jaar in Nederland zijn, hebben zich hier geworteld. Hen uit hun omgeving trekken is onverantwoordelijk en schadelijk voor hun ontwikkeling. Toch gebeurt het veel; zij worden met politieovermacht uit hun huis gehaald en gedeporteerd. Zij leven daarom dagelijks in angst. Een regeling die hier een eind aan zou moeten maken – het Kinderpardon – kost voor de aanvraag 170 euro per gezinslid. 98% van de aanvragen wordt vervolgens afgewezen, waardoor het allemaal weggegooid geld is.
GEEN KIND AAN DE KANT vindt de aanvraaggelden die betaald moeten worden voor het Kinderpardon belachelijk hoog, vooral omdat het geld vrijwel rechtstreeks de staatskas in gaat en er maar erg weinig aanvragen worden ingewilligd. Toch willen we vluchtelingen die deze weg willen bewandelen, proberen te helpen deze gigantische last te dragen. Daarom zijn we geld aan het inzamelen om te proberen 15% per aanvraag te kunnen helpen betalen. Dit kunnen we doen zolang we geld hebben, maar zodra het op is, is het op.
Daarom vragen we jullie om een steentje bij te dragen door naar een benefiet VOKU te komen in Joe’s Garage op donderdag 5 oktober vanaf 19:00 – Pretoriusstraat 43 Amsterdam.
Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchen, every monday and thursday, all year long. We are remaining closed if no one is volunteering to cook. Keep an eye on this page to make sure we are open. Door opens at 7pm. Vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation.
Have you ever considered cooking at Joe’s Garage with your friends? We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.
Yiddish revolutionary and resistance songs
Monday 27th November 2017, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. After the food, Yiddish revolutionary and resistance songs.
Join for an evening of Yiddish revolutionary and resistance songs. Yiddish is the historic language of Central and Eastern European (Ashkenazi) Jews and is a mix between German, Hebrew, Aramaic and Slavic languages. It is barely spoken anymore today, but it used to be the language in which most of vibrant Jewish culture in Europe took place. The songs in this performance are all from the Jewish socialist and anarchist worker’s movement in Europe from the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, as well as from anti-Nazi Partisan resistance. These songs are not only beautiful to sing and to listen to, but they also carry with them a forgotten history of pre-Holocaust as well as pre-Israel socialist Jewish culture. Addressing issues such as police violence, poverty, housing, sweatshops, unions and fascism, these songs continue to be of political relevance today.
Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchen, every monday and thursday, all year long. We are remaining closed if no one is volunteering to cook. Keep an eye on this page to make sure we are open. Door opens at 7pm. Vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation.
Have you ever considered cooking at Joe’s Garage with your friends? We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.
Benefit for a cultural project in Peru. Music with Captain Frank & The Cheap Ho’s
Thursday 23rd November 2017, Art for Peace, What’s your Story? Benefit for a cultural project in Peru. Music with Captain Frank & The Cheap Ho’s. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. Music between 9 and 10pm.
A benefit to organize a cultural project in the Masin district of Peru to help with the reconciliation and peace-process. In the 1980’s this district suffered under the armed conflict of the guerrillas of the Shining Path and the paramilitary. It is until this day a controversial political subject. Because of this we use the language of theater, storytelling and music to heal the history of violence the villagers have lived in this period. We use art as a tool to empower people.
Link for the Masintin project 2016 :
Music: Captain Frank and the Cheap Ho’s
Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchen, every monday and thursday, all year long. We are remaining closed if no one is volunteering to cook. Keep an eye on this page to make sure we are open. Door opens at 7pm. Vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation.
Have you ever considered cooking at Joe’s Garage with your friends? We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.
Benefit for the political prisoners in Turkey
Monday 20th November 2017, Benefit for the political prisoners in Turkey, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.
Dear friends and Comrades : the nowadays law in TURKEY obliging the prisoners to wear an uniform is one of the reactionary offensives of the fascist dictatorship that aims for standardizing the very whole people. It would be a mistake to consider it only as a plan against the prisoners because it is better a new attack of the fascism against the people and all the strengths of the democracy in Turkey and Kurdistan. As well in the society and in prison : the Turkish State rejects the existence of all Opposition to his fascist regime.
That’s why the project of uniform for prisoners is not a dress problem but rather a new stage in the program of standardizing the country and of muzzling it. In Turkey, with the present Government of the AKP (1) the practices of the fascism reach their summit : we protest against the application of this iniquitous Law and we say : STOP ! ALL THIS PROJECT SHALL NOT PASS !
- During the military Putsch of September 12th in 1980 in Turkey, one first attempt had been made but it will be 3 years later in 1983 when the fascist regime will try again to impose the port of the uniform for the prisoners. This violent attack has been applied during numerous years with the aim of torturing, of destroying the personality and the identity.Finally, the Turkish State had to renounce face to the long run and intense Resistance of the political prisoners realized in the unity, in spite of all the difficulties and through notably hunger strikes and collective actions in jail. Nor the torture suffered in repression because of this invincible Resistance, nor the attempts of humiliations of the Courts legitimating this torture : succeeded make them to bend. Numerous Resistants have eternalized themselves in the course of this exemplary Resistance by snatching their imposed uniforms and by appearing in underwear during their political trial face to Courts of “justice” servant of the fascist regime. These same Courts have voluntarily ignored the return in blood and in underwear of the political prisoners with the torture inflicted as a daily dish supported by their verdicts…
- At the beginning of the 90’s, among his incessant attacks : the military fascist regime will still try to put this project in the agenda but the increasing extent of the Resistance dissuades him.
- Today, in september 2017, this project becomes topicality. The fascism gets ready for launching an attack against the liveliest and the most resistant part of the society in Turkey : the political prisoners. The fascist power puts the society under pressure by hunger, poverty, massacres, detentions, arrests and massive exiles. He wants to bring back the whole society to the condition of slave with no voice, practicing the political banishment against Kurd people and Abdullah OCALAN : the representative of his national and democratic fight but also against the Armenian people, the Alevi, the Yezidi and many others…
All the attempts of attacks from the fascist regime in Turkey are a failure : they don’t succeed in their plan. The political prisoners are the most Resistant part of the society and in capacity for sacrificing itself for Freedom. Yet, the fascist Turkish State fears all this would generates waves that spread within the people. That’s why, the prisoners become his first target and once again, he wants to mate them definitively and to succeed in imposing the port of the uniform for prisoners in the way to contain the whole society under narrow control.
As by the past, the present Government of the AKP wants is own revenge against this permanent affront and he wants to weaken the revolutionaries and the Opposition by nazi practices such as political persecutions, massacres, systematic torture and uniform for prisoners like those in the Guantanamo’s Camp but the Resistance is going to be enormous !
Every time that the fascist Turkish State will try to shut up the sound of their voice, we will always shout with a stronger voice, we will be their voices.
We have already shouted and we still shout :
We have refused to wear the uniform for prisoners and we never will !
The oppression and the threats will not intimidate us, we will be victorious !
Long live for the Revolutionary solidarity! Long live for the International solidarity!
Paris, September 2nd 2017. Platform of fight against the uniform for prisoners in Turkey
- (1) AKP. (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi-Party of Justice and Development). It’s one of the Turkish fascists partys. The AKP is in the government of the Turkish State, and since the last elections he cheated the votes against the victorious HDP (Democratic Party of the Peoples) which obtained an overwhelming majority against the AKP’s fascism regime.
Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchen, every monday and thursday, all year long. We are remaining closed if no one is volunteering to cook. Keep an eye on this page to make sure we are open. Door opens at 7pm. Vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation.
Have you ever considered cooking at Joe’s Garage with your friends? We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.
Benefit for Radio Totopo, Mexico
Thursday 16th November 2017, Benefit for Radio Totopo, Juchitán de Zaragoza, Oaxaca, México. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.
Second fundraiser for the community radio station, Radio Totopo, in their efforts to provide relief from the earthquake.
Mexico’s Community Radio Stations Fight for Survival and Recognition (article by Daniela Pastrana, May 6 2013): Radio Totopo was founded in February 2006 in the Pescadores neighbourhood, the oldest and poorest part of the city of Juchitán in the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca. But the authorities closed it down in late March, even though Congress is debating a constitutional reform that would recognise community radio stations. Residents of Pescadores say the radio station belongs to all the people. Totopo, like most community radio stations in Mexico, has no official licence, and 90 percent of its programming is transmitted in Diidxazá, the language of the Zapotec indigenous people.
In recent years, Radio Totopo has supported campesinos (peasants) and fisherfolk of the local Zapotec people, who call themselves Binnizá, in resisting a wind park that the Spanish company Gas Natural Fenosa is planning to install on communal lands on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.
The indigenous Assembly of Peoples of the Isthmus in Defence of Land and Territory denounced that deception was used in the presentation of the project to the campesinos, some of whom, unable to speak Spanish and not provided with a translation, signed contracts to rent out their plots at a complete disadvantage, violating the right of native peoples to information and prior consultation.
For six months, Radio Totopo translated contracts into the Zapotec language, broadcast them and ran campaigns on the project – until Mar. 26, when state police dismantled the radio station, removed power and audio cables and took away the transmitter and a computer as part of an eviction action in the disputed area.
One of the radio station coordinators, Carlos Sánchez, sustained a broken arm during the operation and he is now in hiding to avoid detention. Mariano López Gómez, the leader of the movement opposing the wind parks, was held for several days, accused of extorting government officials. […Lees verder]
Benefit voku & info talk: AFA Amsterdam
Monday 13th November 20017, Benefit voku & info talk: AFA Amsterdam. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.
Three course vegan dinner to raise money for AFA Amsterdam towards ongoing campaign expenses. There will be a short info talk about AFA and upcoming events. Anti Fascist Action (AFA) is an global collective of groups and individuals active in combating fascism in its different forms.
Anti Fascistische Actie (AFA) is een landelijk netwerk van lokale groepen en contacten. AFA werd in 1992 opgericht, naar aanleiding van de groei die georganiseerd extreemrechts toen doormaakte. Sindsdien heeft AFA zich ten doel gesteld racistische en fascistische partijen, groeperingen en tendensen te bestrijden en racistisch en verrechtsend overheidsbeleid aan de kaak te stellen.
Om extreemrechts en verrechtsend overheidsbeleid te bestrijden ondernemen wij actie. Dat doen we bijvoorbeeld in de vorm van een demonstratie, een blokkade, het verspreiden van flyers om mensen te informeren, het plakken van posters en het ondersteunen van andere organisaties.
Om op de hoogte te blijven van de activiteiten van AFA kun je je aanmelden voor onze sympathisantenlijst. Je ontvangt dan onze persberichten, actieaankondigingen en overige mededelingen. Ook kun je ons helpen door deze brochure of ander AFA-materiaal te verspreiden bij jou in de buurt. Dus neem contact met ons op en doe mee.
Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchen, every monday and thursday, all year long. We are remaining closed if no one is volunteering to cook. Keep an eye on this page to make sure we are open. Door opens at 7pm. Vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation.
Have you ever considered cooking at Joe’s Garage with your friends? We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.
Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Missing (Costa-Gavras, 1982)
Sunday 12th November 2017, Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Missing. Doors open at 20.30. Intro + film start at 21.00. Missing – 1982 – Directed by Costa-Gavras. 122 minutes. In English.
They sure don’t make movies like this anymore. This was made in the day when bucking the system was still possible, and if you had some big name actors in your project you could make hard hitting flicks. This one stars Sissy Spacek (Carrie, Badlands) along with Jack Lemmon (Some Like it Hot) in one of his most important roles. It’s directed by the Greek filmmaker Costa-Gavras, and is based on the true story that happened in the 1970s. It follows the journey of a young American journalist who travels to Chile to cover a news story. While he is there, everything goes totally haywire, the country is thrown into turmoil, the government is overthrown and marshal law is declared. While the young boy is reporting the events, he suddenly goes missing. The movie mostly focuses on his wife and father who travel to Chile to try and find him back.
This is a thriller about having firm beliefs about the world, only to have them utterly shattered. Most of the film we spend with the father, a businessman who not only has to deal with a missing son, but also having his world view collapse as dark secrets are revealed. It’s devastating to follow him through a dark journey of dead ends – a maze of hospitals, morgues and police stations. The film is moody and suspenseful, and remains one of the director’s riveting masterpieces. The dreamy synthesizer music track was composed by Vangelis, and it’s considered to be one of his best. This is a movie that gives us some deep insights into history, and reflects a time when edgy movies could still be produced in Hollywood. The film has lost none of its power since it was made, and maybe has become even more relevant than before.
A highly-charged drama based on real events. Winner of the Palme d’Or at the Cannes film festival.
Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Film begins at 9pm, free entrance. You want to play a movie, let us know: joe [at] squat [dot] net