Radical Sunday School: Reflections & Resolutions

Sunday January 5, 2025, Radical Sunday School: Reflections & Resolutions. From 18:00 till 20:00.For our first session in 2025, we would like to invite you all to look back on the sessions we did in 2024, and look forward the things you would like to see or do with Radical Sunday School in 2025!
Radical Sunday School
radicalsundayschool [at] riseup [dot] net

Raising Radicals

Sunday January 5, 2025, Raising Radicals, from 14:00

Een maandelijks ouder-kind-cafe maar dan een beetje anders. Misschien komt er af en toe een specifiek thema aan bod zoals; welke acties zijn veilig met kinderen en welke niet? Of misschien is er soms een leuke activiteit voor kids, of misschien is het gewoon al leuk genoeg om te kletsen met politieke activistische ouders en kunnen kids lekker met elkaar spelen, klagen over hun hippy-ouders whatever. Alle input en ideeen zijn super welkom, idealiter gaat het zichzelf een beetje organiseren en ben ik alleen de toevallige starter van het geheel….. Stuur graag door naar alle ouders die zich thuis voelen op een plek als Joe’s Garage ♥️&✊🏼✊🏽✊🏿&💩

Idea is a monthly parent-child cafe, but a little different. Perhaps a specific theme is discussed occasionally, such as; which actions are safe with children and which are not? Or maybe there is a fun activity for kids, or maybe it’s just fun enough to chat with political activist parents and kids can play with each other, complain about their hippy parents, whatever. All input and ideas are super welcome, ideally it will organize itself a bit and I am just the coincidental starter of the whole….. Please forward to all parents who feel at home in a place like Joe’s Garage.

Benefit voku for a new squatted social center in Rotterdam

Monday December 30, 2024, Benefit voku for a new squatted social center in Rotterdam. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

Last people’s kitchen of the year, to support comrades setting up a new squatted social center in Rotterdam. You already know De Edo and Catu, you’ll get to know another one soon.

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchens existing since the very beginning of Joe’s Garage, June 2005. Your donations are welcome. Food is vegan, no reservation. All benefits go to social & political struggles. Joe’s Garage is a space run by volunteers. Without a collective effort, without your active participation, we’re remaining closed. Get in touch in you feel like giving a hand. We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available, mail us.

Screening “De Zinkende Rafelrand”

Sunday December 29, 2024, Screening “De Zinkende Rafelrand”, a film by Mirte Jepma (2024), 56 minutes, in Dutch with English subtitles. Screening and discussion with Mirte Jepma and Marijn van der Eyden. Doors open at 20.00, film starts at 20.30.

Screening “De Zinkende Rafelrand” De Zinkende Rafelrand is een documentaire over de eigenzinnige Baaibuurt in Amsterdam Oost die op 31 december 2024 zal verdwijnen. Het is een buurt met meerdere hechte gemeenschappen, creatieve werkplekken en vrijheid die vanaf 2025 ‘ontwikkeld’ zal moeten worden. Deze stadsvernieuwing betekent dat de Baaibuurt-West met 7 meter zand opgehoogd zal worden om de zinkende grond bouwklaar te maken voor traditionele woningbouw. Men noemt haar dan ook wel de Zinkende Rafelrand. Deze film vangt de verhalen, de gezichten en de plekken van een buurt die onder het zand dreigt te verdwijnen. De film combineert interviews met archiefmateriaal en documentaire beelden om een intiem portret te creëren van een verborgen buurt vol energie, angst maar ook hoop op een toekomst voor de stad Amsterdam waarin ook zij een plek hebben.

“The Sinking Fringe” is a documentary about the untamed Baaibuurt neighborhood in Amsterdam East that is bound to disappear on 31 December 2024. This neighborhood, a rich tapestry of free-spirited, tight-knit communities, will be ‘developed’ to remedy the housing crisis. This urban renewal plan requires raising the soil in the Baaibuurt-West by 7 meters of sand in order to prepare the sinking land for conventional urban housing. Hence, it is referred to as the Sinking Fringe. This film captures the stories, faces, and places of a neighborhood in danger of disappearing under the sand. The film combines interviews with archive footage to create an intimate portrait of a hidden neighborhood full of energy and fear but also hope for the future of the city of Amsterdam in which they, too, have a place. The Sinking Fringe is a call for action; what do we want our future cities to look like? For whom are we building? We hope this film can spark a debate on the values we aim to nurture in our cities.
Team: Mirte Jepma, Alberto Morbelli, Benjamin Vanderveen, Marijn van der Eyden.

Antichrist(mas) – Fuck your Hallmark Holiday VoKu

Wednesday December 25, 2024, Antichrist(mas) – Fuck your Hallmark Holiday VoKu. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

Another year of manufactured cheer, another season of capitalist ritual.
No more capitalist spectacle. No more lonely Christmas.
Are you alone this Christmas? Abandoned by a system that commodifies connection? Estranged from family structures that never truly supported you? Feeling the cold isolation engineered by neoliberal economies that strip away genuine human solidarity?
Tonight we cook together.
Bodies moving. Hands chopping. Strangers becoming community.
Reject the system that keeps us divided. Reclaim connection through collective cooking.
Everyone is welcome to cook, eat, clean or have fun. No hierarchy or religion. Just solidarity.
[…Lees verder]

Ukraine Support Voku [SOBER]

Monday December 23, 2024, Ukraine Support Voku [SOBER]. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

This evening, we come together to cook, eat and raise money to support Solidarity Collectives, a group of Ukrainian anarchists fighting against the Russian invasion.
This is a SOBER EVENT, meaning we will have an alcohol/smoke-free evening. Please smoke on Steve Bikoplein if you need to smoke!
Solidarity Collectives: https://www.solidaritycollectives.org/ […Lees verder]

Mutual Aid Exchange – Christmas Edition

Saturday December 21, 2024, Mutual Aid Exchange – Christmas Edition, from 19:00 to 20:00.

It’s the time of the year when many people give and get presents from their loved ones. But a lot of what we buy and receive is material stuff we don’t really need. Let’s stop wasting our money and show some love for our community instead. Let’s sustain each other through mutual aid.

Do you have more than you need this Christmas season? Or do you or your loved ones need some mutual aid from the community? Let’s meet up, share our needs, and share our resources to find a way to uplift each other!

* This will be the first mutual aid exchange. Please show it some love. Let’s see how it goes and perhaps it can be a regular occurrence!

Aman molli: Practice of east Mediterranean Music

Friday December 20, 2024, Aman molli: Practice of east Mediterranean Music. From 20:00 to 23:30.

This is a weekly open practice session of east Mediterranean music, in which we play genres such as rebetiko and Greek/Balkan/Turkish/Middle Eastern folk music. Together we explore the melodic pathways, rhythms (e.g. 9/8, 7/8. 5/4) and harmonies of, as well as connections between these musical traditions. We gather to have fun playing music together, to share musical knowledge and experience, and improve our skills on our instruments. We welcome interested newcomers to join in, regardless of musical experience, and using any kind of instrument (strings, percussion, wind, voice).

Aman Molli https://radar.squat.net/en/aman-molli