Cinema Italia: The Battle of Algiers (Gillo Pontecorvo, 1966)

Sunday 24 March 2024, The Battle of Algiers [La battaglia di Algeri] (1966) * Directed by Gillo Pontecorvo * 121 min * In Italian with English subtitles * doors open at 20:00, film starts at 20:30. After the film, please engage in sharing comments, ideas, and inspiration with the host(s) of the evening.

Known as one of the most important and influential films of all time, “The Battle of Algiers” is set and shot in Algeria’s capital. It shows the main events that marked the beginning of the Algerian War, which led to Algeria’s independence from France.

Through an intense and cruel fictional realism, almost simulating the style of a newsreel, Pontecorvo’s film confronts and interrogates the spectator about all the aspects and consequences of colonialism: control and exploitation of people and resources, violence and discrimination, insurgency and counterinsurgency, terrorism, military colonial control through torture and illegal executions.

How far would you push yourself for the self-determination of your people’s group? Driven by an excellent cast of non-professional actors, raw and powerful imagery and an incredible soundtrack by Ennio Morricone, “The Battle of Algiers” hasn’t aged a bit since its release in 1966, still depicting through cinema what’s still going on in some parts of the world.

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to screen a movie, let us know: joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net

Radical Sunday School: Feeling, Shaping and Talking About Desire

Sunday 24 March 2024, Radical Sunday School: Feeling, Shaping and Talking About Desire. From 18:00 till 20:00.
Desire can manifest as a hunger or a longing, it can be a enthusiastic motivation, a dream, a fantasy or something else entirely.
This interactive session wants to explore how we experience desire and how we share those experiences with each other. What does desire feel like, how can we speak about it and what do we want to do with it?
Our conversation will be shaped by whoever shows up and anyone is welcome to join! […Lees verder]

Radar benefit voku

Thursday 21 March 2024, Radar benefit voku. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

Various collectives, campaigners, unions, squats, autonomous spaces, ngos, activists are unable to organize and communicate without Instagram, Telegram, Facebook, Twitter. Some come to Joe’s Garage to talk about sustainability, equality, human rights, autonomy, emancipation, anarchy, freedom but still, they would like us to follow them on what they call “socials”. No thanks, no to surveillance capitalism! Joe’s Garage isn’t a dystopian Starbucks to give credit to your capitalist sponsors. Winners of the last Big Brother Awards are Meta, X and Telegram.
In the meantime, people have built and are still maintaining a whole infrastructure offering various services, new tools for squatters and activists, for the movement to communicate. Just to list a few of them on a local level, Disroot, Puscii, Squat!net.
Radar, the online calendar, has been existing since 2000. No need to give your name, IP address, email address or phone number to use Radar. Make your squat or social center visible there too. […Lees verder]


Voku for solidarity with single mother

Monday 18 March 2024, Voku for solidarity with single mother. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

Urgent money support for a single mom on the move!!! Every little bit helps! We are organizing this dinner as a solidarity event for this single mom in dire need of donations to pay her bills. Come eat out latest delicious creations as we join together and support someone in need! […Lees verder]

Radical Sunday School: St. Patrick’s day for Palestine!

Sunday 17 March 2024, Radical Sunday School: St. Patrick’s day for Palestine! From 20:00.

It’s Patrick’s day! A time for celebrating Irish culture, music and food (maybe not that one).
Ireland’s a long history of fighting the Colonial Ambitions of England, but today few places feel the weight of Imperialism right now than the people of Palestine.
This St. Patrick’s day, we will celebrate the long standing solidarity of Ireland with Palestine by raising funds for Medical Aid Palestine.
Come by for crisp sandwiches, traditional and contemporary Irish music! Wear your best Green, White, Red and Orange!
And remember, St. Patrick kicked the snakes out of Ireland, let’s hope he kicks the Zionists out of Palestine! […Lees verder]

Radical Sunday School: Learning through “World” Travelling – But not the Worlds You Think

Sunday 17 March 2024, Radical Sunday School: Learning through “World” Travelling – But not the Worlds You Think. From 18:00 till 20:00.

Understanding one another is difficult in our polarized, fragmented and complex world. Most people have a hard time engaging, let alone connecting, with those who have other worldviews. Your family who believes all ‘foreigners’ should be deported, colleagues who believe you are too idealistic, or that one particular sort-of friend, but not really, who has a strange obsession with the imminent proletarian revolution, they all, in their own way, seem to be stuck in their own world. You do not get them, they do not get you. In this worldly Sunday session, we will reflect on the issues and complexities arising from such divisions and how we might, against all odds, be able to connect with one another. We will do so using the idea of “world”-travelling by scholar-activist Maria Lugones. We will travel to and between these worlds of experience to better understand one another. Let us travel to other “worlds” together! […Lees verder]

Benefit Voku for All4All, Utrecht

Monday 11 March 2024, Benefit Voku for All4All, Utrecht. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

We are a crew of former members of ‘Foodbank Maastricht’, where food is regularly rescued from being thrown away, redistributed, and transformed into vegan three-course meals. Foodbank saves hundreds of kilos of food weekly and feeds hundreds in Maastricht.
On this Monday, we are cooking a wonderful three-course vegan meal from rescued ingredients in Joe’s Garage, raising money for All4All foundation in Utrecht.
The All4All Foundation believes that everyone is equal and that there should be more contact between undocumented migrants, asylum seekers, Dutch people and everybody else. Institutional projects for creating contact between migrants and Dutch people are often based on an unequal relationship, in which the migrants are seen as the ones to be helped. On the contrary, the projects of the All4All Foundation encourage exchange between Dutch people and newcomers, so that they can get to know each other in an informal and relaxed way. We believe that everyone has talents, stories, traditions, histories, and love to share! […Lees verder]


Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: five obstrructions

Sunday 10 March 2024, Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: five obstrructions * 87 minutes * In Danish with English subtitles * free screening * doors open at 8pm * intro & film start at 8.30

If the pandemic revealed anything to me, it is our difficulty to be creative anymore. This entire thing could have given us the possibility to get back to our senses, and it could have been a catalyst to find creative solutions to the problem. Instead what resulted for the most part was a lack of reflection, a total shut-down of the imagination and paralysis. In a way, one of the most intriguing movies ever made by the Danish director von Trier is this constructed documentary… and it shows us how limitations can be used in a positive sense rather than a negative, self-defeating one.

So what is this movie about? One of the artists Lars von Trier looked up to most was a fellow Dane named Jørgen Leth, who was famous for a short movie he made in 1968 called “The Perfect Human”. Von Trier says he watched that film more than twenty times, and found it fascinating. So he decided to approach his mentor, and challenge him to remake his legendary movie five more times, but this time around with a new set of five difficult obstructions that von Trier would give him. In this flick we see Jørgen Leth accept the challenge, how he struggles with it, and when restricted into a corner, how he pushes back with creativity. In this battle von Trier shows how rules and boundaries can be used to spur one’s spirit, rather than deflate it.

We are becoming more and more complacent and dependent on products and gadgets to do things for us. In the process we are losing many of our natural skills. For me, it’s clear we are locked in a mechanism of consumerism and technology that is robbing us of our imagination and spirit. We are addicted to convenience, and given the choice we will always push the easy button. We recently went through a pandemic that confronted and limited us in many ways, but maybe it wasn’t devastating enough. It seems it wasn’t severe enough to unlock us, to free us—it didn’t force us to be creative again. This film is an incredible experiment, a documentary about filmmaking and the nature of creativity itself.

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to screen a movie, let us know: joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net