Update: Laatste arrestant ontruimingsgolf inmiddels vrijgelaten (14nov), rechtzaak uitgesteld.
De eerder aangekondigde rechtzaak op 16 november van de laatste arrestant van de recente ontruimingsgolf in Amsterdam is afgelast. Het Openbaar Ministerie heeft de dagvaarding ingetrokken, dit betekende echter niet zijn vrijheid. Wanneer een nieuwe zitting zal plaatsvinden is vooralsnog onbekend. Het lijkt er op dat ze hem langer willen vasthouden. Maandag 14 november 2011 kwam hij voor de raadkamer. Dit leidde uiteindelijk tot een schorsing. […Lees verder]
Ma. 21 november –Kitchenpunxxx benefit voku for the Castor 2011 [http://www.castor2011.org/] 19uur, no reservation, donations welcome. Each year, nuclear waste is transferred from La Hague to the German town Gorleben. Gorleben is a symbol of resistance against nuclear energy and tens of thousands of people resist, block, sabotage in many different and creative ways in order to stop, delay the transport, but more importantly they put the debate about nuclear energy back in the spotlight. […Lees verder]
Zondag 9 oktober: vanaf 20u, infoavond met twee documentaires (‘The 43 Group’ en ‘Antifa: Skinhead Hunters’) over de strijd tegen opkomend fascisme in Londen vlak na de Tweede Wereldoorlog en het Parijs van de jaren tachtig. De avond staat in het teken van de recentelijk veroordeelde Britse antifascisten.Recentelijk werden in Groot-Britannië zeven antifascisten veroordeeld voor ‘samenzwering tot openlijke geweldpleging’ (conspiracy to cause violent disorder). Vier personen werden onmiddellijk tot 21 maanden celstraf veroordeeld, twee anderen tot 18 en 15 maanden. Vier anderen werden vrijgesproken, terwijl voor elf andere personen voor dezelfde aanklachten later dit jaar een rechtszaak wordt verwacht. Er is een solidariteitsfonds, The Cable Street Society, opgezet om de gevangenen in de bak, en ter bevordering van hun vrijlating, te ondersteunen. De opbrengst van deze avond gaat naar het solidariteitsfonds. […Lees verder]
Donderdag 20 oktober 2011: VOW Media Benefit – Voku, plus info and short-films “A Day In Her Life”. From 19pm, no reservation, donations welcome.
“Voices of Women Media (VOW Media) [http://voicesofwomenmedia.org/] is an emerging organization that aims to provide a way for marginalized communities of women to educate and express themselves through different forms of media. During this fundraiser, we will hold a screening of our past project, “A Day in Her Life.” During the project, we worked with women who have been trafficked and with current and former sex workers.
On one level, we train women who are marginalised in the Netherlands to tell their stories using powerful media tools such as radio, photography, and video. We want to give them the skill and opportunity to express the complexities of their lives. But we don’t stop there. Our goal is to use media to create a more humanized and multi-faceted picture of the sex industry. We want to show this industry as a complex fabric, composed both of women workers who are entitled to demand their rights as workers and women who have been forced into the industry.
This year, we are holding two multi-media workshops for young girls with foreign background and we will also hold a master course with the sex workers from the A Day in Her Life project.”
Preview of the first video from “A Day In Her Life” Workshop 2010.
“A Day In Her Life” (Voices of Women Media, 2010, 18′)
Multimedia workshop for sex workers in Amsterdam’s Red Light District. It consists of 6 short videos – self portraits from different women who work in the windows of the Red Light. A compilation of short movies made by sex workers in the Netherlands through the Voices project. “Our goal is to use media to create a more humanised and multi-faceted picture of the sex industry. We want to show this industry as a complex fabric, composed both of women workers who are entitled to demand their rights as workers and women who have been forced into the industry. Many people looking in from the outside have quite a polarised view. Women are either victims, or they are making choices. But as in any other area of life, there are many grey zones.
Wo./We. 08 Jun. 2011: Squatting, part of the social capital that everyone agrees that is needed in society or oppositional movement? A debate. 20uur, free entrance.
It seems that squatting has a dual face. One face is that it represents things that many people left and right find valuable. These are mainstream goals such as self-help, participation, creativity, support for vulnerable people, conservation of neighborhoods, preservation of social housing. The second face is that of an oppositional movement. The dual face leads to tensions and confusion. The debate will be started off by short presentations by researchers/activists from the SQuatting Europe Kollective (SQEK). One presentation will cover the tensions and opportunities present in the Spanish crisis and movement scene, one will be a critique on the idea that squatting was a precursor of neo-liberalism and one presentation will take us into re-generations/ regeneration of self. Also the link between art(ists) and squatting will be discussed and the continuities between the sixties/seventies and now. http://www.acme-journal.org/vol9/SQEKeng2010.pdf
Ma. 11 April 2011, Vrankrijk Infonight, Kitchen Punx voku. 19uur, vegan food, no reservations, donations welcome.
During this info evening we’d like to inform you about the current state and the reopening of the Vrankrijk. We will talk about some of the difficulties we’ve encountered and shortly present our plans so far. Further we’d like to discuss possible strategies for reopening despite the uncooperativeness of the city of Amsterdam. http://www.vrankrijk.org
Zo. 10 april 2011: Info-avond over De Karavaan en vertoning van ‘Come Un Uomo Sulla Terra’/Like A Man On Earth (documentary by Riccardo Biadene, Andrea Segre, Dagmawi Yimer. Italy, 2008, 61′, english subtitles). 20uur, donations welcome.
De film portreteert drie Ethiopische migranten die Libië doorkruisten om zo in Italie aan te komen. De film gaat ook over de deals gemaakt tussen Italie en Libië aangaande migratiestop, financiering van detentiecentra, externalisatie van EU-grenzen. The film is a journey of pain and dignity, through which Dagmawi Yimer voices his memories of unthinkable human suffering to denounce what appears to be a tragic political and humanitarian situation . In this respect both Italy and Europe share responsibilities for this situation and should be made accountable for it.
More about the Caravan-Tour here: http://www.allincluded.nl/index.php/actie/caravane-bamako-dakar-11
Trailer of the documentary: http://comeunuomosullaterra.blogspot.com/2008/01/since-2003-italy-and-eu…
Cooks, cooking groups wanted on February 6, then in March. Mail us, come along to sign up.
Joe’s Garage 20th anniversary. Get your 2025 calendar, all proceeds go to squats and social centers across Europe.
Search on our pages
Opening times (January 2025):
Monday: 19:00, Volkseten Vegazulu
Tuesday: 19-20:30, Kraakspreekuur Oost
Wednesday: 19:00, Proxy Cafe*
Thursday: 19:00, Volkseten Vegazulu
Friday: 20:00, Aman molli
Saturday: 14-18, Give Away Shop
Sunday: 18-20, Radical Sunday School
Sunday: 20:30, Movie night
(*) not weekly
Every 2nd Saturday of the month, 19:00-20:30, Joe’s Garage open assembly
Every 2nd Sunday of the month, 14:00-18:00, All Crafts Are Beautiful
One Wednesday/month, 19:00, Proxy Cafe
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2 Feb 202520:30Cinema Paradiso (1988) * Directed by Giuseppe Tornatore * 173 min * In Italian with English subtitles * doors open at 20:00, film starts at 20:30. After the film, please…more…
3 Feb 202519:00Monday 03 February!! Benefit Voku for De Grachten Rat squat, Keizersgracht 318. De Grachten Rat is getting evicted on February 15th and need support. The court case will cost the…more…
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