Greek Infonight, Debtocracy

Ma./Mo.5 maart 2012, Greek Infonight, Volkseten Vegazulu, 19:00, no reservation, donations welcome. Discussion about what is happening in Greece and screening of Debtocracy, documentary film by Katerina Kitidi and Aris Hatzistefanou. The documentary mainly focuses on two points: the causes of the Greek debt crisis in 2010 and possible future solutions that could be given to the problem that are not currently being considered by the government of the country.

A SEED Infonight on agriculture and foodactivsism

ASEED info night. Resistance is fertile. Sunday 19th of February, 8pm
Learn more about ASEED’s agriculture and food activism for 2012.
– Toxic soy petition handover to Albert Heijn on Feb 9: video of the action. We’ll bring stickers and posters for you to spread yourself
Reclaim the seeds: seed exchange weekend needs volunteers on 10 & 11 March. We’ll get more concrete on what needs to be done                                                                                                                                                                                   – Agriculture Action camp 2, July 2012: update of preparations and  plans
– GMO action campaign: chemogiant BASF announced to stop with the introduction of their genetically modified crops in Europe as a consequence of too much resistance. Victory! Now the rest of the genetech giants have to go too. We’ll tell you more about our plans for 2012 and beyond to make that happen and hope you’ll be part of them.


All Included Infoavond

Zo./Su. 5 Feb. 2012, 20:00, All Included Infoavond

In januari 2011 vertrok er een caravane met 250 mensen van Bamako/Mali naar Dakar/Senegal. De leus van deze actie van Afrique Europe Interact was: voor vrijheid van bewegen en een rechtvaardige ontwikkeling! De tocht langs dorpen, grenzen, de Sahel en lokale initiatieven trok onderweg veel aandacht. Tevens werd actie gevoerd bij kantoren van de Europese Unie in Bamako en Frontex in Dakar en bij de grens Gogui du Sahel waar met Europees geld mensen in de woestijn worden gedumpt. […Lees verder]

Benefiet Huurdersvereniging

Benefiet voku voor de Huurdersvereniging Oost op donderdag 26 januari 2012 vanaf 19u. Infoavond zondag 29 januari 2012 vanaf 20u.

Er staat een prijs op uw hoofd!

Afgelopen 1 oktober zijn de huurprijsregels veranderd door minister Donner.  Hierdoor kunnen verhuurders grof geld verdienen als ze huurders die nu minder dan 650 euro betalen weten weg te pesten. Dit bevestigde ook Thijs Reuten, de portefeuillehouder wonen van Oost in het Parool van afgelopen 26 november “Alarm over huurmarkt”. Uit onderzoek van het stadsdeel bleek dat 10.000 van de goedkoopste woningen in Oost zouden verdwijnen. De kans op een betaalbare particuliere huurwoning zou “praktisch nihil” worden.

Wilt u voorkomen dat u hier de dupe van wordt? Kom dan naar onze informatie-bijeenkomst:
op zondag 29 januari om 20:00

[…Lees verder]

Benefit and info night: Repression and censorship against anarchist migration activism

Do./Th. 12 Jan. 2012, 19:00 Benefit and info night: “Repression and censorship against anarchist migration activism”. 19.00 Volkseten Vegazulu, vegan food, no reservations, donations welcome.
On september 13th 2011 anarchist activist and writer (against Dutch and European migration politics) Joke Kaviaar was arrested and held in custody for three days on charges of ‘incitement – with terroris intent’. Meanwhile, her house was searched thoroughly, the police were clearly out on a fishing expedition for more and any information.Nearly three months later, on december 7th, her website was taken offline by the Public Prosecution. Within a day the website was back online, as well as many mirrors. At the moment the threat of yet another arrest, for the repeated ‘thought crime’ because she is keeping the ‘incitive’ texts online, is still hanging over her head. […Lees verder]

Boats4People Benefit

Ma. 9 January – Boats4People Benefit, 19.00, Volkseten Vegazulu, vegan food, no reservations, donations welcome. With special guests: Diyar and K-Man, saz & baz acoustic duo ( kurdistan / belgium).
Boats4People [] zal in juni 2012 de Middellandse Zee opgaan met een vloot van solidaireitsboten. Aan boord zullen activisten en waarnemers de activiteiten van EU-agentschap Frontex in de Middellandse Zee nauwgezet volgen. In de Middellandse Zee wordt de oorlog tegen migratie pijnlijk duidelijk; duizenden mensen verdrinken ieder jaar in de slotgracht rond Fort Europa. De vloot wordt een varend protest tegen de repressieve migratiepolitiek van Europa, dat getekend wordt door een steeds verder toenemende criminalisering, een flinke dosis racisme en dat desastreuze gevolgen heeft. Boats4people vindt het tijd om tot directe actie over te gaan: voor meer informatie over deze campagne zie: [] […Lees verder]

Reclaim the Seeds benefit/infonight

On Thursday 24th there will be a benefiet voku for the Reclaim the Seeds event. Sunday after, 27th at 8pm there will be an infonight on this topic with film.

During the infonight we will give you more details on the seed exchange and info fair coming spring and how to get involved. We will show the film “A personal story on Seed Saving, made by Bart Van Baardwijk in Pun Pun, an organic farm and seed saving center of selfreliance in Thailand. Afterwards we will talk about the recent developments in the Dutch and international seed market which have lead to monopolisation of seeds and  the decline of bio- and seeddiversity.  European legislation forces farmers to give up their independency  while  on the same time patents are given  to common fruit and vegetable varieties. What does this mean for food sovereignity? And what means food sovereignity to us? […Lees verder]


Infonight and film about Dale Farm

Dale Farm eviction

Zo./Su. 20 Nov. 2011, 20:00: Infonight and film about Dale Farm A group of people will talk about their experiences on the travellers site Dale Farm in the UK, resisting the eviction plan that had been a threat to them for many years. The eviction took place one month ago. There will be footage of the eviction as an extension of their talk. It´s a BBC-documentary made by a a trusted filmmaker who spent a lot of time at Dale Farm for many years. […Lees verder]