Zo. 20 March 2011, Fermentation workshop (Part II), 15 t/m 19uur/. Workshop on life foods and beverages, teaching how to culture kombucha, yoghurt etc. Cultures will be given away!
Fermentation workshop (Part I)
Vr. 18 March 2011, Fermentation workshop (Part I), 19uur/. Event – Cultured Foods and Beverages Fermentatie workshop; proeven en maken! Come and learn how to prepare yoghurt, kefir and kombucha with food hackers! Meet interesting people in your community and see what is going on in the world of probiotics! Style Party to taste various international dishes and beverages combined with a presentation about cultured foods and beverages from my travels around Central and Northern America. Poster of the event: http://u2m.nl/data/fermentatie_poster.pdf
Info-night on gentrification in Istanbul and anti-gentrification group Imece
Zo. 6 March 2011, 18-20uur, Info-night on gentrification in Istanbul and anti-gentrification group Imece ”A lot of neighborhoods in Istanbul became economically too valuable to be left in the hands of their inhabitants!” The ongoing gentrification in istanbul got a greedier face especially in the last 5 years with the new laws made only to protect the yuppification of the neighborhoods with the leadership of the private sector, hand in hand with the politicians. The privatization and demolition of the public places like schools, hospitals in the city to make the city center available for gentrification and create sources of income for the private sector is not a secret plan anymore but an openly declared war against the inhabitants of Istanbul. Imece is a group actively organizing in the neighborhoods and schools, hospitals etc., reclaiming the city since 2006. Imece http://www.toplumunsehircilikhareketi.org
Info-VoKu VersVoko
Donderdag 13 january 2011, 19.00: Info-VoKu VersVoko http://www.versvoko.nl/
Infoavond ‘The Autonomous Life’ in Joes Garage
The Autonomous Life: The Autonomous LifeOn Sunday 23rd of january 2011, one of the many social scientists roaming our activist lairs, will do what most of them failed to do so far: present their work to the very community it is about. Joes Garage is proud to be the stage, once again to what the squatters group of the east is best at for years: something that might give you insights and headaches at the same time, totally depending of your intellectual capabilities (and the level of intoxication as a result of our refreshment policies)
Info Evening about the Tugelaweg Project
Vr. 14 Jan. 2011, Info Evening about the Tugelaweg Project. On the end of a three year legal and political struggle… the reality of a permanent social center in the Transvaalbuurt is within arms reach! The Stadsdeel or local Municiplaity has offered new housing union SoWeTo the opportunity to acquire a building on the Tugelaweg. Visionary residents including local housing activists, artists, architects for sustainability and social justice, and urban permaculture gardeners have joined forces with SoWeTo to make it happen. But…
Urban Permaculture Info Evening. Featuring film: ‘The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil’
We are organizing this very special info evening because it is time we started taking alternatives seriously. There is a lot of hope needed to survive this latest wave of shock style neo-liberal policies that are rolling back year’s worth of struggle and initiative economically, socially and ecologically.
Benefit Party, Info Night for Migrant Solidarity Network in Turkey
Thursday October 14th 2010, Voku, Benefit Party, Info Night for Migrant Solidarity Network in Turkey
Migrant Solidarity Network in Turkey is formed earlier this year with the motivation to bring migrants and issues around corrupted migration politics of Turkey visible to the public. For now, their main focus is the deportation centers in Istanbul. They have been organizing actions in front of the deportation centers and communicate with people inside.
During the benefit party/info night, a guest from migrant solidarity network will give info about the situation. There will be voku starting from 19hrs; video screening and more will follow. Food is vegan, 3€ or donation. No reservation
Gocmen Dayanisma Agi / Migrant Solidarity Network http://gocmendayanisma.org/