Benefit For Ishtar. Music with Benjamin Hermann and Dana Sipos Trio

Dana_SiposMonday June 27th 2016, Benefit For Ishtar. Music with Benjamin Hermann and Dana Sipos Trio. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. Music from 8:30pm till 10pm.

Dana Sipos is a nomadic Canadian folkist who weaves fragments of stories, myths and dreams into songs that map heart and country and the spaces between.
Spending her formative years in the Canadian subarctic city of Yellowknife, Dana Sipos’ songwriting is infused with a sense of surrealism best influenced by the supernatural experiences of Canada’s high country. A true songsmith, Sipos creates nuanced songs that are hauntingly hopeful and captivatingly calm, yet filled with a wild wind.
With an unconventional traveling style, Sipos has spent the last few years touring by tall ship and bicycle, canoe and train. In cahoots with Yukon producer Jordy Walker (Tanya Tagaq), Roll Up the Night Sky was recorded in the home studio of Richard Reed Parry of Arcade Fire over a cold Montreal winter and features Montreal and Canada’s finest music makers. Released under the beautifully tattooed wing of Nashville-based roots/Americana label Muddy Roots Music Recordings. The album garnered critical acclaim and was nominated for a 2015 Canadian Folk Music Awards in the Pushing the Boundaries category, celebrating innovation in creating new folk sounds.

Benjamin Hermann is a songwriter and accompanist currently living in Toronto ON, working, performing, collaborating, and creating from this city as a launching pad. Originally from North Bay, ON, Ben has since lived in Whitehorse, YT, travelled through Germany and Russia, considering these Northern and Eastern places to be the source of his artistic considerations. Eventually Ben landed in Toronto where he came to study and continue his music career. Ben also considers himself a recording artist, mainly composing with guitar, voice, and piano.

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchen, every monday and thursday, 7pm, vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation. (Closed on thursday in July and August!)

We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

Rhythms of Resistance benefit dinner

RoRMonday June 20th 2016, Rhythms of Resistance benefit dinner, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Rhythms of Resistance Amsterdam (RoR Amsterdam) is part of the international Rhythms of Resistance network. We are a network of action samba bands playing for different kinds of socio-political causes. We actively criticize and confront any form of domination, exploitation, discrimination or oppression and choose tactical frivolity and/or other forms of creative protest as a way to express our rage and indignation.
This year we will be organising the yearly meeting of the entire action-samba network in Amsterdam! The week will be filled with frivolous, rhythmical, radical activities and workshops to strengthen the tactics of our international network. This meeting is very important for the network to cooperate on a trans-national scale and to provide support to struggles in different locations.
Rhythms of Resistance: […Lees verder]

Benefit Mumia Abu-Jamal

mumia_thenandnow2015Thursday June 9th 2016, Benefit for Mumia Abu-Jamal, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Angela Davis calls for action:

The ‘one million roses’-campaign was one of the keys that opened my prisoncell in 1972, when 100 of 1000ths of people send postcards to me, to express their solidarity and demand my freedom, while i was in jail.
My 2 years in prison were tough enough on me – now try to imagine someone living there for more then 34 years! ‘a bright shining hell’, is how Mumia used to refer to the tiny concrete bathroom, he had to stay in for 22 hours, every single day, for nearly 29 years, while he was on deathrow.
At the end of 2011 his deathsentence was definitely found unconstitutional, which even in strictly legalistic terms means, he should never have been in this dark place to begin with. That alone should be enough for the Governor to pardon him.
Much is pointing to his innocense; he never received a fair trial and was not allowed to demonstrate his innocense in court.
Now he faces another kind of deathsentence: a life-threatening illness (active hepatitus C), for which he is not receiving the needed treatment in prison, cause it’s too expensive, so the prison-authorities rather see him dead.
Mumia and other sick prisoners started a courtcase, demanding adequaat treatment; the outcome of this case is still unknown. If he wins, he has made a precedent for the other 10.000 sick prisoners, waiting for the right treatment.
the Governor of Pennsylvania has the power to grant freedom for Mumia.
let’s write 1000ths of postcards to the Governor, in which you can expres your concern
and ask for treatment and of course FREEDOM !

Governor Tom Wolf
508 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120, USA
governor [at] pa [dot] gov
(717)787 2500
for more info: or […Lees verder]

Benefit & Infonight: Germany and its Nazis: the NSU murders

Thursday June 2nd 2016, Benefit & Infonight: Germany and its Nazis: the NSU murders. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

“The National Socialist Underground which was uncovered in 2011 killed 8 migrants, a son of a migrant family and a policewoman. Public discourse has remained focused on the “mistakes” made by German authorities during their investigations, especially the Federal Office and the State Offices for the Protection of the Constitution, while debates about racism in the German society, very alive indeed, remain absent. It was precisely this racism which was the basis of the 90’s militant Nazi scene, from which the NSU derived, and which allowed them to kill unhindered.”

Daniel Schmidt who will be giving a talk about the NSU murders and racist every day life in Germany is part of “das schweigen durchbrechen”, an antifascist-group, which was formed as an answer to these events and is located in Nuremberg – the city where the NSU started its murder series and which stands like no other for an unbroken continuity of racism in Germany.

Antifaschistische Initiative Das Schweigen Durchbrechen:

[…Lees verder]

Benefit Autonoom Centrum Den Haag

AC_Den_HaagMonday May 30th 2016, Benefit for Autonoom Centrum Den Haag. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. No reservation

Benefit to raise money towards the legal costs related to legal proceedings against squatting. […Lees verder]

Benefit for struggle against Gentrification in Jeruzalem neighbourhood in Amsterdam East

20160526_Benefit_for_struggle_against_Gentrification_in_Jeruzalem_neighbourhood_in_Amsterdam_EastThursday May 26th 2016, Benefit for struggle against Gentrification in Jeruzalem neighbourhood in Amsterdam East, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Bewoners van de wijk Jeruzalem in Amsterdam-Oost verzetten zich al jaren tegen het voornemen van woningcorporatie Rochdale om hun sociale huurwoningen te slopen. Meerdere woonblokken bleven behouden, maar het voortbestaan van blok G&H staat momenteel op het spel. Wat ooit een parel was van de naoorlogse woningbouw wordt tot symbool van de hedendaagse gentrificatie.

De bewoners van Jeruzalem hebben zich altijd ingezet voor behoud van hun wijk en de betaalbaarheid van hun woningen. In 2009, na een felle strijd van de bewonerscommissie, zijn het stadsdeel, Rochdale en de monumenten organisaties overeen gekomen de wijk te vernieuwen. Een deel van de blokken kreeg de monumentenstatus toegewezen, de rest moest wijken voor nieuwbouw. Deze omstreden oplossing ging in 2010 in rook op toen Rochdale aankondigde last van de crisis en haar eigen wanbeheer te hebben. Bewoners en het stadsdeel waren ontsteld. De woningen waren namelijk dringend aan een opknapbeurt toe en er was veel tijd en energie in de in 2009 overeengekomen plannen gestoken. De daaropvolgende jaren was Rochdale voor een substantieel deel van de bewoners onzichtbaar in de wijk en werd achterstallig onderhoud steeds voelbarder en zichtbaarder.

Deze situatie waren een aantal bewoners van de Pasteurstraat en de Hugo de Vrieslaan in 2014 beu. Ze kwamen bijeen om zelf plannen te ontwikkelen en om de leefkwaliteit van de wijk te verbeteren. De bewoners werden enthousiast, namen het heft in eigen handen en brachten de net uitgeroepen participatiemaatschappij in de praktijk. Rochdale was allerminst gecharmeerd en kondigde begin 2015 alsnog de sloopplannen aan tijdens een emotionele bijeenkomst. Sindsdien wordt het mantra van de sloop herhaald en hebben vooral oudere mensen tegen hun zin in hun woning verlaten.

De bewoners uit blokken G&H hebben het er niet bij laten zitten. Inmiddels is er samen met LB-Architect een toekomstvisie geschreven. Daarin worden missie en doelen uiteengezet. De bewoners hebben zich verenigd in de Wooncoöperatie Jeruzalem. Een coöperatieve vereniging die aan momentum wint. Ondanks de verhuizing van verschillende bewoners met een stadsvernieuwingsurgentie is er steeds meer interesse van de huidige huurders die niet willen vertrekken uit Jeruzalem. Er bestaat veel onduidelijkheid over het aanbod en de plannen van Rochdale. Daarnaast worden de opties op de Amsterdamse woningmarkt steeds beperkter door de massale verkoop van sociale huurwoningen, terwijl Rochdale zich wederom als projectontwikkelaar voor het hoge segment opstelt. Hoog tijd om de corporatie aan haar verplichtingen te herinneren zich op haar kerntaken te concentreren en zich voor haar huurders in te zetten.

Het doel is uiteindelijk om de blokken G&H te behouden en een geheel te blijven vormen met de rest van de wijk. De wooncoöperatie hoopt daarbij ook op steun vanuit de rest van de wijk en andere bewoners van deze stad die zich niet met veel poen een plekje in het pretpark Amsterdam kunnen kopen.

Tijdens de benefiet zullen we het verhaal verder uitleggen, donatie gaan aan de wooncoöperatie aan de kosten voor campagnemateriaal bij te dragen. […Lees verder]

Aid Delivery Mission benefit. Folk punk night with Giz Medium and Captain Chaos.

Chris_ClavinThursday May 19th 2016, Aid Delivery Mission Benefit with an update by activists from Aid Delivery Mission, recently back from Greece. Then, folk punk night with Giz Medium and Captain Chaos. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. Music from 8:30pm till 10pm! Donations welcome.

Aid Delivery Mission:
Your Support is Needed. All donations and support help Aid Delivery Mission deliver aid to some of the most vulnerable people in Europe. The Mission: An ever changing and chaotic refugee crisis calls for a flexible approach, therefore we are combining an extensive experience of mobile kitchens and providing food, with our ability to reflect on what is needed, where and when.
Thousands of people are stuck around various borders in unsupported makeshift camps, so far the winter has been forgiving, but undoubtedly that will change.
We are based on voluntary work depending on donations, but we need help, especially financial support to cover transport costs and food supplies.

CAPTAIN CHAOS is Chris Clavin from GHOST MICE (and plan-it-x records) playing solo. Captain Chaos started as a song-a-day project, in which Chris tried to write and record a song a day. The idea was to write and record the most honest version of the song. This turned into eight full length
albums.  CAPTAIN CHAOS is from Bloomington Indiana.

GIZ MEDIUM is a zine writer (cheap toys) and punk/folk singer/songwriter living in Marseille. He has toured Europe a few times.

[…Lees verder]

Info Benefietavond demotour ‘Geen kind aan de kant!’

Demotour_Geen_kind_aan_de_kantThursday May 12th 2016, Info Benefietavond demotour ‘Geen kind aan de kant!’, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

In mei worden twee demotours georganiseerd om samen met de vluchtelingen in de gezinslocaties te demonstreren voor de rechten van vluchtelingenkinderen. Ter ondersteuning van deze campagne worden er een aantal benefietavonden gehouden, waaronder in Joe’s. Na een heerlijke maaltijd zal er op deze avond uitleg worden gegeven over de gezinslocaties en natuurlijk aan deelname aan de tour! Voor meer informatie:

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchen, every monday and thursday, 7pm, vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation.

We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.