Benefit for the Palestinian Circus School in Birzeit, Palestine

Monday October 13th 2014: Benefit for the Palestinian Circus School in Birzeit, Palestine, Volkseten Vegazulu, 19:00.

The first performance of the school, “Circus Behind the Wall”, was presented in August 2006 at Ashtar Theatre in Ramallah. More than 250 people attended the first show and they took it as more than simply a sign of encouragement, it was a sign that the dream of the Palestinian circus group was very much alive. The Palestinian Circus School dreams of a free Palestine in which Palestinians engage in a dynamic cultural and artistic life that embraces creativity, freedom of expression and diversity as the main pillars for a just and inclusive society.
Therefore the cooking collective Gember came together to raise funding for this initiative with the support of Joe’s Garage. Join us on the coming Oct 13 for a night of food, films and discussion on how to keep supporting this initiative. […Lees verder]


Movie night: Ekümenopolis – city without limits (Turkey, 2011)

Sunday October 12th 2014, Ekümenopolis – city without limits. Directed by Imre Azem 2011, 93 minutes, in Turkish with English subtitles. Door opens at 8pm, film begins at 9pm.

Eukemonopolis is documentation about neo liberal city development in Istanbul and the aspiration of its political leaders of turning it into a global city, one of those cities like London, Tokyo, Amsterdam or São Paulo, that shape globalisation and form the network of global cities where the service, banking and real estate businesses accumulate, where mega events takes place and a hegemonial hipster culture is cultivated. While the global alpha, beta and gamma cities posses the intellectual knowledge, tools and power the global division of labour is further extended, with the majority of factory production being outsourced to those parts of the world where people earn a shit for their 60 hours working week, have no labour rights whatsoever and endanger their health and well being by working in super precarious conditions, let alone the environmental destruction that this system of global division of labour provokes. Eukomonopolis shows quite in detail what the negative effects of repressive neo liberal urban development in Istanbul mean to local citizens and to the city’s natural environment while it also explains concepts like the global city (which was developed by Saskia Sassen) so that we can look at our own living environment and have more tools at hand to better understand what happens around us and affects us. We can develop strategies and actions to be solidare with the exploited people worldwide and get active locally in order to develop and realise our own strategies in contrast to that what is opposed on us by the state and its institutions, urban planners and the capitalistic system.

As further background  we want to provide a text about urban development in the city which is part of more a comprehensive report about squatting in the Istanbul and a collection of reports about radical grassroots neighborhood and factory organisation provided by the the solidarity campaign for left neighborhoods in Istanbul, translated from german to english. Even though the documentary does not relate those particular stories, those texts may shed some light on local resistance against the urban development that takes place in the city.

[…Lees verder]

International Solidarity Movement info-night

Friday October 10th 2014, International Solidarity Movement info-night, 8pm.

The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) is a Palestinian-led movement committed to resisting the long-entrenched and systematic oppression and dispossession of the Palestinian population, using non-violent, direct-action methods and principles. Founded in August 2001, ISM aims to support and strengthen the Palestinian popular resistance by being immediately alongside Palestinians in olive groves, on school runs, at demonstrations, within villages being attacked, by houses being demolished or where Palestinians are subject to consistent harassment or attacks from soldiers and settlers as well as numerous other situations. […Lees verder]

AutoControl: Benefit and info evening

Thursday October 9th 2014, AutoControl: Benefit and info evening, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm

AutoControl is squatted complex consisting of four buildings on Papaverweg in Amsterdam Nord. Activities of AutoControl include peoples’ kitchen, bar nights, the Hand to Hand Freeshop, guitar workshop, jugglers’ meeting, concerts, free bike repair shop, an upcoming underground cinema and more.

The complex hes been operating with no running water and electricity since april 2014.

Autocontrol1Autocontrol2 […Lees verder]

Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Knoflíkáři (1997)


Sunday October 5th 2014, Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema by Jeffrey Babcock: Knoflíkáři (Buttoners). Directed by Petr Zelenka, 1997, 106 minutes, in Czech with English subtitles. Door opens at 8pm, film begins at 9pm.

The unbelievable burst of creativity that emerged from Czechoslovakian cinema of the 60s is mostly something of the past. Today the general film scene there is as dim as it is everywhere else. But of course there are exceptions, and director Petr Zelenka is one of them. Where many directors are going for a more slick Hollywood-derived approach to cinema, Zelenka is one of the black sheep, the enfant terrible of his generation. His movies are wild, deranged and surreal black comedies, but at the same time they ultimately culminate in some sort of philosophical observation. In general his films explore the broken dreams of the so-called Velvet Generation… the moral confusion and existential loneliness that was ushered in with western consumerism. […Lees verder]

ATTENTION: 15 days major European operation controls against “illegal” migration.

Spread this:

The Council of the European Union is organizing from 13 to October 26, 2014 a major joint operation with the Schengen Member States, Europol and Frontex, called “Mos maiorum”.

All possible migration routes in Europe will be checked in all Schengen States and Europe’s external borders, the objectives being:

– Arrest “illegal” immigrants and gather information in view of investigation
– Identify, hunt and disrupt the organized crime groups
– Consolidate joint actions to prevent “illegal” migration
– Look at the routes used by migrants and migration networks.
– Collect and analyze the information related to secondary movements also

Controls at airports, train stations, ports, borders and other strategic places (train, bus, metro, tram?) will be strengthened without a doubt. So be careful.

Download the multilingual travel warning flyer, print it, distribute it.
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