June 2015 at Joe’s Garage


Taina Asili & Evan Greer, music for social change, Break the Chains tour

BreakTheChains_Euro2015_amsterdamThursday June 25th 2014, Singer songwriters: Taina Asili & Evan Greer, music for social change, Break the Chains European tour. Door opens at 7pm. Concert at 8:30pm, after the people’s kitchen.

Evan Greer one of the founder of the Riot-Folk Collective and Taina Asili, from Boston and New York, will be performing at Joe’s Garage as a part of their Break the Chains European Tour. Evan Greer is a radical genderqueer singer/songwriter from the Riot-Folk collective, based in Boston, MA, performing high-energy acoustic songs that inspire hope, build community, and incite resistance. Taína Asili is a US born Puerto Rican singer, combining powerful vocals with energetic fusion of Afro-Latin, reggae, and rock sounds of rebellion. Evan and Taina are very active in movements of resistance in the US, and in addition to sharing their music, will be sharing updates on the community organizing work they are involved in, especially as it relates to prisoner justice, Black Lives Matter and the movement to free Mumia Abu-Jamal and other US political prisoners.

More infos at: http://evangreer.org/ and http://tainaasili.com/

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Info night Squatting in the UK after the ban

20150622_infonight_Squatting_in_UK_after_the_banMonday June 22nd 22015, Info night Squatting in the UK after the ban. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm, then info night with a speaker from London.

In 2012 the UK government enacted a law to criminalise squatting in residential buildings despite 95% of responses to its ‘consultation’ opposing any further legislation. The squatting scene has died in almost all cities in England and Wales apart from London, where the movement has only a fraction of the numbers it used to. Squatters are now forced to live in non residential buildings which are often unfit for human habitation. The number of people sleeping rough has increased as London is undergoing a phase of transformation, with inner London becoming unaffordable for lower income people. As property prices rise, there are less empty properties to squat in and owners are able to hire private firms to carry out very fast and often violent evictions. The aim of this talk is to describe the legal situation and challenges to it, and how this has changed the squatting movement into something smaller but much more political and radical. […Lees verder]

Movie Night: 99 Franc (2007)

ng_120229_99francs_01Sunday June 21st 2015, Movie Night: 99 Franc (Jan Kounen, France, 2007, 100 min.). In French with English subtitles. Door opens at 8pm, film begin at 9pm. Free admission.

The film is a satire on the modern advertizement business. The plot mainly concerns the story of a commercial advertisement designer, Octave Parango (Jean Dajardin), who has an easy-going, highly paid job, and an active free life mainly consisting of drugs and random one-time sexual relationships. However, he starts growing weary of his job, and after having his first ever long-time relationship with fellow worker Sophie (Vahina Giocante) fail miserably, he organises a revolt against the advertisement business and his own life. […Lees verder]

Greenhouse Infoshop benefit

greenhouseinfoshopMonday June 15th 2015, Greenhouse Infoshop Project (Philippines) benefit, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm

‘Dear Friends, after almost 8 years of doing food not bombs (mobile soup kitchen), films screenings, free workshops and community grassroots organizing, the Greenhouse Infoshop Project is under threat of eviction due to financial crisis for the past months. Greenhouse Infoshop Project is renting a space for 2,000 pesos monthly due to our small income generated, we are in trouble paying the rental of the space this past month. But we cannot afford to stop what we have started.

With the serious problem we are facing, we don’t have any choices right now but to ask for your support once again. We can go squatting but there are limitations concerning water and electricity. We are asking if you could help us sustain a 1 year rental of our space, just to prepare ourselves into transition and push our worthwhile projects. The total rental will be 24,000 Php or $600 good for 1 year, we are asking if you could help us provide the rental for 1 year.

On the bright side we are starting a project called “The Free Bank”; sharing free services resources or good deeds within a social network or community without money involve.

This is the first major challenge to us as an infoshop and pioneers of anti-authoritarian movements here in Southern Luzon particularly in Naga City Philippines. We know that the financial crisis we are facing are effects of crisis of capitalism. We didn’t own any piece of land but we are struggling and fighting to survive, to put forward our projects. I hope you could consider our appeal and hoping for your positive reply.

For autonomy, hope and freedom.

In Solidarity!

-Noel Regachuelo

http://greenhouseinfoshop.blogspot.com/ […Lees verder]

Kurdish Movie Night: Blackboards (“Takhté siah”)

MV5BMTUwOTM0NzgyNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjU1OTQyMQ@@._V1_SY317_CR4,0,214,317_AL_Sunday June 14th 2015, Kurdish Movie Night: Blackboards ( تخته سیاه‎, by Samira Makhmalbaf, Iran, 2000, 88 min.). In Kurdish with English subtitles. Door opens at 8pm, film begin at 9pm. Free admission.

After the chemical bombing of Halabcheh in Iraq a number of Kurd refugee teachers seek for pupils who are willing to educate around the border as they carry their blackboards like Jesus’ crosses. One of them encounters a group of teenage smugglers and tries to convince them to educate as they carry their heavy backpacks full of smuggled stuff. The other teacher encounters a group of old and tired men, whom after years of migration are going to their own country to die there. But it seems that hunger and insecurity has not left any chance for the education of the generations.

The film focuses on a group of Kurdish refugees after the chemical bombing of Halabja by Saddam Hussein’s Iraq during the Iran–Iraq War. The screenplay was co-written by Makhmalbaf with her father, Mohsen Makhmalbaf. The dialogue is entirely in Kurdish and Makhmalbaf describes it as “something between reality and fiction. Smuggling, being homeless, and people’s efforts to survive are all part of reality… the film, as a whole, is a metaphor.” […Lees verder]

Info night and benefit for Ground Control & The Climate Games

20150611_Groundcountrol_ClimategamesThursday June 11th 2015, Info night and benefit for Ground Control – agriculture and climate action camp & The Climate Games, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm

* What: Ground Control – an agriculture & climate action camp and the Climate Games
* When: Camp from July 1-8, 2015, Climate Games on July 4th.
* Where: near Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and in the harbour.
This summer we will break new ground for action…

During a week long camp near Amsterdam we will get together to stimulate a different agricultural system and counteract climate change.

Since the environmental question entered the political debate, countless quick fixes have been developed to deal with some of the symptoms of climate change, leaving its root causes untouched. In December the “world leaders” will meet in Paris for COP21; yet another international climate summit after the previous failures. Meanwhile, the city of Amsterdam is planning to expand the activity in its port, which already is the second largest throughput of coal in Europe and hosts some of the world’s most polluting companies.

The stakes are too high for us to remain silent observers in this game: we refuse to let corporate interests gain new ground. This time, we will play by our rules.

Come prepared for an inspiring week full of workshops, trainings, discussions and actions, including the Climate Games. Bring your energy, ideas, friends and motivation! We will join forces in our struggle for an alternative system based on justness and solidarity.

We aim for:
– Convergence of people and networks.
– Effective change.
– Resistance and action!

Ground control welcomes bookworms and practical people – from the most experienced to the newcomers in the field. It offers a space to make meaningful connections and prepare for (future) struggles.

For more info, check out : http://www.groundcontrolcamp.net    http://www.climategames.nl […Lees verder]

Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Kamikaze 1989 (Wolf Gremm, 1982)

kamikaze_1989Sunday June 7th 2015, Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Kamikaze 1989 (Wolf Gremm, 1982). In German with English subtitles. Free admission. Door opens at 20:00, Film starts at 21:00.

Set in the not-so-distant future, this film depicts a brave new world where illness has been eliminated, culture has been dumbed-down, there is no unemployment and a single conglomerate controls all the mass-media. Rainer Werner Fassbinder (in his final acting role) stars as the off-beat police lieutenant Jansen who is assigned to investigate a string of murders, but the deeper he digs the more complex and twisted the situation becomes. This is not the sort of film that leads you by the hand into a dystopian future, but a movie which dumps you in total alienation and a convoluted cultural anarchy- it’s Eurotrash, camp, arthouse and over the top.
Based on the 1964 novel Murder on the Thirty-First Floor by Per Wahlöö, this “West German cyberpunk thriller” features Fassbinder who was on his last legs when he starred in this crazed film. He is wildly dressed in a gaudy leopard-print suit, chain-smoking, sweating, and as one person said he is “lumbering around like a wounded walrus”. But that also adds a lot of flavor to the chaos. The decor and costumes are stuffed full of sci-fi kitsch, and that also adds to its nostalgic charm. The color scheme is gaudy, and the cinematography is by Xaver Schwarzenberger who shot Berlin Alexanderplatz along with most of Fasbinder’s last films. Besides Fassbinder the film also features Günther Kaufmann and Franco Nero. An extremely rare cult film from the Germany punk scene of the 80s with a vision of the future as an insane, senseless, labyrinthine junk world.
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