Benefit for Syrian families

Monday December 9th 2019, Benefit for Syrian families, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Today we are cooking in benefit of a group of Syrian families that are currently on the run for the war situation in their country. The money will go directly to them.

Joe’s Garage is always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, mail us and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

Benefit for Calafou, the post-capitalist, eco-industrial colony

Thursday November 28th 2019, Benefit for Calafou, the post-capitalist, eco-industrial colony. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Presentation, exhibition and food for Calafou, the post-capitalist, eco-industrial colony. Calafou

Joe’s Garage is always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, mail us and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

Benefit for Syrian families

Monday November 25th 2019, Benefit for Syrian families, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

We are a cooking group called krakenkeuken. We are a group of people in the city cooking vegan food , trying to uphold a zero waste policy. This time, we are cooking for a benefit for several Syrian families in the regoin of Idlib in Syria.

Joe’s Garage is always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, mail us and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

SRP (Studenten voor Rechtvaardigheid in Palestina) benefit dinner

Thursday November 21st 2019, SRP (Studenten voor Rechtvaardigheid in Palestina) benefit dinner. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

SRP’s monthly benefit dinner in Joe’s Garage is part of our fundraising campaign for Jalazone, a project to support building a playground for the children in the camp.
Summer 2017 SRP visited Jalazone camp during a our trip to Palestine. We met with the women’s committee of the camp who work to improve the lives of their children living under occupation. They playgroud project fundraising is a direct request from the Palestinian women in Jalazone camp and we are working towards building concrete solidarity with Jalazone camp.
Come and join us for a delicious meal and see what you can do to further this project.
Studenten voor Rechtvaardigheid in Palestina

Joe’s Garage is always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, mail us and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

The Fig House (Pitzi Kampouroglou, 2019)

Monday November 11th 2019, special screening: The Fig House (documentary from Pitzi Kampouroglou, 2019), 102 minutes, in English with English subtitles. Doors open at 19:00 with food. Film starts at 21:00. Fee entrance, donations welcome.

The independent collective Amanita Films presents their new documentary The Fig House. The filmmakers will be present for questions and a discussion before and after the film screening. The film tells in twelve chapters the misadventures of ten friends and a cat, living for seven months in a squat in Greece. Activists and refugees all together, they come across the everyday troubles of living on the edge of society, while trying to reach Germany through the refugee’s Balkan Route.

Amanita Films is a project born from the making of the documentary The Fig House, a self-produced work by the same protagonists of the film. Amanita Films does not respect the rules of the film industry, believing that they are just instruments to preserve the privileges of those who have all the interests to prevent the free circulation and creation of art-works. We therefore do not recognize the copy rights of commercial exploitation neither our own neither others’ art’s works. We believe in a cooperative form of film production and in the creation of an alternative distribution network to the official one.

The idea of getting in a car and taking the film a tour around Europe, was born precisely from this need to get out of invisibility, to build a network of contacts that could become the basis for the diffusion and self-financing of independent audio-visual works.
The Fig House had its premiere at the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival, registered with false names and fake documents, winning the young jury special prize. Despite this small success, however, no distributor has declared to be interested in distributing a work that cannot be commercially exploited since it does not comply with and is registered to any copyrights.
We are now only a month away from going to Athens to start filming our next documentary: Love in Time of Crisis. We decided to go there by car, a one-month road trip to close a circle with our previous work and at the same time to open a new one.
We will depart from Zurich to arrive to Greece via Germany, Holland and Italy and we will stop in every city where there will be an squat, a cultural center, an private association, willing to support our project by hosting a screening of our previous documentary: The Fig House.
The purpose of the tour is also to be able to finance part of the expenses for the filming of Love in Time of Crisis through the support of our same spectators. The screenings will always be open to everyone and free; at the exit there will be a donation box where, whoever wants to, can leave a concrete support.
We want to share the experience of The Fig House with the largest number of people. The donation is not at all a discriminating factor in this sense, but only a possibility for the spectator, after having seen the film, in case it is liked, of being able to help Amanita Films to continue to produce cinema in a free and independent way.

Topics: The small mishaps of everyday life in the squatted house are the reason to raise some questions about immigration and solidarity, in particular on some issues that are not discussed very often. The film questions the vicious circle “illegality – poverty – prison”, as well as the topic of the “invisible wounds” – the psychological traumas connected to the migrant status. The documentary is essentially a story of friendship and solidarity, instability and despair. An opportunity to ask ourselves what kind of Europe we are building and if there is space for a better common future.

A group of friends, activists and migrants, decide to organize an escape plan through the Balkans, in order to reach illegally Germany from Greece. To accomplish their plans, they decide to divide the tasks, and while some are dedicated to find a suitable means of transport for the group, others are looking for an abandoned ruin to turn it into their home. When things seem to be going well, they have to face small unforeseen events that inevitably delay the completion of the plan: the cat of the house breaks his leg, a friend is arrested and one of the boys decides not to leave anymore. These continuous blows of misfortune end up weakening the psychological resilience of Ilias, one of the boys, who begins not to withstand the psychological pressure anymore, what is complicating the situation and putting the plan at risk.

For more infos: amanitafilms [at] protonmail [dot] com

SRP (Studenten voor Rechtvaardigheid in Palestina) benefit dinner

Monday October 28th 2019, SRP (Studenten voor Rechtvaardigheid in Palestina) benefit dinner. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

SRP’s monthly benefit dinner in Joe’s Garage is part of our fundraising campaign for Jalazone, a project to support building a playground for the children in the camp.
Summer 2017 SRP visited Jalazone camp during a our trip to Palestine. We met with the women’s committee of the camp who work to improve the lives of their children living under occupation. They playgroud project fundraising is a direct request from the Palestinian women in Jalazone camp and we are working towards building concrete solidarity with Jalazone camp.
Come and join us for a delicious meal and see what you can do to further this project.
Studenten voor Rechtvaardigheid in Palestina

Joe’s Garage is always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, mail us and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

Benefit & info in support of the undocumented refugees of We Are Here

Thursday October 24th 2019, Benefit & info in support of the undocumented refugees of We Are Here. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

In May of this year we proved by visiting the Family Loket (Vreemdelingenloket) that:

– there was no shelter at all for ‘new’ (who were not already in a shelter) undocumented refugees in Amsterdam;
– it was not possible at all to registrate on a waitinglist for the 24Hours shelter;
– even very sick people only could come on a waitinglist.
All this was confirmed in a mail of the Family Loket (Vreemdelingenloket) to us.

We tried to get proof from the Family Loket (Vreemdelingenloket) that we had been there to registrate. We offered the Loket a declaration to sign that we had been there.
This was very important for us. Because:
The refugees, without income, would not have to go in vain to the Loket;
Owners of squatted places, the OM (OpenBaar Ministerie), Prosecution Counsel, judges, mayors, Media kept saying there WAS a shelter. This was very harmful for us in courtcases, evictions, media and public opinion.
The Loket refused to give that declaration.
There was nowhere to go for us, no place to be, except the street or a squatted place. On the street and in parks we were hunted by the police, sleeping in tents became prohibited and the same with selling a magazine for some pocket money.

In our need we squatted less appropriate places…

We asked the Family Loket (Vreemdelingenloket) and also the City Board to be clear about the fact that there was no shelter, including no possibility to registrate for the 24Hours shelter.
We started our correspondence with the municipality, directing the Mayor and alderman Groot Wassink. Mrs Anne Klerks answered our mail in name of alderman Groot Wassink. (please see below)
At the end of our correspondence with Mrs Klerks the City Board still refuses an emergency shelter and also refuses to care for the refugees on the street and in squatted places.
But it seems there is now a waiting list for the 24Hours shelter.
The 24Hours shelter should have started the 1th of July but it did not. Than the guidance should have started the 1th of July. But it did not. The only thing that happened seems to be that one tries to get rid of the Dublinclaimers in spite of promesses to this group.
The Dublin Regulation is a seriously criticised system by an organisation as UNHCR because it is unfair for the countries where refugees first arrive and against the human rights of free choice for the refugees. By accepting the Dublin Regulation the 24Hours shelter starts with a defeat against human rights before it has even been started.

We ask more than ever for an Emergency Shelter for undocumented refugees, for our immediate need, but also to avoid that we have to be such a long time in the streets and in squatted places that the 24Hours shelter will be a place for sic people only.

Dringende Financiële noodhulp voor vluchtelingen die geen kant op kunnen en niets krijgen van staat of stad (September 22, 2019)

Beste mensen,

Hoe kan dat: aan vluchtelingen die niet terug kunnen geen verblijfsvergunning geven, wel een verbod op werk, geen inkomen, geen onderdak, geen kleding, geen voedsel, geen onderwijs?
Het kan blijkbaar: zogenaamde ongedocumenteerde vluchtelingen zijn om te overleven volledig afhankelijk van particulier initiatief.
Ze waren met 65, vluchtelingen uit Afrikaanse landen, die april van dit jaar in Uilenstede 475, een 5 jaar lang leegstaand gebouw in het gebied Uilenstede/Kronenburg in Amstelveen, waren getrokken. Het gebied gaat volledig op de schop, het visieplan was kort daarvoor door de gemeenteraad aangenomen, het zal jaren vergen dit te realiseren en in de tussentijd is er vanalles mogelijk, ook voor ongedocumenteerde vluchtelingen. Dat hoopten ze, zeker toen de eigenaars ze aanboden tot 31 juli te blijven en te willen nadenken over een langere periode. Maar ze werden bedrogen, zowel door de eigenaars als door de staat, en de staat maakte het hun zelfs onmogelijk om tegen de rechterlijke uitspraak in hoger beroep te gaan. […Lees verder]

Benefit Association Togolaise des Expulsés

Monday 26 August 2019, Benefit dinner for the Association Togolaise des Expulsés, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

On the situation of deportees, expelled persons and “candidates for migration” according to the example of Sokodé/Togo. The Association Togolaise des Expulsés (ATE) was founded in 2008 in Sokodé, the second largest city in Togo, by people who had been expelled to Togo from various countries – including Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands. The ATE’s commitment is manifested in the form of practical support and mutual assistance for people who find themselves in precarious living conditions after their expulsion and also in raising society’s awareness of issues related to migration and the rights of refugees and migrants.

In recent years, the ATE, founded as a self-organization of expellees, has increasingly focused on the situation of young people who are currently fleeing Togo or migrating. The ETA helps to give a realistic picture of the multiple dangers on migration routes to those who want or need to leave.
Like many African civil society movements, the ATE also speaks out against human rights violations and deadly crimes on migration routes – and against a border regime imposed by European states that allows people to die in the desert and sea and pays money to Libyan militias and some African governments to prevent African people from traveling to Europe at all costs.

ATE is also active in the Alarme Phone Sahara project – a practical initiative of African and European civil society organisations against dangerous and deadly conditions on flight and migration routes through the Sahel and Sahara countries.

More information on the ATE and TOGO: (All Included & ATE are both members of Afrique-Europe Interact).
All Included, Plantage Doklaan 8-12, 1018 CM Amsterdam

Joe’s Garage is always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, mail us and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.