Iranian movie night: Tehran Taboo (Ali Soozandeh, 2017)

Sunday August 22nd, 2021, Iranian movie night: Tehran Taboo (2017) by Ali Soozandeh. 96 minutes, english subtitles. Doors open at 20:00, Film starts at 20:30. Free admission.

In this multi-stranded rotoscoped narrative, crackling with tension and bleak comedy, musicians and prostitutes find ways around the strict laws of their country.
“Saying ‘no’ is more important than breathing in Tehran,” one character in this impressive debut feature by writer-director Ali Soozandeh advises another who has gotten in trouble through a failure to abstain. In this criss-crossing, multi-stranded narrative, various denizens of Iran’s capital city are seen bending, fracturing and sometimes decisively shattering the strict laws of the land – particularly where it comes to sex, drugs and general submission to the patriarchy.
Soozandeh has cleverly worked around the problem not just by living abroad but through the unusual way the film is made: the movie is technically a work of animation. Like Waltz With Bashir or A Scanner Darkly, it’s made with a contemporary, computer-assisted version of what was once called rotoscoping, whereby filmed material is traced over to produce a drawn image that matches the live-action frame for frame. The result offers deniability to the participating actors. But more importantly, it creates a remarkable visual texture, hyper-realistic in terms of movement and expression but also stylised with simplified fields of colour.

Cast: Elmira Rafizadeh, Zar Amir Ebrahimi, Arash Marandi, Bilal Yasar, Negar Mona Alizadeh, Payam Madjlessi.

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to screen a movie, let us know: joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net

Latin american movie night: No (Pablo Larraín, 2012)

Sunday July 25th 2021, No (Pablo Larraín, 2012), 118 minutes, in Spanish with English Subtitles. Doors open at 20:00, Film starts at 20:30

No, a Chilean historical drama directed by Pablo Larrain and starring Gael Garcia Bernal. The film unfolds in 1988, when Augusto Pinochet, who had ruled Chile with an iron fist since coming to power in a 1973, caved to international pressure and called for a public referendum to determine whether or not he should receive an eight-year extension of his rule. Virtually everyone in the country assumes that the results will be fixed, but Renee Saavedra (Bernal), a youthful ad executive who recently returned to the country after years of living in exile, decides to take on the challenge of rallying the public’s support against its dictator through the “No” campaign. […Lees verder]

What’s going on in Chile? Sunday 1srt March

Anarchist Group Amsterdam and Joe’s Garage collective are organizing two events in Amsterdam in solidarity with protests in Chile.

Chile is one of the wealthiest and unequal countries in Latin America at the same time. 1% of the population in Chile controls 26.5% of the country’s wealth, while 50% of low-income households access 2.1%.
Despite this fact, in October 2019 the Chilean government decided to increase public transport fares by 4% ignoring its social significance. It led to the protests and the biggest civil unrest having occurred in Chile since the end of Augusto Pinochet’s military dictatorship. People’s demands quickly grew from keeping public transport fares to more broad anti-neoliberal claims. The government replied with Excessive use of force. As of 26 October, 19 people have died, nearly 2,500 have been injured, and 2,840 have been arrested. Human rights organizations have received several reports of violations conducted against protesters, including torture, sexual abuse, and rape. According to Amnesty International, “the intention of the Chilean security forces is clear: to injure demonstrators in order to discourage protest.”. In fact, they didn’t succeed and protests are still happening until the present day.

To learn more about events happening in Chile and express your solidarity please come to our events:

Saturday, February 22, 18:00, Bollox, Eerste Schinkel­straat 14-16, Amsterdam – info talk from Chile/Belgian collective
Sunday, March 1, Joe’s Garage, Pretoriusstraat 43, Amsterdam – food and movie night

Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: El pico II (cine quinqui retrospective)

Sunday December 1st 2019, Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: El pico II (1984) by Eloy de la Iglesia, 122 minutes. In Spanish with English subtitles. Doors open at 20:00, Film starts at 20:30

El pico II is a stunning sequel that can be watched on its own, even if you haven’t seen Eloy’s smash film El pico, made just one year earlier. This time the action is set in Madrid, in the infamous Carabanchel jail, which became cine quinqui’s ‘actor’s studio’ since so many of the performers in these movies were real life criminals. Although the follow-up is less gritty, it remains true to El pico’s mix between denunciation essay and action thriller. Because Eloy was, in a way, an unrefined version of the Greek director Costa Gavras, with the added intensity of a filmmaker who was not just a self-declared communist, but also openly gay and addicted to heroin.

And heroin is indeed at the heart of this story. Our junkie heroes, Manzano and Pirri, play two cell mates – a posh kid and a working class quinqui – who help each other navigate the prison’s informal power structures, including some pretty unsavoury gay and transgender characters. El pico II deals blow after blow to different aspects of the new Spain: private addiction clinics, the prison system, class privileges, ETA, the press, the Guardia Civil. It goes in-depth into the corruption of the courts and legal system. It exposes the abject sociology of the prison – how it pits prisoners against each other, how it uses hardcore prisoners to punish ‘soft’ ones.

All this with the added bonus of a glorious flamenco soundtrack and two of the best knife-fight scenes of the whole cine quinqui era.

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to screen a movie, let us know: joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net

The Fig House (Pitzi Kampouroglou, 2019)

Monday November 11th 2019, special screening: The Fig House (documentary from Pitzi Kampouroglou, 2019), 102 minutes, in English with English subtitles. Doors open at 19:00 with food. Film starts at 21:00. Fee entrance, donations welcome.

The independent collective Amanita Films presents their new documentary The Fig House. The filmmakers will be present for questions and a discussion before and after the film screening. The film tells in twelve chapters the misadventures of ten friends and a cat, living for seven months in a squat in Greece. Activists and refugees all together, they come across the everyday troubles of living on the edge of society, while trying to reach Germany through the refugee’s Balkan Route.

Amanita Films is a project born from the making of the documentary The Fig House, a self-produced work by the same protagonists of the film. Amanita Films does not respect the rules of the film industry, believing that they are just instruments to preserve the privileges of those who have all the interests to prevent the free circulation and creation of art-works. We therefore do not recognize the copy rights of commercial exploitation neither our own neither others’ art’s works. We believe in a cooperative form of film production and in the creation of an alternative distribution network to the official one.

The idea of getting in a car and taking the film a tour around Europe, was born precisely from this need to get out of invisibility, to build a network of contacts that could become the basis for the diffusion and self-financing of independent audio-visual works.
The Fig House had its premiere at the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival, registered with false names and fake documents, winning the young jury special prize. Despite this small success, however, no distributor has declared to be interested in distributing a work that cannot be commercially exploited since it does not comply with and is registered to any copyrights.
We are now only a month away from going to Athens to start filming our next documentary: Love in Time of Crisis. We decided to go there by car, a one-month road trip to close a circle with our previous work and at the same time to open a new one.
We will depart from Zurich to arrive to Greece via Germany, Holland and Italy and we will stop in every city where there will be an squat, a cultural center, an private association, willing to support our project by hosting a screening of our previous documentary: The Fig House.
The purpose of the tour is also to be able to finance part of the expenses for the filming of Love in Time of Crisis through the support of our same spectators. The screenings will always be open to everyone and free; at the exit there will be a donation box where, whoever wants to, can leave a concrete support.
We want to share the experience of The Fig House with the largest number of people. The donation is not at all a discriminating factor in this sense, but only a possibility for the spectator, after having seen the film, in case it is liked, of being able to help Amanita Films to continue to produce cinema in a free and independent way.

Topics: The small mishaps of everyday life in the squatted house are the reason to raise some questions about immigration and solidarity, in particular on some issues that are not discussed very often. The film questions the vicious circle “illegality – poverty – prison”, as well as the topic of the “invisible wounds” – the psychological traumas connected to the migrant status. The documentary is essentially a story of friendship and solidarity, instability and despair. An opportunity to ask ourselves what kind of Europe we are building and if there is space for a better common future.

A group of friends, activists and migrants, decide to organize an escape plan through the Balkans, in order to reach illegally Germany from Greece. To accomplish their plans, they decide to divide the tasks, and while some are dedicated to find a suitable means of transport for the group, others are looking for an abandoned ruin to turn it into their home. When things seem to be going well, they have to face small unforeseen events that inevitably delay the completion of the plan: the cat of the house breaks his leg, a friend is arrested and one of the boys decides not to leave anymore. These continuous blows of misfortune end up weakening the psychological resilience of Ilias, one of the boys, who begins not to withstand the psychological pressure anymore, what is complicating the situation and putting the plan at risk.

For more infos: amanitafilms [at] protonmail [dot] com

Even the Rain (Icíar Bollaín, 2010)

Sunday November 10th 2019, Movie Night: Even the Rain (Icíar Bollaín, 2010) 104 minutes. with English subtitles. Doors open at 20:00, Film starts at 20:30

A Spanish film crew arrive in Bolivia to shoot an epic about Columbus’s entry into the New World, only to start blindly perpetuating the exploitation their own project seeks to denounce. As production gradually unravels amid protests over the privatisation of the region’s water supply, some tense, pointed action ensues.
Icíar Bollaín (director of the moving ‘Olive Tree’ that we watched a while back) cranes her camera to highlight the real-world injustices developing beyond the on-location ego trips, while Paul Laverty’s script packs the political punch – he works with Bollaín and famously was regular writer for Ken Loach.

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to play a movie, let us know.

Tricks (Andrzej Jakimowski, 2007)

Sunday November 3rd 2019, Movie Night: Sztuczki – Tricks by Andrzej Jakimowski, 2007, 95 minutes. In Polsih with English subtitles. Doors open at 20:00, Film starts at 20:30

This is the story of siblings Stefek, 6, and Elka, 18, along with Elka’s car mechanic boyfriend Jerzy during one sun-drenched summer. The siblings live with their shopkeeper mother. Their father has left their mother for another woman, unaware of Stefek’s existence. After a chance encounter at the local railway station, and despite a denial by his sister that this was his father, Stefek decides to challenge fate to engineer another meeting. He believes that the chain of events he sets in motion will help him get closer to his father who abandoned his mother. His sister Elka teaches him how to bribe fate with small sacrifices. Tricks played, coupled with a number of coincidences eventually bring the father to the mother’s shop but the long-awaited re-union does not immediately materialise as expected. As a last chance Stefak tries his good luck with the most risky of his tricks.

Polish cinema at Joe;s Garage:

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to play a movie, let us know.

Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: OSS 117 Lost in Rio (Michel Hazanavicius, 2009)

Sunday October 20th 2019, Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: OSS 117- LOST IN RIO (2009) (OSS 117: Rio Ne Répond Plus). Directed by Michel Hazanavicius. 101 minutes. In French with English subtitles. This will be a high-definition screening. Doors open at 20:00, Film starts at 20:30

In this spoof of secret agent films, the year is 1967, and Hubert Bonisseur de la Bath (also known as Secret Agent OSS 117, the pride of French intelligence), is sent on a mission to Rio de Janeiro to hunt down a former high-ranking Nazi who went into exile in South America after the second World War. His investigation takes him on a journey across Brazil, from Rio’s sunny beaches, through luxuriant Amazonian forests, down into the depths of secret grottoes and up to the top of the gigantic Christ statue that overlooks Rio (in a scene that is clearly a homage to Hitchcock). Along the way he is accompanied by a dazzlingly beautiful Mossad agent who is also looking for the same Nazi.

Set to the strains of a sultry bossa nova, the film perfectly captures the style and tone of 60’s spy films, with great vintage movie colors and split screen effects. The screenplay and direction is by the unique Michel Hazanavicius (The Artist) and the film stars Jean Dujardin (a wonderful Sean Connery look-a-like) who gives a razor-sharp performance. This will be a rare screening of this modern cult film, a black comedy about the so-called ‘Intelligence’ world.

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to play a movie, let us know: joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net