Calais Migrant Solidarity benefit, Call for international solidarity and action, info night about the situation in Calais

Monday February 10th 2014, Calais Migrant Solidarity benefit, Call for international solidarity and action, info night about the situation in Calais, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

In Calais, hundreds of migrants are facing a collective punishment, a daily harassment and humiliation from the French state. They are regularly counted, photographed, id checked or taken away to the foreign police and detention centres. Riot and border police are constantly patrolling a city in decay. One building on ten would be empty. The racist Calais mayor has been inciting fear amongst the local population and launched an appeal asking residents to inform on migrant shelters and activists. Cops evicted almost every single squatted building. Tensions run high when refugees have nowhere to sleep except in park bushes, under bridges or in overcrowded squats that are constantly under threat. Migrants are living off one meal a day and are carrying everything they own, while spending days and nights at the hands of cops who chase them around the city and mafia who exploit and steal everything they have.

Check this out: Calais Migrant Solidarity […Lees verder]

Defending the right to privacy, benefit voku and info evening

Thursday January 9th 2014, Defending the right to privacy, benefit voku and info evening, 7pm.

Platform 1984 warmly invites you to an evening with delicious food, followed by a discussion about the loss of privacy, the growing surveillance state, and how we can resist these developments through creative direct action. Two short documentaries will be screened. The proceeds of this benefit will be used to finance Platform 1984 direct action in defence of privacy and against the surveillance state. […Lees verder]

Infonight about squatting in Czech Republic with soup & movie ‘Occupy and Live’

Sunday December 15th 2013, Infonight about squatting in Czech Republic. Door opens at 8pm with soup, then info and film, Occupy and Live!(OBSAĎ A ŽIJ!/VZPOMÍNKY NA BUDOUCNOST), the film is with English subtitles.

Czech documentary film about the event ‘Memories of the Future’. A documentary about a squatting action on August 31st 2013, dilapidated buildings were occupied in Prague.

[…Lees verder]

Indigenous Movement on the move!

Monday December 9th 2013, Indigenous Movement on the move! Benefit, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm

Screenings and info about all the projects and what is planned for next year. Solidarity between the indigenous people who live in the Netherlands to indigenous peoples all over the world! Stop land grabbing, stop gold mining, stop Monsanto, stop the colonisation of indigenous lands! Indigenous rights!
The Indigenous Movement is an organization that focuses on raising awareness about indigenous rights through various initiatives. Through different means, we intend to inform and highlight about the richness of endangered cultures and revive the collective spirit to protect and defend them.
Indigenous Movement: […Lees verder]

Anti-Gold mining info evening: An attempt to build a strategy platform


Sunday December 8th 2013, ReINFORM invites you to an info evening about anti-gold mining struggles. Door opens at 17:30 with a collective kitchen.

Following our last action on November 9th for Skouries international day, we are extending our scope to build a network on mutual struggles taking place all over the world. El Dorado Gold Co. is involved in mining activities in Greece, Romania, Turkey, China, Brazil and Canada among others.

The evening will include:

  • screenings of short documentaries and presentation of the case of Skouries providing an insight of the related economic, environmental and social outrage
  • live streaming via Skype with people from Skouries [Greece], Rosia Montana [Romania] and solidarity groups who are going to provide a closer look into their struggles
  • presentation from SOMO; an independent, non-profit research and networking organization that investigates multinational corporations and the consequences of their activities for people and the environment around the world […Lees verder]

Kritische Studenten Avond with Frank Lopez ( & Naus Steves

Wednesday November 13th, Kritische Studenten Avond, 8pm. Speakers: Frank Lopez ( & Naus Steves on students strikes in Montreal and fracking in New Brunswick (Canada).

Frank Lopez and Naus Steves will be in Amsterdam to take part in the Global Uprisings Conference []

Did you expect a more critical environment in your university? Are you disappointed with the lack of political engagement you’ve found there? Not feeling represented by the lobbyist student council groups? Tired of how education and knowledge are primarily in service of economic interests rather than societal? Are you against an educational system that mostly just reproduces class differences and do you want to fight for free and democratically organized education? Then come and join us in making plans on how to reclaim the university. Every second and fourth Wednesday of the month we have a open meeting where you can get to know like-minded individuals. […Lees verder]


Kritische Studenten Avond waar blijft het protest?

Wednesday October 23rd 2013, Kritische Studenten Evening: Info and discussion on the Quebec Student Strike in 2012, 8pm. [English below]


Het hoger onderwijs in Nederland wordt al jaren gekenmerkt door bezuinigingen. Colleges worden steeds massaler en de universiteit wordt steeds meer een diplomafabriek. Toch is er amper een tegenreactie vanuit studenten. In 2011 waren er nog zo’n 15.000 studenten op de been om te protesteren tegen o.a. de langstudeerboete, maar dit heeft een nieuwe golf van bezuinigingen niet kunnen voorkomen. Met het vooruitzicht op het leenstelsel, afschaffing OV-kaart, Bindend Studie Advies voor elk studiejaar en fusies van onderwijsinstellingen, is er wel degelijk reden genoeg om in verzet te komen. Maar waar blijven we? […Lees verder]

Voices of Women Media Benefit/ Screening – a collection of migrant women’s stories

missing Monday October 14th 2013, Voices of Women Media Benefit, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm

Time for a new Voices of Women Media evening! We are a women’s organization that works with different communities of girls and women to encourage the understanding and making of media.

We are in the process of raising funds for our latest project. The project, called ‘Displaced,’ aims at providing young first or second-generation migrant women living in the Netherlands, Romania, Greece and Spain with video and photography tools to allow them to create and tell their own stories, as well as control their own images of representation.

We want to provide a safe and creative space for young migrant women to celebrate their identity and belonging and share them with the world using multimedia. Join us on Monday for a screening of selected videos done by our former participants – all migrant stories told my migrants themselves. And, of course, for a discussion. Vegan dinner will be served at 19:00, as usual. […Lees verder]