Não vai ter Copa, só revolta. ABC Rio de Janeiro benefit. Brazil Uprising info night


Monday June 23th 2014: Não vai ter Copa, só revolta. ABC Rio de Janeiro benefit. Brazil Uprising info night, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

In the last few years, and specially after the riots in june 2013, a big social movement wants to say no to the world cup in Brazil. In a country know as the “Country of football” this seems surprising, but the re-arrangement of the cities to enter in the model wanted by the FIFA and a “touristic model” made the poor people even more excluded, cause of that many riot movements happened in the country in these last few years. These movements only got visibility in the international media when in june 2013 massive riots exploded in the whole country.

In spite of the image the Brazilian government tries to create of a country that is economically successful and incredible growing, the social gap between classes is still really big. The 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil are one of the visible results of this economical success for the government. So, the authorities really try to create an image of a country that is modern, where the quality of life grows, and where there’s a kind of “social peace”. […Lees verder]

KSA info-night: Nao Vai Ter Copa – The World Cup and its Discontents

Wednesday June 18th 2014, KSA info-night: Nao Vai Ter Copa – The World Cup and its Discontents, 8pm, Spoken language will be English.

While the streets of the Netherlands turn increasingly orange and people are slowly becoming excited about the World cup, many Brazilians have taken to the streets to protest. Under the slogan Nao Vei Ter Copa [You Won’t Have Your World Cup] they are protesting against the massive spending for the World cup, corruption, police violence, the “pacification” of the favelas, lack of public services, rise in the bus fare, and/or capitalism in general. […Lees verder]

Iraq War 11 Years On: What’s the Real Story

Thursday May 29th 2014, Iraq War 11 Years On: What’s the Real Story, Volkseten Vegazulu, exceptionally at 6pm.

The US led invasion of Iraq in 2003 and its ongoing aftermath may be remembered as the worst tragedy of the early 21st century. It is estimated that Iraq has witnessed over 1 million excess deaths, 4.2 million injured people and 4.5 million refugees since the invasion.

– How may we understand the current situation in Iraq?
– What were the reasons and interest behind the invasion?
– What is the role of oil and multinational corporations?
– What is the role of the Netherlands?
– May we speak of Western neo-imperialism?

Join us for a lecture and lively discussion with Ali Al-jaberi.
Al-Jaberi is a political scientist and has worked as a lecturer of International Relations and journalist in Iraq.

The lecture will start at 7pm. Be there at 6pm if you would like to taste our vegan cuisine. The event is organized by Reinform in association with Kritische Studenten Amsterdam. […Lees verder]


Info-night and benefit “Surround the Parliament”, Barcelona

Monday May 26th 2014, Info-night and benefit for people arrested after “Surround the parliament” action in Barcelona, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

On 15th June 2011 thousands of people gathered at the gates of the Park de la Ciutadella in Barcelona to demonstrate their opposition to the deeply antisocial proposals being voted on that same day inside the Parliament of Catalonia. The mobilization was a decision taken during the open, transparent and horizontal debates in the massive public assemblies that were taking place at that time.

In the first week of October of that same year, the Catalan Police, the Mossos d’Esquadra made 20 random arrest. People were held for hours in cells in different police stations when the only motive for their arrest was to summons them to appear before the National High Court in Madrid, accused of a “crime against the institutions of the State”.

Almost two years after these arrests, in April and May of this year (2014) the trial will take place at the National High Court, in San Fernando de Henares, close to Madrid. The 20 defendants are facing between 3 and 8 years in jail. […Lees verder]

Films From the Frontlines: Bosnia and Herzegovina in Spring and Pieces of Madrid

468570769_295-228x160Sunday May 4th 2014, Films From the Frontlines: Bosnia and Herzegovina in Spring and Pieces of Madrid. Door opens at 8pm, event begins at 9pm.

Screening and discussion from the media collective Global Uprisings an independent news site and video series dedicated to showing responses to the economic crisis and to authoritarianism from around the world. A voku on May 1st will serve as a benefit for political prisoners in Spain and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Two new Global Uprisings films will premiere at Joe’s Garage: Bosnia and Herzegovina in Spring and Pieces of Madrid. […Lees verder]

Info & Benefit night for The Climate Games 2014


Thursday April 24th 2014: Info and Benefit night for The Climate Games 2014, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

On June 14 Climate Games Teams will gather in the western port of Amsterdam to take part in the first ever Climate Games. Playing field is the area of the NUON coal plant at the Hemweg. Teams can score points by planting flags on different parts of the field, and by performing spontaneous and creative actions. Why not dance the tango in front of the gate, or dress up as a polar bear? Be creative..

Because of the climate crisis it’s an absolute must to shut down all coal-fired plants in the Netherlands before 2020. The “energy agreement” states that 5 old coal plants need to be shut down. Instead, the next few years 3 huge new build coal plants will be switched on and 2 old coal plants will remain active (of which the one in Amsterdam). Businesses and politicians seem unable to do what’s agreed on and what is really needed. Sometimes it actually seems like they are playing off profit and climate against each other…

That is why we as concerned citizens want to join the game and find playful ways to solve this problem. We have the possibility to build enough windmills and solar panels to replace all coal plants. In order to shut them all down, we need to get involved in the game!

As we rally together to find playful and creative solutions to combat climate change, the involvement of individuals and diverse groups becomes paramount. Just as forming teams and joining the game is a call to action for concerned citizens, engaging with experienced Dallas / Fort Worth solar installers can be a crucial step in contributing to the transition toward renewable energy sources. By partnering with reputable solar installation services, these teams can access valuable expertise and support in implementing clean energy solutions. Embracing solar panel installation not only reduces carbon emissions but also empowers communities to take an active role in shaping a more sustainable future. As we unite in this collective effort, each action, whether it be participating in the game or adopting renewable energy practices, strengthens the collective impact we can have in securing a greener and more resilient planet for generations to come.

This is an open invitation. Not only to environmental organizations, but as well to student groups, football clubs, bridge clubs, you name it. Any individual who feels like playing a game can participate. Gather with your friends, form a team and join us. Want to learn more about the game, the possibilities, the background and tips on how to win? Come to the info evening in Joe’s Garage this April 24!

http://www.wijstoppensteenkool.nl […Lees verder]

Revolution and counter revolution beyond Tahir, by Marc Almodóvar

Tahrir_Square_on_July_29_2011Monday April 14th 2014: 9pm, Info night: Revolution and counter revolution beyond Tahir, by Marc Almodóvar.

Activist, free lance journalist, film maker and blogger, Marc Almodóvar has been based for years in Egypt. Published by La Directa, Diagonal and others, Marc is blogging on “Egipte rere la barricada” (Egypt through the barricade) http://egiptebarricada.blogspot.com/. Several documentaries portraying the 2011 revolution and social movements in Egypt were filmed and released by Marc. The Erhal documentary, Tahrir Square Diaries is an impressive document on the 2011 revolution. Now on tour presenting his book “Egipto tras la barricada. Revolución y contrarrevolución más allá de Tahrir” published in spanish and calatan by Virus. Presentation and discussion in English.

Screening of “Erhal, a Diary of Tahrir Square” (2011, 55 minutes) will take place at Joe’s Garage on Sunday April 20th 2014.

Docu-info night, Montaje: Caso Bombas (2013)

Sunday March 30th 2014, Docu-info night, Montaje: Caso Bombas (2013, Chile, 80 minutes), documentary in Spanish with English subtitles. Door opens at 8pm, event begins at 9pm.

“In the early morning hours of May 22nd, 2009, a man on a bicycle rides through the dark streets of downtown Santiago. In his backpack he is carrying a bomb. In his belt, he has a Smith and Wesson 38 caliber revolver.” That is how the documentary film “Montaje: Caso bombas”, (The Set-up of the Bomb Case) starts with an off camera voice-over upon images of a man pedaling through the nighttime streets of the capital of Chile. The story that this documentary reveals is one that is well-known, yet is presented differently each time. It’s the story of groups of people and individuals that struggle, that are persecuted and how these movements are formed. […Lees verder]
