Police Violence Info night with a movie, The Murder of Fred Hampton

Sunday January 6th 2013, Police Violence Infonight with a movie, The Murder of Fred Hampton (Howard Alk, USA, 1971, 88′). Door open at 20pm, info night and film at 21pm.

It’s 1969. Fred Hampton, a Black Panther activist, is asleep when the Chicago police is raiding his house and killing him. Shot point blank in the face, he’s only another victim of the so called ‘monopoly on violence’. […Lees verder]

Infonight Zapatista indigenous communities in Chiapas

Sunday November 25th 2012, Infonight Zapatista indigenous communities in Chiapas. Opening time: 19:00 with food. Infonight & film: 20:00, no reservation

After the fraudulent national elections of July 2012 and the reestablishment of PRI in the governance of Mexico, dignity and autonomy have been severely struck. Among the sufferers, many Zapatista communities in Chiapas and their supporters, the majority of which are indigenous people, have being experiencing threats, assaults, displacements, and any form of violence from the federal Mexican state’s authorities, mostly under the guise of various paramilitary groups. […Lees verder]

Infonight on activism and safety by Buro Jansen & Janssen

Wednesday 13th of June 2012, starting at 8pm, you are invited to join an infonight/workshop by Buro Jansen & Janssen [http://www.burojansen.nl/] in Joe’s Garage on activism & safety. Buro Jansen & Janssen is a research agency that critically  investigates police, judiciary and intelligence services. A fundamental rights collective that publishes on expanding powers and oppressive laws, especially in its own publications on the Internet. Sometimes a support group for people who unwillingly are followed or persecuted. During the night you will learn about the do’s and don’ts of activism regarding safety. Safety, for yourself and your fellow activists. How to organize yourself, how to avoid ending up in a police cell, and if you do end up there, how to deal with it. You will obtain inside in the tricks they use to get information out of you which you do not want to share. How to protect yourself from it and be prepared for it. […Lees verder]

Czech Squatting Activism Infonight

Sunday June 10th 2012, Infoavond, 20uur: Czech Squatting Activism Infonight

After the eviction of Milada in 2009, what is left of squatting in Czech Republic? Joe’s already hosted benefits for the Project DVP [http://dvp.s.cz/]. If you don’t get much of the Czech language on these Squat!net pages [http://praha.squat.net/], you’ll get a full update in english. Prague has its own infoshop called ‘Infocentrum Salé’ [http://sale.s.cz/], Brno has the Pelec infoshop [http://pelech.info/]. People from the Cibulka squat and from DVP will be around. After several evictions and resquats, Cibulka is still alive [http://squat.net/tag/cibulka/] organizing on June 9th a public event for kids [http://praha.squat.net/?p=1612].

ASEED Info night: Agriculture Action camp & Anti-gentech campaign

Sunday, May 20th 2012, 8pm – Landbouwactiekamp 2012: “Voedsel terug in eigen hand” (5-10 juli)
Ben je geïnteresseerd in zelf je eigen voedsel verbouwen op een duurzame, klimaatneutrale, autonome en sociale manier? Wil je ook meer weten over de strijd tegen gentech en de door grote bedrijven gedomineerde industriële landbouw?Ben je niet bang om tijdens een workshop zelf vieze handen te krijgen?Zorg dan dat je 5 tot en met 10 juli vrij houdt in je agenda! Meer informatie op http://www.landbouwactiekamp.net […Lees verder]


We./Wo. 9 mei 2012, 15:00, Wednesday Mezrab will provide for a storyteller during the Lonely Collective Day Cafe, that will tell the public about a squat in Cluj, Romania. Please feel free to come and tune yourself in on squatting stories on the other side of Europe.

Aanstaande woensdag zal een verhalenverteller van de Mezrab Joe’s aandoen, om er een verhaal te vertellen over een kraakpand in Cluj. Wees zeer uitgenodigd om langs te komen en te luisteren naar een kraakverhaal over de andere kant van Europa.

Solivoku for juridical support people in foreign detention, 23rd of April

Monday 23th of April, 7pm. Infonight about the foreign detention situation in the Netherlands. Benefits will be used for the Arrest Group as well as for a modest token of thanks for the foreign detention lawyers at the Bohler office (Mrs Ullersma & colleagues). These pro-deo (voluntary) lawyers devote their career to defending those subjected to the human rights violating laws against illegal foreigners.

During food there will be a very short info talk about foreign detention in Holland, and after we will be showing a short docu by Amnesty on the subject. There will be a donation box present, and we will use the donations to support the Arrest Group’s amazing work, as well as buy a modest present as a token of appreciation for the Bohler advocates from those activists they defended in the past and/or will have to defend in the future. (Mrs. Ullersma went out of her way helping the activists who were put in foreign detention after the Scheinheilig demo in july last year, eventually leading to the Raad van State finally judging in favour of the activists in Januari).
So come and have a good time at Joes, inform yourself, and support a good cause all at the same time!


Beetelling and Sushi night

banksybeeSunday 11th of March 2012, 8pm: Ideatelling presents: A Beetelling  “Let me tell you a story about our Food and the Bees, and the Flowers and the Trees”
An overview of some inspiring bee-ideas, what’s happening in their world, why should we care, and what if we do? Spoken word – 25 min.- and video fragments, English, by Geert Van Kerckhove.
While listening you can enjoy delicious vegan sushi, prepared for you by Joe’s Garage master chefs.
This night is part of Reclaim the seeds, taking place in Plantagedoklaan, through the neighbourhood and in De Valreep during the whole weekend. Reclaim the seeds: Saturday 10th of March: Think Global
11am-5pm seedexchangefair, free entrance @ Plantagedoklaan 12A
10-11am: Introduction to Seed saving Basics of saving and breeding for the hobbyist gardener + question round. (Bilingual: English and Dutch) by Nina Holland, Linder van Heerik, permaculture teacher and Patrick Wiebe, Bifurcated carrot
Voedselsoevereiniteit, Meike Vierstra A SEED Europe (Dutch) “Voedselsoevereiniteit plaatst de ambities en behoeften van hen die voedsel produceren, distribueren en consumeren centraal in voedselstructuren en het beleid, in plaats van steeds te buigen voor de eisen van de markt en grote bedrijven.”
Zaden zonder grenzen/ Semences sans frontières, Ariane Ghion, Kokopelli (Ndls) Zaden en teelthandleidingen om te oogsten en voedselsoevereiniteit te bekomen.
11u15 tot 12u45
European seedlaws, patenting en resistance Ariane Ghion, Kokopelli & Seedsoeverignitycampaign
Hoe houdbaar is ons landbouwsysteem? Linder van Heerik, permacultureel lesgever (Dutch) De machtsconcentratie in de landbouw neemt toe.Transitie is dringend nodig. Mogelijke oplossingen zoals permacultuur, biologische of biologisch-dynamische landbouw en agro-ecology zullen aan bod komen. Groentezaadteelt, René Groenen (Dutch)historisch en sociaal-economisch perspectief van uitgangsmateriaal Aan de hand van praktijkvoorbeelden veredeling (selectie) van nieuwe rassen, instandhouding en zaadvermeerdering van bestaande rassen.
Patentrecht versus kwekersrecht, pannel discussie, René Groenen, Loes Mertens, Bolster, Kempe van der Heide (NAV)(Dutch)
Can food movements influence the corporate food regime? Greet Goverde and Martha Jane Robbins (English) Reforms are needed to tackle the food crisis and the corporate foodregime; what alliances can effect change, in the Netherlands, the EU and worldwide?
Participatory breeding in a community garden and tree grafting, Patrick Wiebe (Englis) History of seed saving, introduction to plant breeding, blogactivities, seed networks, volkstuinen. The Seed Savers Exchange in the US and the politics surrounding that. Is the Svalbard Global Seed Vault saving the seeds of the world or creating even more monopoly? (first hour) Introduction workshop to three crafting (last 30minutes)
Cityplot children activities and composting
Guerillagardening: from 10 am till 5pm making seedboms. Different topics throughout the day like edible flowers and veggies, insect appealing, soil-curing, golden combinations, anti-capitalist: the more you harvest, the more you get.
the mobiation project: service-desk for all your garden-construction problems” Mobile container gardening […Lees verder]