Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Campaign Benefit

Demo Free Mumia Abu-Jamal

Monday June 10th 2013: Volkseten Vegazulu, Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Campaign Benefit, 19:00 pm.

Mumia got a lot of birthdaycards in april; thanks to all of you.
In Philedelphia,Mexico and France were demonstrations at his birthday and benefits at many places. However the prisonindustrie continues, spreading her dirty wings out over europe (even holland)
Let us write more cards to mumia to show him and the state,which keeps him and many others in prison, that we didn’t forget what’s happening in these ugly buidings. It’s also usefull to write to the american consulat,to demand mumiaas freedom. There is a petition going round to demand mumia’s release,please help him by signing the petition.

to: Mr. Randy W.Berry
Amerikaans Consulaat
Museumplein 19
1071 DJ Amsterdam […Lees verder]

Nobordercamp Rotterdam Benefit

Thursday June 6th 2013: Volkseten Vegazulu, Info meeting about the No Border Camp in Rotterdam, 19:00 pm.

The Dutch No Border Network organizes a No Border Camp in Rotterdam
August 2 – 10. The organization of a militant week of action, discussion and workshops connects with the tireless actions of migrants in the Netherlands during the past one and a half year. The No Border Camp also connects with the Voices From The Borders project on the North Sea that starts in Rotterdam August 4.
The international No Border Network that we all are part of stands for freedom of movement, is anti-capitalist and grass roots organized. It is the aim of the organizers of this camp to inspire and strengthen the struggle of migrants as well as to take our own responsibility in fighting the system of capitalist population policy and its racism, nationalism, colonialism and exploitation. […Lees verder]

Autonomous Centre Köln on the Barricades


Monday June 3rd 2013: Volkseten Vegazulu, Autonomous Centre Köln on the Barricades, Benefit and Infonight about the situation at the AZ Köln, 7pm.

Tonight we are going to talk about the struggle of the Autonomous Centre (AZ) in Cologne (Germany), that is facing an eviction thread from the 1th of July 2013 on. We will talk about our 3 years history of shaping the space, struggling for it, defending it. We will also present our ideas for defeating the coming eviction, we will present our eviction consensus and we also want to sincerely invite everybody to come to Cologne at the begin of July. We are fed up with the destruction of autonomous and emancipatory spaces and are not willing to let this happen any longer.

Come to Joe’s tonight, there will be nice food, we will show plenty of video and photos of our space and let us start to organise. […Lees verder]

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Lawaai Launch Party and Benefit

Friday May 24th 2013: Lawaai Launch Party and Benefit, 19:00 food

The ebb, flow and crises of the capitalist economy, the rise and fall of great empires, the episodic appearance of Halley’s Comet…Great events that come to pass only on serious intervals. Such an event is the publishing of that illustrious magazine: Lawaai! The first issue came out in 2007, after which things became unsettlingly quiet. But no longer do we wait! Number two is here.
Come and celebrate, hang out or criticise the fuck out of us at Joe’s
Garage on the evening of Friday the 24th of May. […Lees verder]

Benefit Mobilization against Monsanto


Monday May 20th 2013: Volkseten Vegazulu, Benefit Mobilization against Monsanto, 19:00 pm.

Monsanto is the biggest seed company in the world. They monopolise our food with GMOs and patents. They own 75% of the broccoli, paprika and tomato in Europe. 99% of the soy grown in Argentina is Roundup Ready from Monsanto. In The Netherlands Monsanto owns 2 mayor vegetable seed companies: De Ruiter and Seminis. They force farmers to buy their seeds and their Roundup pesticide year after year, by taking over the seed market. […Lees verder]


Benefiet Steungroep Vrouwen Zonder Verblijfsvergunning


May 16th and May 30th 2013: Volkseten Vegazulu, Benefiet Steungroep Vrouwen Zonder Verblijfsvergunning, 19:00 pm.

De huidige wetgeving maakt het voor vrouwen zonder papieren steeds moeilijker om hun recht te halen. Vrouwen die in aanmerking komen voor een verblijfsvergunning wordt het door de torenhoge legeskosten onmogelijk gemaakt om een procedure te beginnen, omdat zij immers door hun status als ‘illegaal’ niet in de positie verkeren om een inkomen te verwerven. Hierdoor blijven zij toegewezen op een onzichtbaar, kansarm bestaan in de Nederlandse samenleving.
Stop deze machtsbarrière en deel de maaltijd uit loyaliteit, waarbij de opbrengst zal gaan naar het mogelijk maken van een eerlijke procedure voor een vrouw in deze positie.
Hopelijk tot dan!
Steungroep Vrouwen Zonder Verblijfsvergunning […Lees verder]

Indigenous Movement Benefit


Monday May 13th 2013, Volkseten Vegazulu, Indigenous Movement Benefit, 7pm.

Indigenous peoples continue to lose their lands, their rights and their resources. Indigenous peoples make up a third of the rural poor and have higher mortality and child mortality rates than any other group. The UN Declaration on Indigenous Peoples’ Rights has finally got the consensus it deserves, but their rights are still far from being recognized at national and local levels.
Indigenous Movement: […Lees verder]

Info night: Soura! The ongoing Egyptian revolution and the role of women in the revolution

Friday May 10th 2013, Info night: Soura! The ongoing Egyptian revolution and the role of women in the revolution. Info night by Rebelact (the Amsterdam Rebel Clowns). 7pm food, 8pm infonight, free entrance

Since November 19th Tahrir Square has again been occupied and in some major Egyptian cities rebellion and revolution are part of ‘everyday life’. Amsterdam Rebel Clowns visited the country three times. With support of People’s Kitchen Vegazula and other organisations they organised several workshops and presentations, but more important: connected with people who resist and are in a permanent revolution.

This evening will focus on the Egyption Revolution, how the revolution continues and the role of women in the revolution. You’ll hear stories and see videos and pictures about the revolution during the last half year. What kind of groups play a role in this permanent revolution? What does the Egyptian situation make inspiring? What are the ‘shortages’ in this revolution? Why revolution in Egypt? (and what are the differences with the conditions in the Netherlands).

We’re glad, next to a few introductions by Amsterdam rebel clowns, Maro (activist and rebel clown from Egypt) will explain about what’s happening in Egypt and the role of women in the revolution. It took 3 months before the Dutch state finally gave her a visa; we’re glad and proud she joins!

Cairo_Graffiti__2012If there’s time left we give attention to rebel clowning and creative activism in Egypt. And last but not least: we could also show you pictures of the best political graffiti ever. You’ll see how the wall in the Muhammed Mahmoud Street near Tahrir Square in Cairo changed into an impressive monument for the martyrs of the Revolution.

We’ll end this evening with exchange of thoughts: your questions and contributions to discussion about Soura / Revolution are warmly welcome!
