Joe’s Sundaynight Film – October Program

Films start at 20:00!

3 oktober 2010: Gummo (Harmony Corine 1997)
In this nihilistic artschool classic an eclectic group of teenagertrash in Xenia, Ohio passes its sad days by riding their bikes, sniffing glue, shooting cats or paying for sex with a friends sister. Who is that gay boy with the pink rabbit hat?

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Zaterdag 2 oktober 2010, Joe’s Garage bestaat 5 jaar! in samenwerking met Onkruid Festival

Doors open at 14:00 with the Weggeefwinkel, following by a continuous stream of food, music, and theater until 22:00.
Fresh and delicious tapas served every hour from a different joe’s chef: mexican snacks, apricot and goat cheese puff pastries, irish scones, joe’s finger rolls, spinach borek, chocolate salami dessert, and vegan ice cream and pancakes.

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18.10.2010 – Vegan benefit Voku for Anarchist singer and song writer Michael Schade

Monday October 18th 2010, 19:00 @ Joe’s Garage, Michael Schade will play an acoustic concert during the voku made by the Amsterdam Kitchen Punx. The concert will be repeated on Tuesday October 19th 2010 in ‘t Blijvertje during the bar avond (Derde Oosterparkstraat 64 HS, Amsterdam) at 9 o’clock [ ].

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Benefit Party, Info Night for Migrant Solidarity Network in Turkey

Migrant_Solidarity_Network_TurkeyThursday October 14th 2010, Voku, Benefit Party, Info Night for Migrant Solidarity Network in Turkey

Migrant Solidarity Network in Turkey is formed earlier this year with the motivation to bring migrants and issues around corrupted migration politics of Turkey visible to the public. For now, their main focus is the deportation centers in Istanbul. They have been organizing actions in front of the deportation centers and communicate with people inside.

During the benefit party/info night, a guest from migrant solidarity network will give info about the situation. There will be voku starting from 19hrs; video screening and more will follow. Food is vegan, 3€ or donation. No reservation

Gocmen Dayanisma Agi / Migrant Solidarity Network

4th October 2010, WISE Dinner / Volkseten Vegazulu

WISE dinner stands for Wholesome, Inter-cultural, Sustainable, Environmental dinner, where we try to inform people about he current developments in the food industry, while giving space for social discussion.
…Possibly today a place for a discussion about the latest events is something we are in need of.
Diner time: 19:00 pm, no reservation.
Organized by Aseed, website:


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David Graeber at Joe’s Garage, October 2nd 2010

World-renowned anarchist anthropologist, David Graeber, will speak on Anarchism, Direct Action, and Urban Politics, on Saturday, October 2nd 2010, 18:00 at Joe’s Garage. Graeber has written Direct Action and Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology.

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No Joe-film this summer. New programm from October!!

From October on the days will be darker again. More reason to
come in and watch some cool movies again!

Keep posted for the new flyer for October.

6 sept: benefit voku voor patapoe!

Come and eat, drink & donate for radio Patapoe
Hear more on the evening itself! from 19:00…