Lebanese movie night: Capernaum (Nadine Labaki, 2018)

Sunday 29 January 2023, Lebanese movie night: Capernaum (Nadine Labaki, 2018), 126 minutes, in Arabic with English subtitles. Doors open at 20:00, film starts at 20:30.

Zain, a 12-year-old, living in the slums of Beirut ends up in the Roumieh Prison after a stabbing. Capernaum is told in flashback format, focusing on Zain’s life, including his encounter with an Ethiopian immigrant Rahil and her infant son Yonas, and leading up to his attempt to sue his parents for child neglect, “for giving him life in such a chaotic world. He’s actually not only suing his parents, he’s suing the whole system because his parents are also victims of that system — one that is failing on so many levels and that completely ends up excluding people” according Labaki.
Like her past movies, Capernaum features a cast of mostly nonprofessional actors, and tackles societal ills. Capernaum is fiction, but its portrayal of Lebanon’s rampant poverty and treatment of undocumented populations is very realistic. “Capernaum is a biblical village that was doomed by Jesus. Later on, the word started being used to signify chaos.”
“Some critics are very cynical of the film and say this is not really happening because they don’t see it around them… All I can tell them is: “Get real. Get out of your cafe where you’re writing your critique and go out into the world and see what’s happening around you.” What you see in the film is nothing compared to reality. We should wake up to how many children are suffering in the world. It’s unbearable suffering; I didn’t put rape scenes in the film, I didn’t put real abuse in the film — because I couldn’t.”

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to screen a movie, let us know: joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net

Benefit VoKu for Prosfygika & music by Rembetiko Against The Machine

Thursday 26 January 2023, Benefit Voku in solidarity with the squatted neighbourhood of Prosfygika with music performance by Rembetiko Against The Machine. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

“Prosfygika”, or otherwise refugee homes, is a complex of residential flats built in 1930’s to house refugees resulting from the Asia Minor conflict between Greece and Turkey. The buildings are situated on a central avenue of Athens, surrounded on either side by the police HQ and the supreme court, in a heavily gentrified area . After years of abandonment, Prosfygika has been increasingly reclaiming its original purpose as many refugees, migrants, poor, greek and foreigner working class people have sought to resolve their need for housing by squatting the empty flats.
(Info-night and benefit for Prosfygika in 2014 at Joe’s Garage https://joesgarage.nl/archives/9989)

Rembetiko Against The Machine – A session with rebetiko tunes from the 1930’s till the early 1950’s. The period between the 1st and 2nd World Wars had a crucial role in the development of the Greek bouzouki players and the texture of the genre. We are gonna perform rebetiko tunes from each period. Looking forward to see you there and enjoy the night with this unique atmosphere!!!

Ilias Konstantinidis: guitar, vocals
Giannis Leloudas: bouzouki, vocals
Argyris Papadimitriou: bouzouki, baglamadaki, vocals

Statement Community of Squatted Prosfygika

On the morning of 22/11, the forces of repression entered the 7th block of the squatted neighbourhood of the Prosfygika arresting comrade Kostas Dimalexis and then, in the afternoon of the same day, in the 6th block, arresting 79 of its defenders. The media once again did government propaganda.

There are more than 400 people living in the Prosfygika – The community of the squatted Prosfygika consists of about 150 adults and 30 children. We propose to organize society outside the state capitalism. We are the birthplace of the popular uprisings of December 2008 and the anti-monetary struggles of 2010-2012. We do not and have never believed in parliamentary fairy tales.
We promote the model of social self-management; we organize ourselves in direct democratic processes in our general assembly and in the regular and extraordinary procedures. We create and operate structures for living, education and and internal economy. At the same time we organize and participate in the struggles of the oppressed, because we fight until the collapse of this tyrannical and unjust regime. Until the whole world becomes one a community of equality, freedom, solidarity and social justice. […Lees verder]

Watch the med Alarm Phone benefit voku

Monday 23 January 2023, Watch the med Alarm Phone benefit voku. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

8 Years of Struggle! Alarm Phone Anniversary Statement – Eight years ago, on 11 October 2014, we launched the Alarm Phone, a hotline for people in distress at sea. We chose that day as it was the anniversary of a disaster that had occurred on 11 October 2013, when Italian and Maltese authorities delayed the rescue of a sinking boat. Due to this delay, over 200 people died.

Over the past eight years, our shift teams are available 24/7 and have assisted over 5.000 boats in distress along the different maritime routes to Europe – the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic to the Canary Islands, and since 2022 also across the Channel, from France to the UK. Some of the 5.000 boats carried only five or ten people, most between 30 and 80 individuals, but also frequently more than 100 people, occasionally even over 500 people on the move…

October 2022
Alarm Phone https://alarmphone.org/

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchens existing since the very beginning of Joe’s Garage, June 2005. Your donations are welcome. Food is vegan, no reservation. All benefits go to social & political struggles. Joe’s Garage is a space run by volunteers. Without a collective effort, without your active participation, we’re remaining closed. Get in touch in you feel like giving a hand. We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available, mail us.

Benefit voku for association of refugees in Libya

Monday 16 January 2023, Benefit voku for association of refugees in Libya. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

Benefit voku for the an association of refugees and people on the move in Libya who face intense violence at the hands of multiple actors. The money raised from donations will go towards their gofundme. Read about their struggle here where you can also read and sign their manifesto, and read about the UNHCR’s complicity in their marginalisation here.

Solidarity with migrants worldwide!

Refugees in Libya https://www.refugeesinlibya.org/
UNFAIR, the UN Refusal Agency https://unfairagency.org/

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchens existing since the very beginning of Joe’s Garage, June 2005. Your donations are welcome. Food is vegan, no reservation. All benefits go to social & political struggles. Joe’s Garage is a space run by volunteers. Without a collective effort, without your active participation, we’re remaining closed. Get in touch in you feel like giving a hand. We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available, mail us.

Lesvos Mutual Aid Network, No Borders Lesvos benefit voku with a jam concert by Annie’s Joy & the Vaxxxines

Thursday 29th December 2022, Lesvos Mutual Aid Network, No Borders Lesvos benefit voku. Food served from 7pm, no reservation. After the food, Joy, Lasha Rukhadze, Alex, Josse and Annelies will play Annie’s Joy songs, Vaxxxines songs and improvised music. Everyone welcome to join the jam.

About Lesvos Mutual Aid Network, “We are a network of comrades and friends active on the Greek island of Lesvos, with ties to collectives and movements that span the globe. We work to build relationships with people on the island, abolishing dominant norms/hierarchies and the socially constructed boundaries between our communities.
As a part of the broader anti-authoritarian movement, we condemn any and all fascist, sexist and racist behavior. We function through our assemblies, where we discuss topics, collectively take decisions and plan actions. We created an environment based on mutual respect where everyone can take part in equal terms, each according to their ability, each according to their needs. Our actions can vary depending on the needs we encounter and the dynamics of the group. We cooperate only with other self-organized structures, like “Women in Solidarity House”, “No Border Kitchen”, “Binio Squat” and other individuals that are active on the ground.
We as anarchists believe in solidarity that comes from the base and stand side by side with people in need, regardless of whether they come from another country, their age, class, ability, gender, the color of their skin or their sexuality. Here on Lesvos, we participate in multiple initiatives on the ground, all grounded in principles of antiracism, anti-authoritarianism, self-organization and mutual aid, each tackling different aspects of this common struggle.”

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchens existing since the very beginning of Joe’s Garage, June 2005. Your donations are welcome. Food is vegan, no reservation. All benefits go to social & political struggles. Joe’s Garage is a space run by volunteers. Without a collective effort, without your active participation, we’re remaining closed. Get in touch in you feel like giving a hand. We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available, mail us.

Watch the med Alarm Phone benefit voku

Monday 12th December 2022, Watch the med Alarm Phone benefit voku. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

8 Years of Struggle! Alarm Phone Anniversary Statement – Eight years ago, on 11 October 2014, we launched the Alarm Phone, a hotline for people in distress at sea. We chose that day as it was the anniversary of a disaster that had occurred on 11 October 2013, when Italian and Maltese authorities delayed the rescue of a sinking boat. Due to this delay, over 200 people died.

Over the past eight years, our shift teams are available 24/7 and have assisted over 5.000 boats in distress along the different maritime routes to Europe – the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic to the Canary Islands, and since 2022 also across the Channel, from France to the UK. Some of the 5.000 boats carried only five or ten people, most between 30 and 80 individuals, but also frequently more than 100 people, occasionally even over 500 people on the move.

On the phone, we have become witnesses of thousands of people going missing and drowning. We have listened to some of their relatives and friends in their desperate search for their loved ones, in their search for answers. We have also witnessed violent pushbacks and deadly abandonment, and how many of those who called us were captured at sea and forcibly returned to places they had sought to escape.

At the same time, we have experienced innumerable moments of joy, resistance, and solidarity, with people reaching Europe alive or being rescued just in time. We have witnessed how people on the move organised collectively to subvert EU borders, and how they built support structures along their journeys. And we have been part of growing networks of solidarity, from the civil fleet and civil aircraft roaming seas and skies, some merchant vessel crews, to activist grassroots movements that have come together to counteract border violence.

In the Western Mediterranean, between Morocco and Spain, we can still see some instances of proactive rescue operations carried out by the Spanish Salvamento Maritimo, often along the route to the Canaries. However, Spain and the EU as a whole continue to fund Morocco to play Europe’s gatekeeper and as a consequence, we have seen horrible border brutality in this region, as recently demonstrated near Melilla. On 24 June 2022, at least 40 people were killed in a racist massacre at the fence of the Spanish enclave – an unbearable scene of neo-colonial violence, carried out by Moroccan forces but underwritten by EU migration and border policies. They are among thousands who are estimated to lose their lives at Spain’s borders every year, especially along the Atlantic route.

The war against people on the move is a daily reality also in the Aegean Sea and at the land border between Turkey and Greece. Both the Greek and Turkish governments use people on the move as pawns in their militaristic and nationalistic power plays. While Greek pushbacks have been going on for a long time, they became systematic from March 2020 on. Even people who have already stepped onto Greek islands are forced onto small life rafts and abandoned in Turkish waters. We have to call them what they are: instances of attempted murder. These border crimes are now routine in the Aegean Sea and in the Evros region. In March, the 5-year-old Maria was among those who have lost their lives due to this pushback regime.

In the Central Mediterranean, a pull- and push-back regime has been installed, not least through the collaboration between Frontex drones and EU airplanes with the so-called Libyan coastguards. As assets of the civil fleet are often present in this borderzone, many cases of non-assistance and interceptions could be countered, people rescued, and border crimes documented and publicly denounced. Nonetheless, the Central Mediterranean route remains one of the deadliest in the world, not least as EU member states continue to consciously abandon boats in distress in the most dangerous areas off the Libyan and Tunisian coasts.

An increasing number of those who survived sea crossings to the EU have to use flimsy boats once more when they try to reach the UK. Arrivals across the Channel have increased significantly over the past years. In light of this, we decided in 2022 to integrate the Channel route into the work of the Alarm Phone. Our WatchTheChannel team has carried out research and prepared a distress manual together with other local networks in France and the UK.

All maritime routes are, and remain, politically contested spaces. People on the move exercise their freedom of movement while we as the Alarm Phone network try to enact solidarity along the different routes. Migrant movements and the tenacity of people on the move remain the driving forces in the struggle against European and global apartheid regimes. Thousands of autonomous arrivals continue to challenge the sealing off and the externalising of EU borders. At the same time, self-organised struggles for the right to stay and against racist exploitation inside the EU continue. Relatives and friends of the missing and dead continue to organise CommemorActions to remember and search for their loved ones while protesting the border violence that disappeared or killed them.
We have fought for eight years.
We will continue.
We will never give up.

October 2022
Alarm Phone https://alarmphone.org/

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchens existing since the very beginning of Joe’s Garage, June 2005. Your donations are welcome. Food is vegan, no reservation. All benefits go to social & political struggles. Joe’s Garage is a space run by volunteers. Without a collective effort, without your active participation, we’re remaining closed. Get in touch in you feel like giving a hand. We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available, mail us.

No borders Lesvos benefit voKu

Thursday 1st December 2022, No Borders benefit voKu. All your much appreciated donations for this event shall serve as a benefit for No borders Lesvos. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchens existing since the very beginning of Joe’s Garage, June 2005. Your donations are welcome. Food is vegan, no reservation. All benefits go to social & political struggles. Joe’s Garage is a space run by volunteers. Without a collective effort, without your active participation, we’re remaining closed. Get in touch in you feel like giving a hand. We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available, mail us.

Benefit voku & discussion in support and solidarity with refugees in Dutch AZCs

Monday 21 November 2022, Benefit voku & discussion in support and solidarity with refugees in Dutch AZCs. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

The so called ‘refugee crisis’ has been created by the Dutch government in order to marginalize and dehumanize asylum seekers portraying them as ‘problematic’. We want to expose these toxic policies by giving visibility to refugees and by listening to what they have to say about the conditions they have been put in. With guest talks by LGTBQ+ asylum seekers, organized by the social and civil rights activist Sam Dabat. […Lees verder]