Monday 12 February 2024, Screw the Smalltalk VOKU for No Border Kitchen Lesvos. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.
Our friends at No Border Kitchen Lesvos need our support! With cold weather, ever-continuing pushbacks and little support, we need to stand in solidarity more than ever.
“No Border Kitchen Lesvos is a self-organised group of independent individuals who maintain a solidarity structure on the Greek Island of Lesvos. The main purpose of the collective is to support travellers who cannot progress with their journey due to European migratory policies. Through a praxis based on mutual aid and solidarity, we take a stand against border policies and the suffering they are causing.
Alongside providing basic needs, we are trying to offer a viable alternative to the way travellers are treated by mainstream NGO’s, governments, and local authorities, which is often characterised by condescension, coupled with a dehumanising and infantilising attitude. We also monitor and publish information about the ever-changing situation on Lesvos, to put the situation back into focus and to be able to maintain a flexible and responsive organisational structure.”
Alongside serving food, we will also play a game called screw the smalltalk, in which we doodle together. Bring a pen and paper if you want to participate!
your chickens and nightingales from ZZW Rafelrand
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