Rebetiko songs, traditional Greek songs

YannisQarabaEnsembleMonday March 2nd 2015, Rebetiko songs, traditional Greek songs. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. Concert after the food.

Rebetiko songs, traditional Greek songs, with Charis Konstantinou and Υannis Karampatzias from Qaraba Ensemble.

Qaraba was founded in 2012 in Prague by Yannis Karampatzias. He performs on a variety of Greek and Turkish traditional stringed instruments including saz baglama (taburas), lavta (Constantinople lute), tzuras and baglamas. In 2013 together with violinist Milan Jakes (CZ), guitarist Thomas Opata and Geraldine Baar on koboloi they formed the Qaraba Ensemble. The repertoire includes traditional folk music from the Asia Minor to the Black Sea focusing on melodies from Smyrna (Izmir) and Constantinople (Istanbul) of the early 1900’s, Rebetiko songs (undergound musical genre that was born at the end of the 19th century in hash dens and prisons of the Greek urban centers), Byzantine and Ottoman classical compositions emphasizing on the art of taxim (form of improvisation on non-occidental musical scales known as ‘makams/maqamat’).
Qaraba Ensemble:
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Rowdy Acoustic Punk Invasion

20150323_poster_joesgarageMonday March 23rd 2015, Acoustic gig & Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. Live music till 10pm!

Rowdy Acoustic Punk Invasion in the Nederlands: The Riot Theys, Rover, Revello & Ash Victim are gonna get all rowdy in yo squat.
ASH VICTIM – acoustic glam folk
REVELLO – acoustic punk
ROVERRR- anarcho-punk folk
THE RIOT THEYS – queer punk folk
There will be VEGAN ROTI as main course and BANANACAKE WITH ICECREAM as dessert. […Lees verder]

Singer songwriters: Tim Loud and Tim Holehouse

tim_loud_joesgarage_amsterdamMonday March 16th 2015, Singer songwriters: Tim Loud and Tim Holehouse. Volkseten Vegazulu at 7pm, then live music directly after the food, between, 8:30 and 10pm. Donations welcome.

Tim Holehouse (Portsmouth, UK) has spent the last 8 years on the road touring his ass off to play his music to the people of the world, playing his brand of mutant delta blues (delta blues played by a guy who was raised on a musical diet of being in Hardcore bands like Minor Threat, Husker du, Minute men and Black Flag). Not touring for huge profits (just enough to get by) or to seek fame, just a pure love of music, traveling and adventure. The archetypal image of a bluesman, outcast from proper society and stalked by personal demons. The defining characteristic of Delta blues is instrumentation and an emphasis on rhythm and “bottleneck” slide. When Holehouse arrived in a new town, he would play for tips on street corners or in front of the local barbershop or a restaurant. Holehouse also had an uncanny ability to establish a rapport with his audience – in every town in which he stopped, Holehouse would establish ties to the local community that would serve him well when he passed through again a month or a year later. Ok these things where written about Delta Blues Musicians of the 1920’s and 1930’s but sums up what i am trying to do now. I travel I play music for music’s sake. It has its roots in the delta blues with my own personal twist on it. I live by my rules and those rules are best summed up by something a friend of mine from Winnipeg told me once. Creativity, Adventure and People. Things I will not do Appear in my own music videos! Have my name or face on a shirt! Sell my soul! I enjoy playing music, if you want me to come to your town play get in touch. Let the good times roll!

Tim Loud (Leeds, UK), 12-string driven, harmonica-blowing, country/blues wailing anti-folk from Leeds. Since the release of his eponymous debut EP in Late 2012 Tim has been gigging and touring both on a national and international level building a strong fan base with his live show. […Lees verder]

Dangle Manatee (folf-punk from Glasgow, UK)

20150219_Dangle_ManateeThursday February 19th 2015: Voku & acoustic gig with Dangle Manatee (folf-punk from Glasgow, UK). Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. Gig from 9 till 10pm.

Dangle Manatee are Pippa and Hugh, two far-fetched human beings who live in Glasgow, Scotland and enjoy making music and other sounds. They are fairly certain that absolutely everything is absurd. They like to throw apples for cattle.
Dangle Manatee are heading out on a short tour of Germany, Netherlands, and Belgium. They will be in Amsterdam, on Feb. 18th at the ADM and on Feb. 19th at Joe’s Garage where they already performed during a Singer Songwriters session in August 2013. Check them out: […Lees verder]

De Vloek Benefit, Solivoku, infonight and live music with Shireen and Sprank

20150209_de_Vloek_benefitMonday February 9th 2015, De Vloek Benefit, Solivoku, infonight and live music with Shireen (crisis-folk) and Sprank (political folk klezmer punk trio), Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. Music from 8:30 till 10pm.

“Hell no, we won’t go! De Vloek moet blijven!” De Vloek, squatted autonomous social center in Scheveningen, [] existing since 2002, is threatened to follow the same fate as De Blauwe Aanslag in 2003. The city of Den Haag who hates squatters and put all its energy to criminalize them, has nonetheless postponed the eviction until the beginning of April 2015. Since the plans of the city to flatten the Vloek came public, actions and demonstrations took over. A symbol of a failure for the city, De Pier, was occupied for few hours last August. From Den Haag till Greece, solidarity banners popped up. Other militant actions took place, spontaneous demonstration, occupation of the city council. The mayor even forbade a demonstration beginning of December. During the Action Days at the end of the year, people took again the streets and a former tax office building owned by the city was squatted and in no time illegally evicted by the riot police, 40 activists were arrested.


Be on time for the food! On the stage, Shireen and Sprank [], from 8:30 till 10pm.

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Benefit for renovation of anarchist local Magdalena

20141204_Benefit _for_renovation_of_anarchist_local_MagdalenaThursday December 4th 2014, Benefit for renovation of anarchist local Magdalena in Madrid, Live music with Almudena y Davide, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm

7pm, vegan dinner – 9pm, short documantary: “Anarchism in Madrid” 2013, 15 minutes with a short talk about the anarchist local Magdalena – 9:30pm Live music with “Almudena y Davide” voice and guitar, Revolting folk songs from Spain and latin america.

The anarchist space Magdalena is an anarchist project that has existed for years in the center of Madrid. Their objective always has had two focuses: To be a meeting point for information for people interested on critical theory and fight experience; and also serve as infrastructure for Anarchist Movement.

During the year 2003, the library was born. Following the library, the bookstore, video library, archive and many more ideas were also born. From then on, they have organized a lot of political activities: meetings, speeches, films, debates, workshops etc. Actually, there are ten different groups meeting in the space, two editorials storage spaces, there is a small radio studio, one room for propaganda and they are finishing with cataloging the archives.

Since the 1970’s until October 2014, the space was rented for very little. However, the contract is finished and Magdalena had to abandon the local and re-think their project in a new space. This change means bigger economical effort and this is the motive for which Magdalena is asking for economic support for the very first time, to continue with the project and cover the costs.

The new Magdalena will open on December 2014. The relocation means a new period for them, and abandoning the second floor in the old building to move into the heart of Lavapiés, neighborhood epicenter of social and political fights in Madrid, this time finally, at ground level. […Lees verder]

Concert with Lynched and Het Brandt

20141127_Lynched_Het_Brandt_Joes_GarageThursday November 27th 2014, Concert with Lynched and Het Brandt. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. Food is being served from 7pm. Directly after the people’s kitchen, around 8pm, bands will perform. Live music will be over by 10pm.

Lynched, Dublin Folk Miscreants, is touring social centers around the Netherlands. 2 shows in Amsterdam with Het Brandt from Nijmegen. At the Molli, on Tuesday November 25th.

Lynched are a four-piece traditional folk group from Dublin, Ireland, who combine distinctive four-part vocal harmonies with arrangements of uilleann pipes, concertina, Russian accordion, fiddle and guitar. Their repertoire spans humorous Dublin music-hall ditties and street-songs, classic ballads from the Traveller tradition, traditional Irish and American dance tunes, and their own original material. Formed as an experimental-psychedelic-folk-punk-duo by brothers Ian and Daragh Lynch in the early 2,000’s, the group has gone through various incarnations and taken part in a number of musical projects. […Lees verder]

Concert with Slack Bird (banjo punk from Finland) & Dolan (violin solo)

slackbirdFriday October 31st, Concert with Slack Bird (banjo punk from finland) and Dolan (violin solo), Early show to start a busy week-end. Door opens at 7pm, concerts from 8pm till 10pm. Be on time or will miss the show! Pumpkin cake and other delicacies from 7pm.

A singer-songwriter session for an Halloween night with some crazy Finnish music and more to be announced. Slack Bird is one or two but also three and four or even more of people playing music inspired by North American and Finnish folk music and punk. From rooftops and street corners to pubs, clubs and festivals, Slack Bird is this time Dave and his 5-string banjo, performing solo on a tour through the Netherlands, Belgium, UK and Ireland.

Slack Bird
Slack Bird:
Parta Records: […Lees verder]