Concert with The Resonant Rogues (Asheville, NC)

european_tour_the_resonant_roguesMonday July 27th 2015: Acoustic gig with The Resonant Rogues (Asheville, NC).  Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. Concert from 9 till 10pm.

The Resonant Rogues, hailing from Asheville, NC, have ears for the past and eyes toward the future. Partners Sparrow and Keith J. Smith write songs that transcend genres, blending Gypsy jazz and Balkan music with American folk traditions like old-time and blues.  Their infectious melodies and eloquent lyrics bring a nouveau pop sensibility to their old fashioned style.  2015 promises to be a big year for the young group, with the release of their new all-original album and tours that span the US and Europe.

This is your last chance to see them in Amsterdam this summer after playing various squats and social centers around the city. […Lees verder]

Infonight with speakers from ISM-Palestine, Concert with Trio Bordelestino (Santiago de Chile), The Casual Acoustics (Amsterdam)

20150720_Bordelestino_The_Casual_AcousticsMonday July 20th 2015, Volkseten Vegazulu, peoples kitchen, door opens at 7pm. Infonight with speakers from ISM-Palestine at 8pm. Concert with Trio Bordelestino (Santiago de Chile) and The Casual Acoustics (Amsterdam), gypsy jazz tango bossanova. Early concert!

Informatie avond met sprekers van ISM-Palestine
Woordvoerders van ISM Palestine zijn op Europa-tour, en zullen van 18 tot 22 juli in Nederland zijn (ook dinsdag 21 juli, op de ADM, Info-night about situation in Palestine). Er zijn een aantal bijeenkomsten georganiseerd, waar geïnteresseerden kennis kunnen maken met de doelstellingen, het werk, de geschiedenis, de toekomst en de mogelijkheden om deel te nemen aan het vrijwilligerswerk van de International Solidarity Movement in Palestina (Nablus, Hebron, Ramallah, Gaza).
Spreken zullen o.a.:
– Mariam Barghouti, journalist, student aan de Universiteit van Bir Zeit en bekend van de actie Free.mariam.barghouti (2014) en haar artikelen in de internationale pers:
– Karam, longterm vrijwilliger van ISM-Palestine
– Een woordvoerder van de ISM-NL supportgroep.
Videobeelden van het werk van ISM in Palestina zullen getoond worden. Na de plenaire Q&A zal er gelegenheid zijn om te spreken met de aanwezige vrijwilligers van ISM-palestine en ISM-nederland.

Concert with Trio Bordelestino and The Casual Acoustics.

Trio Bordelestino, a French/Chilean acoustic band formed in Santiago of Chili in 2011, by members Lolita Ponce, violin and vocals, Javier Valdebenito, double bass, and David Santis, accordion and vocals. Their repertoire ranges from tango, to French chanson; from Italian canzonetta and tarantella, to Chilean waltz and tonada; from Balkan music, to jazz, and to their own songs which melt those music genres with stories and poems. The use of acoustic instruments has made us a constant presence on the streets, in Chile, Brasil, France and Italy.

The Casual Acoustics are based in Amsterdam. Trio with Vicente (guitar), Hernan (bass), and one clarinet. Inspired by Tchavolo Schmitt, Django Rheinhardt and south american music with a touch of bossanova. […Lees verder]

Benefit for All Included, Concert Qaraba Ensemble

20150713_Benefit_All_Included_Concert_Qaraba_EnsembleMonday July 13th 2015, Benefit for All Included, for freedom of movement and fair development! Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. After the voku, concert Qaraba Ensemble, Rebetiko songs, traditional Greek songs.

All Included Amsterdam is a new initiative that fights for freedom of movement and for the right of residence for migrants. In a time when globalization is a fact, migration should be recognized as part of a package deal. It’s All Included. This means: no illegality, no detention for undocumented migrants and no forced evictions.

With the disappearance of national borders, national identity disappears. Everyone becomes global citizen and deserves regardless of origin equal rights and equal opportunities. Therefore also for migrants ‘all included’ rights and obligations. fightsg for an open society through extra-parliamentary action which intervenes in the political climate of assimilation, closeness and fear. Through direct assistance to rejected asylum seekers and other migrants without residence permit, indictments against abuses of current polities are being propagated. We want to contribute to the public debate with alternative visions of migration and globalization based on open borders, solidarity and initiative from the base.

All Included, Plantage Doklaan 12, 1018 CM Amsaterdam

After the food, concert with Qaraba Ensemble. Yannis Karampatzias together with Dine Qaram Baar and Charis Konstantinou, trio guitar, bouzouki and potirokoboloi.

Qaraba was founded in 2012 in Prague by Yannis Karampatzias. He performs on a variety of Greek and Turkish traditional stringed instruments including saz baglama (taburas), lavta (Constantinople lute), tzuras and baglamas. In 2013 together with violinist Milan Jakes (CZ), guitarist Thomas Opata and Geraldine Baar on koboloi they formed the Qaraba Ensemble. The repertoire includes traditional folk music from the Asia Minor to the Black Sea focusing on melodies from Smyrna (Izmir) and Constantinople (Istanbul) of the early 1900’s, Rebetiko songs (undergound musical genre that was born at the end of the 19th century in hash dens and prisons of the Greek urban centers), Byzantine and Ottoman classical compositions emphasizing on the art of taxim (form of improvisation on non-occidental musical scales known as ‘makams/maqamat’).
Qaraba Ensemble […Lees verder]

Taina Asili & Evan Greer, music for social change, Break the Chains tour

BreakTheChains_Euro2015_amsterdamThursday June 25th 2014, Singer songwriters: Taina Asili & Evan Greer, music for social change, Break the Chains European tour. Door opens at 7pm. Concert at 8:30pm, after the people’s kitchen.

Evan Greer one of the founder of the Riot-Folk Collective and Taina Asili, from Boston and New York, will be performing at Joe’s Garage as a part of their Break the Chains European Tour. Evan Greer is a radical genderqueer singer/songwriter from the Riot-Folk collective, based in Boston, MA, performing high-energy acoustic songs that inspire hope, build community, and incite resistance. Taína Asili is a US born Puerto Rican singer, combining powerful vocals with energetic fusion of Afro-Latin, reggae, and rock sounds of rebellion. Evan and Taina are very active in movements of resistance in the US, and in addition to sharing their music, will be sharing updates on the community organizing work they are involved in, especially as it relates to prisoner justice, Black Lives Matter and the movement to free Mumia Abu-Jamal and other US political prisoners.

More infos at: and

[…Lees verder]

Singer songwriters: James Bar Bowen, Johnny Campbell, Shireen

James_Bar_Bowen_Shireen_Johnny_Campbell_Euro_tour_NLThursday June 4th 2015, Singer songwriters: James Bar Bowen, Johnny Campbell, Shireen. Volkseten Vegazulu, people’s kitchen at 7pm, then live music directly after the food, between, 8:30 and 10pm. Donations welcome.

Shireen (NL). “I made up the name ‘Crisis Folk’ to give a name to the type of songs that I like to sing. Many crises manifest themselves in the traditional folk-songs that I like to borrow, like excessive drinking, poverty and violence.
Alongside these songs, I sing about other, more contemporary crises. About Europe becoming more and more like a fortress with the ever increasing border controls and violent repression of the ‘sans-papiers’ and ‘no border’ activists. Or the damage that is done to ecosystems in search of profit. Of course these are love songs too. As you cannot fight without loving.
Lately I have been playing my music on the streets of many different countries on my slow travels back to Europe from South East Asia, making up a few new songs on the way.”

James Bar Bowen (UK), radical acoustic folk-punk singer songwriter, guitarist and story-teller, to make you laugh, cry and rage. His songs and performance are original, relevant, sarcastic, political, optimistic, poetic, multilingual and sometimes even beautiful.

Johnny Campbell (UK), a fast, ruthless, uncompromising sound which lends it’s influences from far and wide. The material will embrace traditional music and sometimes frantic Bluegrass style picking with self penned songs of protest and debauchery. […Lees verder]

Singer songwriters: Tim Loud, Troy Faid, David Broad

Tim_LoudMonday June 1st 2015, Singer songwriters: Tim Loud, Troy Faid, David Broad. Volkseten Vegazulu, people’s kitchen at 7pm, then live music directly after the food, between, 8:30 and 10pm. Donations welcome.

Tim Loud (Leeds, UK), 12-string driven, harmonica-blowing, country/blues wailing anti-folk from Leeds. Since the release of his eponymous debut EP in Late 2012 Tim has been gigging and touring both on a national and international level building a strong fan base with his live show. ‘On The Road’ was released with Tim Holehouse. Both performed at Joe’s Garage in March 2015.

Troy Faid (Scunthorpe, UK), guitar, banjo, stomp box & vocals. Folk musician and songwriter, political and poetic lyrics played with furious intensity. His fingerstyle jazz guitar and earlyold voice communicate a desirous music – appreciated by many and influenced by a myriad of musicians and thinkers: from Elliot Smith to Django Reinhardt… Karl Jung to Erich Fromm.

David Broad (Leeds, UK). Amongst all my Dad’s Bob Dylan records there was a Woody Guthrie album which me and my bro always used to listen to. It was an interesting selection of songs, mostly traditional and hardly a mention of workers struggles or fighting fascists, the kind which he’s so well known for. […Lees verder]

Babboo in concert

babbooThursday May 7th 2015, Babboo in concert, from 9pm till 10pm. At 7pm, Volkseten Vegazulu, Benefit for the family Y.

Babboo is just back from a few months touring Mexico. We are welcoming them for a third time at Joe’s Garage. From the streets to the stages, everyone is kindly entertained and refreshed by this original, powerful and inspiring music, which lyrics are written in English, Portuguese, Spanish and Italian. The original songwriting of the Babboo varies from Gipsy Manouche to French Musette, from Pop ballads to African Rhythms, from popular Cumbia to intellectual Samba and Cuban Son. The show can be described as a danceable poetry, very energetic and elegantly rough, moving and touching at the same time. In the Babboo performance the audience is bewitched by the strength and the intensity of Ale’s voice, as by the delicacy of some mellow melodies, which create a good balance between the sexiest roughness of latin rhythms and the coolest songwriter’s pop. Babboo: […Lees verder]


Benefit for Popular Assembly of Lavapiés in Madrid

20150423_Benefit_for_Popular_Assembly_of_Lavapies_in_MadridThursday April 23rd 2015, Benefit for Popular Assembly of Lavapiés in Madrid. Concert with Almudena and Davide. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm

When the boroughs are self-organized, the State answers with punishment

“No, they won’t stop us”

In our neighborhood, Lavapiés (Madrid), there is always an helicopter surveying the area. It is part of the state of fear and shock they try to impose. They arrest us, they issue fines against us, they search for us in our homes, they put us in jail…but that will not stop us, because our solidarity is strong and for real.

We are facing an increase in the repression from the Spanish government as it was in the Eighties. Activists from different movements are locked up daily (anarchist, members of independantist movements, feminists, communists, housing activists, squatters  …) Nothing new, what else is to expect from the government? Even if that has always been the case, it is true that there has been an increase of the repression. This is partially explained because there is a certain fear from the power of these seeds of self-organization coming from the neighborhoods. These activist movements are steadily increasing and stopping evictions, producing in different ways, creating solidarity networks, transforming plots into kitchen gardens, trying to find and experiment ways of getting away step by step from the usual commercial networks…and that is scary for the power. The power reacts  wickedly against movements, against this solidarity among the oppressed. […Lees verder]