February 2016 at Joe’s Garage


Flyer [as pdf], Poster [as png]

Benefit for Dunkirk refugee camp

201602_Dunkirk_refugee_campMonday February 29th 2016, Benefit for Dunkirk refugee camp, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

The ‪Dunkirk‬ refugee camp (Dunkirk, France) has been a temporary home to around 3000 refugees since October 2015. The camp is predominantly Kurdish (mainly from Iraq, but also Syria and Iran). Most refugees are trying to cross over to Britain. Dunkirk is facing a sanitary and humanitarian crisis. There is loads of mud and a severe lack of facilities, electricity, running water and building material (not being allowed into the camp by the police). Dunkirk needs volunteers, especially Kurdish, Arabic and Farsi speaking ones. This benefit is meant to help volunteers meet, discuss and make plans but also gather goods and supplies for the camp. […Lees verder]

Iranian New Wave Cinema: The Silence (1998)

Silence_by_Mohsen_MakhmalbafSunday February 21st 2016, Iranian new wave cinema: The Silence (1998) by Mohsen Makhmalbaf. English subtitles. Door opens at 8pm, film begins at 9pm. Free admission.

The Silence (Persian: سکوت‎‎) is an Iranian film from 1998. It is directed by the well known Iranian film maker Mohsen Makhmalbaf. The movie is about a little boy who has the onerous task of earning money for his family, but is always enchanted and distracted by music. It is set in Tajikistan.

Synopsis: Khorshid lives with his mom in a house near a river somewhere in Tajikistan. The landlord comes around every morning to ask for the rent. Khorshid has to provide the money or else they’ll have to leave. His blindness has given him an amazing skill in tuning musical instruments which gets him a job at an instrument making workshop. But the problem is That Khorshid is mesmerized by sonorous music all the time; whenever he hears a great musician play, he loses track of time and place. For this, he always gets lost and gets to work late. How is he going to make a balance between his love of music and his task as a breadwinner. […Lees verder]

Urban Struggle: Guest Lecture on Squatting in Amsterdam

FuckYuppiesFriday February 19th 2016, Urban Struggle: Guest Lecture on Squatting in Amsterdam. From 12:45 till 14:00. English spoken/ limited places available due to space constraints, if you want to attend this event please email in advance to urbanstruggle [at] fastmail.com.

This afternoon, Joe’s Garage hosts a guest lecture for the students of the course Urban Struggle. The focus will be on squatting in Amsterdam, and topics such as the effects of the 2010 ban, the right to the city and the risks of cooptation by the government will be addressed. Urban Struggle is part of the bachelor’s degree in Sociology of the University of Amsterdam and the aim of the class is to teach students about “the importance of (urban) social movements for articulating a collectivity’s interest and claims.”

Joe’s Garage biedt deze middag ruimte aan een gastcollege voor de studenten van het vak Stadsstrijd (geheel in het Engels). De focus zal liggen op kraken in Amsterdam, en onderwerpen zoals het verbod van 2010, het recht op de stad en de risico’s van cooptatie door de overheid zullen aan bod komen. Stadsstrijd is onderdeel van de bachelor in de sociologie van de Univcersiyteit van Amsterdam en het doel van de cursus is om studenten te leren over “het belang van (stedelijke) sociale bewegingen voor het articuleren van het belang en de aanspraken van collectiviteiten”.

Benefit for Aid Delivery Mission

Thursday February 18th 2016, Benefit for Aid Delivery Mission. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. Concert with James Bar Bowen (UK), music from 9pm till 10pm!

Update from the Aid Delivery Mission, February 2nd 2016: Thousands of new arrivals
As the ferry strike between Athens and the Greek islands ended last Monday, thousands of refugees that had been stuck on the islands for days took their chances and started their journey up north. This meant and still means that the amount of refugees arriving here to the border at Idomeni has increased and is still increasing by thousands of people.

Gas Station: Yesterday we and many of the NGO’s were totally overwhelmed by the numbers of refugees at the gas station. It was estimated that there where over 6000 people at the station. They were stuck there for many hours (and many days at other places before – like the islands) Mainly because of a lack of information and frustration around 2000 refugees walked through the police line for a courageous 20 km walk towards the border carrying their children, babies and luggage. The police tried to stop them, but they started whistling and singing to call for everybody to walk through. It was really awesome to see a lot of the younger ones dancing and singing as they started their walk. All of this was happening whilst we were serving food.

The camp: The MSF camp with a capacity of 1500 people was totally overwhelmed with around 5000 people. MSF opened up a second camp previously used for storage even though they where not allowed by the authorities. It was really intense. Thousands of people sleeping in the cold outside, lots of them with children and babies and not enough blankets. And more and more arriving after walking for 20 km from the gas station. There where not enough people to help and we did what we could, distributing blankets, helping people carrying their belongings and babies, setting up tents, making baby food, finding parents of lost kids and serving food. There was even a call for help from a man who’s four months pregnant woman was about to give birth..

Delivering aid to an ever changing refugee crisis
The Mission: An ever changing and chaotic refugee crisis calls for a flexible approach, therefore we are combining an extensive experience of mobile kitchens and providing food, with our ability to reflect on what is needed, where and when.
Thousands of people are stuck around various borders in unsupported makeshift camps, so far the winter has been forgiving, but undoubtedly that will change.
We are based on voluntary work depending on donations, but we need help, especially financial support to cover transport costs and food supplies. http://aiddeliverymission.org/ […Lees verder]

James Bar Bowen

20160218_JamesBarBowenThursday February 18th 2016, Gig with James Bar Bowen. Benefit for Aid Delivery Mission [http://aiddeliverymission.org/]. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. Music from 9pm till 10pm!

James Bar Bowen (UK), radical acoustic folk-punk singer songwriter, guitarist and story-teller, to make you laugh, cry and rage. His songs and performance are original, relevant, sarcastic, political, optimistic, poetic, multilingual and sometimes even beautiful. https://jamesbarbowen2014.wordpress.com/ […Lees verder]

All Included Benefit

20160216_transactMonday February 15th 2016, All Included Benefit, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

All Included Amsterdam for freedom of movement, the right of residence for migrants and fair development, is taking part in the action in Rabat/Morocco commemorating the 2nd anniversary of the massacre of Ceuta of the 6th of February 2014 when the Guardia Civil shot at least 15 sub-saharan migrants on Tarajal beach trying to reach the EU. “We are activists from collectives, associations, initiatives and various social movements. We fight for freedom of movement for all! We are from Cameroon, Syria, Mali, Eritrea, Senegal, Spain, Germany, Tunisia, Morocco, France and many more countries. We don´t accept any more deaths in the Mediterranean. We know it is possible to ‘live together’ and to consider a political system of equality and respect for human rights, because we have been building solidarity networks for years. The happenings on the 6th of February 2014, when the Spanish Guardia Civil killed at least 15 persons, who entered swimming to Ceuta, are not only spanish or morrocan issues, they are global issues. So, we united us in a common transnational struggle for the demilitarisation of the borders, the freedom of movement and global justice.”

NO BORDERS! […Lees verder]

Black Cat Cine presents Venuto al Mondo

Venuto-al-mondoSunday February 14th 2016, Special Valentine’s Day movie. Black Cat Cine presents Venuto al Mondo from Sergio Castellitto, (Italy/Spain, 2012, 127 min, English subtitles). Door opens at 20:00, movie starts at 21:00. Free admission.

‘Venuto al Mondo’ is a romantic drama directed by Sergio Castellitto, based on a novel by Margaret Mazzantini, set partly during the Balkan wars of the early 1990s.
Middle-aged Gemma (Penelope Cruz) returns with her 16-year-old son Pietro (Pietro Castellitto) to Sarajevo at the invitation of her old friend Gojko (Adnan Haskovic), once the heart of a vibrant group of artists, poets and philosophers. While sullen Pietro resists the impulse to delve into his origins, insisting he was born in Sarajevo “by mistake,” Gemma’s return to the scene of her greatest love stokes potent memories and conflicted emotions.

Not many movies get such extreme ratings: it was panned by the critics but loved by the audience (7.4 on IMDB). I liked it very much, especially the beautiful photography (excellent historical reconstruction of a debased Sarajevo under siege) and the great acting of Penelope Cruz. Also a good soundtrack with Nirvana and Bruce Springsteen. Come and see/hear for yourself!

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Doors open at 8pm, free entrance. You want to play a movie, let us know: joe [at] squat [dot] net