Documentary Film from Syria: Everyday Life in a Syrian Village

Sunday 19 august 2018, Documentary Film from Syria: Everyday Life in a Syrian Village. Directed by Omar Amiralay, Syria, 1974, 85 minutes, Black & white, Arabic with English subtitles. Door opens at 20:00, film and presentation from 20:30.

The first documentary to present an unabashed critique of the impact of the Syrian government’s agricultural and land reforms, this film delivers a powerful jab at the state’s conceit of redressing social and economic inequities. Interviews reveal the contrast between the peasants’ regard for the state and the attitude of state representatives towards those peasants.

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to play a movie, let us know: joe [at] squat [dot] net

Benefiet diner voor Jalazone speeltuin project #6

Monday 6 august 2018, Benefiet diner voor Jalazone speeltuin project #6 by SRP (Studenten voor Rechtvaardigheid in Palestina). Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

SRP is terug in Joe’s Garage voor onze zesde benefietdiner. Onderdeel van onze campagne voor Jalazone, een project waarbij we de bouw van een speeltuin ondersteunen. Afgelopen zomer is SRP als onderdeel van ons jaarlijks georganiseerde reis naar Palestina in Jalazone geweest. De leef omstandigheden van de palestijnen in deze vluchtelingen kamp heeft een blijvende indruk gemaakt op de groep.Gemotiveerd door wat ze hadden gezien hebben zij de lokale vrouwenbeweging om advies gevraagd. Zo heeft het idee om geld op te halen voor de bouw van een speeltuin vorm gekregen. Kom genieten van een heerlijke maaltijd en breng je vrienden, familie en buren mee. Een avond met fijn gezelschap en lekker eten!

SRPare back in Joe’s Garage for our sixth benefit dinner. Part of our fundraising campaign for Jalazone, a project to support building a playground for the children in the camp. Last summer SRP visited Jalazone camp during one of our annually organised trips to Palestine. The living circumstances of the Palestinians in this refugee camp left a lasting impression on the group. Motivated by what they had seen they asked the local women’s collective for advice. Out of this conversation, a fund-raising project for the building of a children’s playground was formed. Come and join us for a delicious meal and bring along your friends, family and neighbors. It will be a night of good company and great food! Dinner includes starter + main for €4!

SRP (Studenten voor Rechtvaardigheid in Palestina) : […Lees verder]

Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Latest from the DaDa-ER

Sunday August 5th 2018, Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Latest from the DaDa-ER (Letztes aus der DaDaeR). Directed by Jörg Foth, 1990, 86 minutes. In German with English subtitles. Door opens at 20:30, film and presentation from 21:00.

After the Berlin wall fell the East-German film scene went haywire, since there was suddenly a small window of time that meant it was no longer under the authority of the previous GDR government, and as of yet were not forced to become commercial by the capitalist system. In this small period they knocked out some truly wild and exceptional off-beat cries of rebellion. This film is a marvelous example. It couldn’t have been made a year earlier when the GDR was still strong, and it wouldn’t have been made a year later when the DEFA studio was bought by a French conglomerate.

What we have here is a avant-garde picaresque story of two East-German clowns rummaging through the ruins of the GDR, and although the clowns seem relieved that everything is loosening up, at the same time everything is falling apart and they also show no interest in the glamor and spectacle of the ‘other’ half of Germany. This film was made at a very acute point in time. The main forces behind this freewheeling creation were two visionary performance artists – Steffen Mensching and Hans-Eckardt Wenzel. The are both the writers and the main actors in this surreal flick about two clowns trying to survive the last days of East Germany. Their journey is almost like Dante’s inferno, as they are let out of prison, and they venture through garbage dumps and down rivers into unbelievable situations. Each stage of their quest is set up like a cabaret piece, complete with songs they sing that describe their plight. They find themselves in an almost no-man’s land, and their observations are critical of both East and West Germany.

The title of the movie is a play of words merging of the word ‘Dada’ and the DDR (Deutsche Demokratische Republik). This highly unique flick also surprisingly features Rainer Werner Fassbinder regular Irm Hermann in a cameo role. Another outrageously rare screening of totally forgotten cinema.

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to play a movie, let us know: joe [at] squat [dot] net

Morning Patrol (Nikos Nikolaidis, 1987)

Sunday July 29th 2018, Movie night: Morning Patrol (Nikos Nikolaidis, 1987). Greek with English subtitles | 105 min. Doors 20:00 | Film 20:30

Going alone into an abandoned, living city, a woman tries to cross a forbidden zone swarming with the Morning Patrol and traps. Meeting one of the last city guards, they attempt recall the past and penetrate the zone together.
Communication seems to fallen by the wayside and all the dialogue we get is the woman’s internal monologue, a haze of sentimental memories and a longing for a better time.
The dialogue in Nikos Nikolaidis’ iconic  film contains excerpts taken from published works authored by Daphne du Maurier, Philip K. Dick, Raymond Chandler, and Herman Raucher.
Watch the trailer:

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to play a movie, let us know: joe [at] squat [dot] net

Voku-Benefit for Climate Justice & short info-talk Code Rood

Monday July 16th 2018, Voku-Benefit for Climate Justice & short info-talk Code Rood. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Elke derde maandag van de maandag van de maand. Een volkskeukenbenefiet voor klimaatrechtvaardigheid in Joe’s Garage. Onder andere voor de gemaakte kosten bij de Wij Stoppen Steenkool actie in de Rotterdamse haven van afgelopen 9 maart. Met een kort praatje over de Code Rood actie en het klimaatkamp in Groningen van eind augustus. Een ideaal moment om kennis te maken met mensen die betrokken zijn bij de klimaatbeweging en Code Rood Vanaf 19:00 open en natuurlijk met overheerlijk veganistische maaltijd!

Every third Monday of the month. A benefit for climate justice in Joe’s Garage. It is for covering the costs of the Wij Stoppen Steenkool action in the harbour of Rotterdam. There will also be a short talk on Code Rood, the planned action and camp in Groningen of late August. An ideal moment to get to know people that are involved with Code Rood and the climate movement. Open at 19:00 with a vegan meal on donation.

The next dates are 18 June, 16 July and 20 August. Joe’s Garage, Pretoriusstraat 43, Amsterdam

Rotterdam action:

About Enough=Enough

IT’S CODE RED FOR GRONINGEN AND THE CLIMATE! Gas must stay in the ground and all the earthquake damage needs to be compensated. But the NAM, Shell and Exxon keep on pumping. And the government is allowing this to happen.

THAT IS WHY WE ARE DRAWING A LINE: from the city to the countryside, from Groningen and beyond, we are joining forces around Groningen’s liberation day on the 28th of August. With the first mass action of civil disobedience in Groningen we are sending out a powerful signal: leave the gas in the ground! Everyone can contribute, experience is not required.

Together with people from Groningen, Code Rood is also organising an ACTION CAMP IN GRONINGEN from 24 to 31 August. Here, we will offer a wide programme of workshops, trainings and open discussions about gas extraction and a fossil free world. And in the evenings there’ll be a campfire and music. You can stay at the camp overnight, or drop by for a day visit.

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchen, every monday and thursday, all year long. We are remaining closed if no one is volunteering to cook. Keep an eye on this radar page to make sure we are open. Door opens at 7pm. Vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation.

Have you ever considered cooking at Joe’s Garage with your friends? We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: The Punk Singer

Sunday 15 July 2018, Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema. Doors open at 20.30. Intro and film start at 9 pm. THE PUNK SINGER, 2013, directed by Sini Anderson, 81 minutes. In English.

This documentary follows the story of an iconic female singer – Kathleen Hanna of the ‘riot grrrl’ band Bikini Kill (an acknowledged influence on Kurt Cobain) and later Le Tigre. In an indie-punk/grunge rock scene totally dominated and controlled by masculinity, Kathleen Hanna and her band shattered the glass ceiling and brought something necessary to the table. The film focuses on her fierce wit, her full-throttle spirit, her humor, her spoken-word poetry, her controversial activism – and in the end it also reveals why she suddenly went silent and totally dropped out of the scene without a warning in 2005. In the end it’s an intimate portrait on so many levels.

Besides the life of Kathleen Hanna, this documentary is also a fascinating look at the explosive riot grrl movement… the sounds, lyrics, the zines, and manifestos. There are also scattered interviews throughout the journey with relevant voices like Kim Gordon (Sonic Youth), Carrie Brownstein and even Joan Jett. The Punk Singer is engaging, insightful, thrilling, hilarious, sad and poignant. Kathleen Hanna has been described as a ‘cultural lightning rod’, signaling a new voice for women… and here her voice is interwoven with high-voltage performance footage, creating a wonderful film about perseverance and resilience. For anyone interested in feminist art, music or life in general.

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to play a movie, let us know: joe [at] squat [dot] net

Ajo Negro Benefit Voku

Monday 9th July 2018, Benefit VOKU for Ajo Negro Antiauthorithy Autogestionated Kitchen, Group Cocina Antiautoritaria. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Ajo Negro is an anti-authoritarian collective that cooks to support events and projects of social transformation. It is run by volunteers based on a libertarian perspective. Encouraging human and non-human freedom. We are an active kitchen that criticise capitalism and welfarism. We choose vegan as a nourish option and as a political decision. We help each other in a horizontal way, considering that the collective effort is more fruitful that the individual one.

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchen, every monday and thursday, all year long. We are remaining closed if no one is volunteering to cook. Keep an eye on this page to make sure we are open. Door opens at 7pm. Vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation.

Have you ever considered cooking at Joe’s Garage with your friends? We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

Movie night: Revenir (David Fedele and Kumut Imesh, 2018)

Thursday July 5, 2018, movie night: Revenir (To Return), a documentary film by David Fedele and Kumut Imesh, 2018, 83 minutes, English subtitles.  Doors open at 19pm with food. Screening and discussion from 20:30. On that screening, David Fedele will be also on-line after the screening to discuss the film with Kumut and the audience. This event one of the four screenings with Kumut Imesh in different locations in Amsterdam from 5 till 8 july.

REVENIR – synopsis (EN): For years, the stories of West African migrants and refugees have been told through the lenses of foreign journalists. Now there is a story from the inside. Part road-trip, part memoir, part journalistic investigation, Revenir follows Kumut Imesh, a refugee from the Ivory Coast now living in France, as he returns to the African continent and attempts to retrace the same journey that he himself took when forced to flee civil war in his country … But this time with a camera in his hand. Traveling alone, Kumut will be documenting his own journey; both as the main protagonist in front of the camera, as well as the person behind it, revealing the human struggle for freedom and dignity on one of the most dangerous migratory routes in the world. A controversial film experiment, a courageous journey and a unique collaboration between filmmaker and refugee; which is not without consequences. […Lees verder]