Benefit voku for imprisoned Russian activists
Thursday 29 November 2018, Benefit voku for imprisoned Russian activists. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.
On the eve of the presidential elections and the World Cup, repressions began in Russia. Activists are being kidnapped, beaten up, electrocuted and forced to sign and learn investigative evidence and false confessions by heart. Besides tortures and battery, detainees are threatened to be imprisoned for a long time: the secret service FSB are accusing the jailed anarchists and antifascicts in participation in a mythical terrorist organization called “Network”.
There are currently eleven people behind bars. Their investigation period was just extended until January of 2019 by court decision. The cases need international attention and support – the situation is unbearable. Repression of anarchists and antifascists needs to be stopped.
Come for a delicious three-course solidarity dinner at joe’s on the 29th of November to support the detainees!
For more info and updates on the cases –>
All donations for the dinner will go to Rupression, a collective that is working on spreading information about the cases and is helping them with legal costs. […Lees verder]
L’AMOUR ET LA RÉVOLUTION: No, nothing is over in Greece (Yannis Youlountas, 2018) — ΑΓΆΠΗ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΑΝΆΣΤΑΣΗ: Όχι, τίποτα δεν έχει τελειώσει στην Ελλάδα (ΓΙΆΝΝΗΣ ΓΙΟΥΛΟΥΝΤΑΣ)
Sunday 18 November 2018, Movie night | ΑΓΆΠΗ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΑΝΆΣΤΑΣΗ: Όχι, τίποτα δεν έχει τελειώσει στην Ελλάδα (ΓΙΆΝΝΗΣ ΓΙΟΥΛΟΥΝΤΑΣ) | L’AMOUR ET LA RÉVOLUTION: No, nothing is over in Greece | directed by Yannis Youlountas | 2018 | 84 minutes | Mainly in Greek and French | English subtitles | Door opens at 8pm, film starts at 8:30.
‘To fight is like falling in love. You lose all control. You do not know what will happen the next day. You leave behind any fear you might have. Fear vanishes when fighting or loving. “LOVE AND REVOLUTION”
The media no longer talk about Greece, suggesting that the austerity cure has been successful and that peace has returned. This film proves the opposite.
People fighting, and loving: Cooking for thousands, teaching children, securing the anarchist neighbourhood, stopping the airport, fighting the cops, and bashing in fascists.
A musical journey, from the north to the south of Greece, among those who dream of love and revolution.
Yannis Youlountas, a Franco-Greek author and film-maker, is also the organizer of philosophical debates for children, criticising the formation of media influenced opinions. Since 2008, He has been participating in the events in Greece, reporting them in his articles, photos, books and films, while also organising actions and solidarity convoys. In 2013, his film Let’s not live like slaves carried the word of the Greek social movement to all the continents, followed, two years later, by his film I fight therefore I am.
ΑΓΆΠΗ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΑΝΆΣΤΑΣΗ: Όχι, τίποτα δεν έχει τελειώσει στην Ελλάδα (ΓΙΆΝΝΗΣ ΓΙΟΥΛΟΥΝΤΑΣ)
Το να αγωνίζεσαι είναι σαν να αγαπάς. Χάνεις όλο τον έλεγχο. Δεν ξέρεις τι θα συμβεί την επόμενη μέρα. Αφήνεις πίσω κάθε φόβο που μπορεί να έχεις. Ο φόβος εξαφανίζεται όταν αγωνίζεσαι ή αγαπάς. ΑΓΆΠΗ ΚΑΙ Η ΕΠΑΝΆΣΤΑΣΗ.
Τα μέσα ενημέρωσης δεν μιλάνε πια για την Ελλάδα, προτείνοντας οτι τα μέτρα λιτότητας είχαν επιτυχία και πως η ευημερία έχει επιστρέψει. Αυτή η ταινία αποδεικνύει το αντίθετο.
Οι άνθρωποι αγωνίζονται και αγαπούν: μαγειρεύοντας για χιλιάδες, διδάσκοντας παιδιά, προστατεύοντας τις αναρχικές γειτονιές, σταματώντας το αεροδρόμιο, παλεύοντας με μπάτσους και φασίστες.
Ένα μουσικό ταξίδι, από τον βορά ως τον νότο, για εκείνους που ονειρεύονται αγάπη και επανάσταση.
Ο Γιάννης Γιουλούντας, Γάλλο-Έλληνας συγγραφέας και σκηνοθέτης, οργανώνει και φιλοσοφικά debates για παιδιά κάνοντας κριτική στην επιρροή των μέσων ενημέρωσής στην κοινή γνώμη. Από το 2008, συμμετάσχει σε γεγονότα που συμβαίνουν στην Ελλάδα, σθμπεριλαμβάνοντάς τα στα άρθρα, στις φωτογραφίες και στα στα βιβλία του, ενώ οργανώνει παράλληλα δράσεις αλληλεγγύης. Το 2013, η ταινία του ‘Ας μην ζήσουμε σαν δούλοι’ μετέδωσε το μήνυμα του ελληνικού κινήματος σε όλες τις ηπείρους, ακολουθούμενο, δυο χρόνια μετά, από την ταινία του ‘αγωνίζομαι άρα υπάρχω’.
Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to play a movie, let us know: joe [at] squat [dot] net
Aman molli: Greek folk guitar night!
Friday 16 November 2018, An Aman molli night: tribute for Greek folk guitar! Doors open at 19:00.
Workshop: “The Greek folk guitar in pre-war gramophone recordings”
Charis Konstantinou will take us through the different styles of guitar playing and the steps of Blues – Rebetiko blend, which occur by the migration movement from Greece to USA at 20s and 30s. (for all instruments and singers)
Start 7pm sharp
Second part, concert by “Rebet guitarS”
Charis Konstantinou (guitar and vocals) and Jaap Faber (guitar)
Starts around 10 pm
Do you want to perform on the stage, play a concert at Joe’s Garage? Please get in touch: joe [at] squat [dot] net, we are curious to read on your own website, not on corporate social media, where you have been playing in the past, what type of venues you are heading to.
Viento Sin Fronteras (Venezuela)
Thursday 15 November 2018, Volkseten Vegazulu at 7pm. Music on the stage with Viento Sin Fronteras (Venezuela) from 9pm. Trova rabiosa desde Venezuela. Yo, daniel, busco corazones.
Do you want to perform on the stage, play a concert at Joe’s Garage? Please get in touch: joe [at] squat [dot] net, we are curious to read on your own website, not on corporate social media, where you have been playing in the past, what type of venues you are heading to.
Black Cat Cine presents High and Low (Akira Kurosawa, 1963)
Sunday 11 november 2018, Black Cat Cine presents: High and Low (Akira Kurosawa, 1963). Door opens at 8:00, film starts at 8:30
Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to play a movie, let us know: joe [at] squat [dot] net
Concert with The Flamenco Thief
Monday 5 November 2018, Concert with The Flamenco Thief, from 9pm on the stage. At 7pm, Volkseten Vegazulu, Benefit dinner for “la parole aux Migrants” by All Included.
Craig Sutton, The Flamenco Thief, with his guitar, his pedals and effects are back at Joe’s Garage for a second show you don’t want to miss. Here someone we appreciate for his music and his DIY ethics. Almost on a permanent tour around the globe, you’ll easily see where he is performing this year without having to loose yourself on corporate “social” media. On the stage, he is the king of the loop with his effects blending flamenco, hip-hop beats, ska, gypsy and swing influences. We’ll make space for you to dance.
The Flamenco Thief:
Do you want to perform on the stage, play a concert at Joe’s Garage? Please get in touch: joe [at] squat [dot] net, we are curious to read on your own website, not on corporate social media, where you have been playing in the past, what type of venues you are heading to.
Benefit dinner for “la parole aux Migrants”
Monday 5 November 2018, Benefit dinner for “la parole aux Migrants” by All Included Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. From 9pm, live music on the stage with The Flamenco Thief.
CONFERENCE INTERNATIONALE DES MIGRANTS AU MAROC “la parole aux Migrants” 1-2 dec. 2018 in Rabat
While the European Union is putting pressure on North and sub-Saharan Africa to close their borders, we see no genuine initiatives working on the reasons why migrants are leaving their countries. From 5-7 dec. 2018 the World Forum on Migration and Development takes place in Marrakesh.
Five years ago Morocco started developing a national migration policy including an asylum procedure. In the last 50 years Morocco changed first from a migration country to a transit country and now a country of destination. What is the impact of this policy on the lives of the migrants?
The Association of Refugees and Migrant Communities in Morocco (ARCOM) and the Platform of Subsaharian Associations and Communities in Morocco (PASCOMS) organize a big meeting inviting Moroccan NGO’s in a migrant neighborhood in Rabat while giving the voice to the migrants.
For freedom of movement and fair development. […Lees verder]