Benefit Voku for Weavers of Resistance

Monday 10 June 2024, Benefit Voku for Weavers of Resistance. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

The Amsterdam’s chapter of the House of Yeguazas and SKRAPS this week join their forces to raise funds for Tejedores de Resistencia (‘Weavers of Resistance’), a project that weaves collective memory in relation to the conflict of Colombia and its sociopolitical entanglements.
“Nos tocamos a través de los hilos. Hilos que tejen la vida y la muerte, que permiten tocar el pensamiento, el sentir, las pieles y que florezca una superficie de resistencia, cuidado y denuncia.” Join us for amazing rescued vegan food and a short video! […Lees verder]

Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Death of a Bureaucrat (Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, 1966)

Sunday 9 June 2024, Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Death of a Bureaucrat (La muerte de un burócrata) * by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea * 1966 * 85 minutes * In Cuban Spanish with English subtitles * free screening * doors open at 8.30 * intro and film start at 9:00.

A key black comedy in Cuban film history, directed by one of its maverick filmmakers Tomás Gutiérrez Alea (Memories of Underdevelopment, Strawberry and Chocolate) who chose to stay in post-revolutionary Cuba and supported its socialist cause but never thought twice about criticizing the regime’s shortcomings.

In this film director Alea lampoons the stuffy and insane world of bureaucratic red tape. The journey begins when a widow realizes there was an important document in the pocket of her deceased husband who has already been buried, and needs an official permit to have the body exhumed. This starts an absurd chain of events with a razor-sharp Buñuelian sense of black humor.

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to screen a movie, let us know: joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net

Radical Sunday School: Student Movements, Then and Now. From Maagdenhuis to Binnengasthuisterrein

Sunday, June 9,  2024, Radical Sunday School: Student Movements, Then and Now. From Maagdenhuis to Binnengasthuisterrein. From 17:30 till 20:00.

They say “revolutions happen before the revolutionaries know what’s going on”, and in both the cases of the Maagdenhuis occupation (2015) and the Binnengasthuisterrein barricades (2024), organizers were take by surprise when masses of students occupied university buildings. Reflecting on the almost 10 years that have passed, we should wonder: what can these occupations tell us about revolutionary organizing, sustaining movements, and radicalizing new people (especially those outside the bubble)? […Lees verder]

All Crafts Are Beautiful

Sunday, June 9, 2024, All Crafts Are Beautiful, from 14:00 till 18:00.

Join us for this second All Crafts Are Beautiful event located at Joe’s Garage! There is a time to go on the barricades together and the is a time to come together for the sake of coming together. Come and bring your own craft project or learn new skills from others like knitting, crocheting, repairing etc.
14:00-18:00 every second sunday of the month at Joe’s Garage.

Voku in support of student protests

Thursday 6 June 2024, Voku in support of student protests. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

Come join us for dinner! There will be free soup as always and a plate of food for a donation. Donations will go to students arrested at the protests. […Lees verder]

Indian elections – holding space for reflections

Tuesday, June 4, 2024, Indian elections – holding space for reflections, from 17:00 to 19:00

Results of national parliamentary elections are being announced in India today. This is a crucial election for Indian “democracy” as democratic institutions stand heavily eroded, and the right-wing fascist party threatens to wipe out all space for opposition – political, social and ideological. On one hand, mainstream international and Indian media have been shamelessly announcing the win of the hate-mongerer and Hindu nationalist leader, and celebrating the boost this will give to financial markets. On the other hand, India’s civil society has worked tirelessly to expose the violence being inflicted on marginalised communities, the neo-colonial state policies looting India’s people, and tilt political discourse away from religious divide toward celebrating the many syncretic cultures of the region.

As the counting of votes ensues, other indias will hold space for the community to convene, pay respect to the work done by grassroots and diasporic groups, and reflect on the work still to be done to build progressive politics in India.

other indias
otherindias [at] riseup [dot] net

Voku for De Drie Duyfjes

Monday 3 June 2024, Voku for De Drie Duyfjes. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

Gravenstraat 26-28 had been rotting away for a decade. There was a first attempt to squat the houses on September 12, 2021, during the Woonprotest. 61 people were arrested and police brutality followed this squatting action.
On April 27, 2024, on Housing Day (Woningsdag), Gravenstraat 26-28 is successfully squatted. Within a few days, the front gets some fresh paint and the house is named De Drie Duyfjes. Life is back in the house. Come support your local squatters!

[…Lees verder]

Radical Sunday School: Mad Pride! Psychiatric Abolition as a Movement

Sunday 26 May 2024, Radical Sunday School: Mad Pride! Psychiatric Abolition as a Movement. From 17:30 till 20:00.

Are you sick of having your personality traits be labeled symptoms?
Do you think normal reactions to abmnormal situations are NOT “disorders”?
How would so called “mental illnesses” look without the societal stigma around them?
Do you think it’s the system that’s sick, not you?
Well then come to discuss this (and more!) […Lees verder]