Info/filmavond over West Papua

20150326_Free_West_Papua_Benefit_Joes_GarageThursday March 26th 2015, Info/filmavond over West Papua, Benefit for the Free West Papua Campaign, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

For decades West Papua’s tribal people have been killed, raped, arrested and tortured by Indonesian soldiers and police. The international community has done nothing to stop them. Indonesian president Joko Widodo (Jokowi), so-called Indonesian Obama, will not bring positive changes to Papuans, but death and destruction. Free West Papua Campaign is raising awareness about what is really happening in West Papua. Papuans are fighting for their survival as a people.

Film documentary: Strange Birds in Paradise
Speaker: Oridek Ap, Coordinator Free West Papua Campaign (NL) […Lees verder]

Film & Info Night: ‘SÍ SE PUEDE. Seven Days at PAH Barcelona’ by Comando Video

20150222_Joes_Garage_Film_Info_Night_Si_se_puede_Seven_Days_at_BarcelonaSunday February 22nd 2015, Film & Info Night -‘SÍ SE PUEDE. Seven Days at PAH Barcelona’ by Comando Video (52 minutes, 2014, in Spanish with English Subtitles). Doors open at 8pm. Free admission.

The PAH -The Platform for People Affected by Mortgages– is a citizen’s movement for the right to housing. It emerged in 2009 in Barcelona (Spain) and today has more than 200 nodes across Spain. The PAH offers an alternative outlook on housing policies to the one offered by local and national governments making this social movement a key opponent of their housing policies, which have only impoverished people while continuing to commodify houses.

The documentary ‘SÍ SE PUEDE. Seven days at PAH Barcelona’ is an account of the day to day of Barcelona‘s Platform for People Affected by Mortgages. Following various participants it illustrates what a usual week looks like and its tireless activities. This documentary places cameras at the heart of the PAH to visualize, not only the post-housing bubble drama, but also the huge and often invisible work behind this social movement. It shows the process of transformation and empowerment of those who join its ranks.

We will see the documentary first and our comrades from the PAH Barcelona will give us information. Then there will be a discussion about housing crisis and struggle in Spain and beyond.

PAH Barcelona (Plataforma d’Afectats per la Hipoteca)

Czech squatting weekend in Amsterdam. Klinika soli night with food, presentation

20150220_Klinika_Soli_nightCzech squatting weekend in Amsterdam, February 20th – 22nd 2015. Klinika on tour!
Friday 20.02.2015 Klinika soli night with food, presentation, discussion & more @ Squatted autonomous space Joe’s Garage

19:00 Soli dinner (some Czech traditional dish in the vegan style)
20:00 Presentation
21:00 Discussion, maybe some movie about current squatting theme in Czech Republic and maybe some acoustic concert

Some members of Czech squatting movement are coming to Amsterdam to present and discuss about the actual breakthrough in the squatting movement in Czech Republic. On Saturday, November 29th, an abandoned building of a former clinic in Prague district of Žižkov was occupied by a group of activists. Cleaning works, reconstruction and program started immediately. Despite widespread support, including neighbors, politicians, artists, journalists etc., the owner of the house – Office for Government Representation in Property Affairs – withdrawed from negotiations. Regarding to some sources, the “anti-extremist” department of Czech police played an important role in this decision.

Autonomní sociální centrum Klinika (Autonomous Social Centre Klinika /Clinic ) was evicted December 9th after ten days of struggle and hundreds of people participating. Spontaneous demonstrations immediately took place in front and inside of Žižkov city hall and in office of the owner. After a few days, one thousand people demonstrated in support of the autonomous center. The building is now being guarded, but the struggle isn’t over yet. Žižkov councilors agreed that they will start negotiations with the state. The public support of squatting is now the highest in Czech history. The ministers of interior, finance and social affairs publicly admitted the possibility of decriminalization of squatting. We, as a group supporting a project of social centre, are calling for international support! A pressure on Czech state can help us to create a historical success. Every city needs it’s clinic!

20150220_Czech_squatting_weekend_in_Amsterdam […Lees verder]

De Vloek Benefit, Solivoku, infonight and live music with Shireen and Sprank

20150209_de_Vloek_benefitMonday February 9th 2015, De Vloek Benefit, Solivoku, infonight and live music with Shireen (crisis-folk) and Sprank (political folk klezmer punk trio), Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. Music from 8:30 till 10pm.

“Hell no, we won’t go! De Vloek moet blijven!” De Vloek, squatted autonomous social center in Scheveningen, [] existing since 2002, is threatened to follow the same fate as De Blauwe Aanslag in 2003. The city of Den Haag who hates squatters and put all its energy to criminalize them, has nonetheless postponed the eviction until the beginning of April 2015. Since the plans of the city to flatten the Vloek came public, actions and demonstrations took over. A symbol of a failure for the city, De Pier, was occupied for few hours last August. From Den Haag till Greece, solidarity banners popped up. Other militant actions took place, spontaneous demonstration, occupation of the city council. The mayor even forbade a demonstration beginning of December. During the Action Days at the end of the year, people took again the streets and a former tax office building owned by the city was squatted and in no time illegally evicted by the riot police, 40 activists were arrested.


Be on time for the food! On the stage, Shireen and Sprank [], from 8:30 till 10pm.

[…Lees verder]

Generation Alpha Rebel Cinema: Global Divestment Day edition – Hambi benefit

Generation Alpha Rebel Cinema: Global Divestment Day edition – Hambi benefit
Date: Wednesday 21 of January
Time: 7PM doors open, 8PM start program

This edition of the People’s Kitchen (Sunday January 11 in MKZ) Rebel Cinema (Wednesday 21 in Joe’s Garage) is dedicated to the upcoming Global Divestment Day actions in the Netherlands and the subject of climate activism more broadly.

During the Rebel Cinema we will screen the inspiring documentary “Bidder 70” (2012, 73 min), about Tim DeChristopher, a Utah University economics student who disrupted an illegal oil and gas auction in the U.S. in an extraordinary, ingenious and effective act of civil disobedience. Bidder 70 is a personal story surrounded by a wider context of citizen action, our history of peaceful civil disobedience, and grass roots movements demanding climate justice . […Lees verder]

Rent Rebels, screening & discussion with activists from Berlin

[nederlands beneden]

On the weekend of the 21th and 22nd of November we are welcoming people from Berlin to screen with us the very recent film about the Renter Rebels in the Berlin, a quite popular and diverse movement that emerged in the last couple of years and that struggles against massive gentrification and forced evictions of renters that take place at high pace. That weekend shall serve as space for discussion and exchange with the people from Berlin, about experiences being made in struggle, the urban restructuring that goes on in Berlin, and the self-organisation of all kinds of people to fight against it. Besides of being inspirational the events shall also be a space to come together and exchange ideas and experiences related to the unacceptable housing situation in Amsterdam and necessary housing struggles. Descent housing in its various forms and shapes and the city itself is not for profit but for us, the people, and a basic need of everybody independent of social status. […Lees verder]

Multimedia – Housing struggles and resistance against forced evictions

During our “Rent Rebels” benefit cooking last Monday we were screening a couple of short film to give some context to the “Rent Rebels – against the sale out of the city” documentary screening and discussion about necessary housing struggles in Berlin and Amsterdam that is taking place on the 21th and 22nd of November. Take a look below to watch the five short movies we screened in Joe’s if you missed the evening and come along on the 21th or 22nd of November, tell your friends and comrades and participate in the open discussion with housing activists from Berlin. […Lees verder]

Benefit voku and infonight flashback about squatting around 2005 and liquidated landlords

Monday November 3rd 2014, Benefit voku and infonight flashback about squatting around 2005 and liquidated landlords, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm

Afgelopen 24 september kwam de gerechtsdeurwaarder langs bij inmiddels hoogbejaarde gepensioneerde leden van de kraakbeweging. De staat wilde graag geld vangen van een kostenveroordeling van een rechtzaak uit maart 2006. Alsjemenou! Wat ging er acht en half jaar geleden mis?

flashback: Onderstaande bericht lenen wij van Indymedia alwaar dit werd gepost onder het door ons gepubliceerde persbericht over het kraken van criminele panden. De bewoners van de Van Ostadestraat 137 weten hierover mee te praten:

Kraken van Kriminelen: Van Ostadestraat 137, door de bewoners Van Ostadestraat 137, (Januari 2006) […Lees verder]