Benefit and Info-night about JAAN (Jakarta Animal Aid Network)

Monday October 26th 2015, Benefit and Info-night about JAAN (Jakarta Animal Aid Network). Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Thousands of animals in Indonesia live sad lives. They are often chained, caged, neglected, tortured and abandoned. JAAN is a non-profit organization that strives to reduce their suffering and provide them better living conditions. They believe that no animal deserves cruelty and no wild animal should spend its life in captivity.

Tonight, some members of the organization will join us and gives us more information about the ongoing campaigns and their work in Indonesia.
JAAN operates solely on donations from individuals and does not receive any financial support from the government so all the benefit from the evening will go to support them on their work. […Lees verder]

Hands off the trees! Call for action in the Hambacher Forest

hambach_rodung_1Monday October 5th 2015, Hands off the trees! Call for action in the Hambacher Forest. Infonight and benefit, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm

In October the “hot season” starts again for the occupation in the Hambacher Forest. The Hambacher Forest is one of the oldest forest in middle Europe, but already more than 4/5 of it is destroyed for open cast mining. The forest gets destroyed year by year, so that RWE the coal company can open cast the land. In order to excavate coal, the energy company RWE clears the originally more than 4500 hectares big and 12000 years old forest, damages agricultural land and relocates villages. Some of the effects of the excavation of coal are the destruction of living space for plants, animals and humans, air and fine dust pollution, release of radioactive substances and the lowering of ground water. The coal excavation in the Rhine area is responsible for 13% of the CO2 emissions in whole Germany.

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchen, every monday and thursday, 7pm, vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation.

We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

West Sahara info and movie night: La Güera, my forgotten land

Sunday July 26th 2015, West Sahara info and movie night. ‘La Güera – my forgotten land’ by Gilberto Mastromatteo. Two speakers, film director Gilberto Mastromatteo and co-director Fiorella Bendoni. Door opens at 8pm, event starts at 9pm.

‘La Güera – my forgotten land’ by Gilberto Mastromatteo. Produced by the association “Ban Slout Larbi”.
Mohamed lives in Nouadhibou, in Mauritania. But he can always see the ghost of his former town in front of his eyes. Aalien, the postman, fled to refugee camps in Tindouf, Algeria. But he’s still thinking about the houses and the streets where he used to deliver letters. Zeinabu, in Tenerife, looks at the Ocean from her terrace. She looks in the direction of La Güera, her town that no longer exists. The stories of the inhabitants of a “ghost town”, located on the border between Mauritania and the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (Sadr). The destiny of a forgotten land hidden under the sand. […Lees verder]

Infonight with speakers from ISM-Palestine, Concert with Trio Bordelestino (Santiago de Chile), The Casual Acoustics (Amsterdam)

20150720_Bordelestino_The_Casual_AcousticsMonday July 20th 2015, Volkseten Vegazulu, peoples kitchen, door opens at 7pm. Infonight with speakers from ISM-Palestine at 8pm. Concert with Trio Bordelestino (Santiago de Chile) and The Casual Acoustics (Amsterdam), gypsy jazz tango bossanova. Early concert!

Informatie avond met sprekers van ISM-Palestine
Woordvoerders van ISM Palestine zijn op Europa-tour, en zullen van 18 tot 22 juli in Nederland zijn (ook dinsdag 21 juli, op de ADM, Info-night about situation in Palestine). Er zijn een aantal bijeenkomsten georganiseerd, waar geïnteresseerden kennis kunnen maken met de doelstellingen, het werk, de geschiedenis, de toekomst en de mogelijkheden om deel te nemen aan het vrijwilligerswerk van de International Solidarity Movement in Palestina (Nablus, Hebron, Ramallah, Gaza).
Spreken zullen o.a.:
– Mariam Barghouti, journalist, student aan de Universiteit van Bir Zeit en bekend van de actie Free.mariam.barghouti (2014) en haar artikelen in de internationale pers:
– Karam, longterm vrijwilliger van ISM-Palestine
– Een woordvoerder van de ISM-NL supportgroep.
Videobeelden van het werk van ISM in Palestina zullen getoond worden. Na de plenaire Q&A zal er gelegenheid zijn om te spreken met de aanwezige vrijwilligers van ISM-palestine en ISM-nederland.

Concert with Trio Bordelestino and The Casual Acoustics.

Trio Bordelestino, a French/Chilean acoustic band formed in Santiago of Chili in 2011, by members Lolita Ponce, violin and vocals, Javier Valdebenito, double bass, and David Santis, accordion and vocals. Their repertoire ranges from tango, to French chanson; from Italian canzonetta and tarantella, to Chilean waltz and tonada; from Balkan music, to jazz, and to their own songs which melt those music genres with stories and poems. The use of acoustic instruments has made us a constant presence on the streets, in Chile, Brasil, France and Italy.

The Casual Acoustics are based in Amsterdam. Trio with Vicente (guitar), Hernan (bass), and one clarinet. Inspired by Tchavolo Schmitt, Django Rheinhardt and south american music with a touch of bossanova. […Lees verder]

Info night Squatting in the UK after the ban

20150622_infonight_Squatting_in_UK_after_the_banMonday June 22nd 22015, Info night Squatting in the UK after the ban. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm, then info night with a speaker from London.

In 2012 the UK government enacted a law to criminalise squatting in residential buildings despite 95% of responses to its ‘consultation’ opposing any further legislation. The squatting scene has died in almost all cities in England and Wales apart from London, where the movement has only a fraction of the numbers it used to. Squatters are now forced to live in non residential buildings which are often unfit for human habitation. The number of people sleeping rough has increased as London is undergoing a phase of transformation, with inner London becoming unaffordable for lower income people. As property prices rise, there are less empty properties to squat in and owners are able to hire private firms to carry out very fast and often violent evictions. The aim of this talk is to describe the legal situation and challenges to it, and how this has changed the squatting movement into something smaller but much more political and radical. […Lees verder]

Info night and benefit for Ground Control & The Climate Games

20150611_Groundcountrol_ClimategamesThursday June 11th 2015, Info night and benefit for Ground Control – agriculture and climate action camp & The Climate Games, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm

* What: Ground Control – an agriculture & climate action camp and the Climate Games
* When: Camp from July 1-8, 2015, Climate Games on July 4th.
* Where: near Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and in the harbour.
This summer we will break new ground for action…

During a week long camp near Amsterdam we will get together to stimulate a different agricultural system and counteract climate change.

Since the environmental question entered the political debate, countless quick fixes have been developed to deal with some of the symptoms of climate change, leaving its root causes untouched. In December the “world leaders” will meet in Paris for COP21; yet another international climate summit after the previous failures. Meanwhile, the city of Amsterdam is planning to expand the activity in its port, which already is the second largest throughput of coal in Europe and hosts some of the world’s most polluting companies.

The stakes are too high for us to remain silent observers in this game: we refuse to let corporate interests gain new ground. This time, we will play by our rules.

Come prepared for an inspiring week full of workshops, trainings, discussions and actions, including the Climate Games. Bring your energy, ideas, friends and motivation! We will join forces in our struggle for an alternative system based on justness and solidarity.

We aim for:
– Convergence of people and networks.
– Effective change.
– Resistance and action!

Ground control welcomes bookworms and practical people – from the most experienced to the newcomers in the field. It offers a space to make meaningful connections and prepare for (future) struggles.

For more info, check out : […Lees verder]

Benefit for We Are Here with documentary screening

Wij_Zijn_hierMonday May 25th 2015, Benefit for We Are Here with the screening of Wij Zijn Hier, a documentary by Alexandra Jansse (Xela Films, 2015, 65’, in English with Dutch subtitles). Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

A new documentary narrating the story of one of the most vibrant movements in the Netherlands.
Wij Zijn Hier, a self-organised refugee group in Amsterdam. Screening will take place after the people’s kitchen, with the presence of director Alexandra Jansse and an activist of We Are Here.
Trailer of the film:

De worsteling van 220 vluchtelingen die maar één wens hebben: een menswaardig bestaan opbouwen in een land waar vrede heerst.

Het is September 2013 als het lopen door de binnenstad van Amsterdam begint voor 220 vluchtelingen die zich in het zogenaamde ‘asielgat’ bevinden in Nederland. Zij protesteren tegen het feit dat hun asielverzoeken werden afgewezen. In een aantal gevallen zijn ze naar de rechter gegaan en hebben hun beroep verloren. In andere gevallen loopt er nog een beroepsprocedure. Voor vrijwel allemaal is er een onaantastbaar besluit van de Nederlandse overheid, dat inhoudt dat ze geen asiel krijgen en dus Nederland moeten verlaten.

Omdat het de overheid in de praktijk echter niet lukt om ze uit te zetten worden ze op straat gezet. Al jaren worden deze mensen achtervolgt door een voortdurend knagende onzekerheid over hun recht op bestaan. Het beklemmende gevoel als ratten in de val te zitten is een vorm van zekerheid geworden die zich kenmerkt door een stuitend bestaan. Kans op terugkeer naar hun vaak zo geliefde familie is voor hen geen optie omdat daar marteling, gevangenisstraf of soms zelfs de dood wacht.

Alexandra, gedreven om een inkijk te geven in de schrijnende situatie waarin deze mensen zich bevinden, wil met deze film de denkbeeldige muren slechten en hun persoonlijke situatie in alle openheid belichten. De politiek lijkt onvermurwbaar. In ‘WIJ ZIJN HIER!’ schetst Jansse de worsteling en rauwe werkelijkheid van deze groep asielzoekers die maar een wens heeft namelijk: een menswaardig bestaan op te bouwen in een land waar vrede heerst. […Lees verder]

Volunteer Network for Rojava reconstruction. Info night and benefit

20150413_Volunteer_Network_Rojava_benefitMonday April 13th 2015, Volunteer Network for Rojava reconstruction. Info night and benefit. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm

Our speaker from the solidarity movement to support Rojava Autonomy will screen some videos and discuss these issues:
1. What is the key conclusion from the Hamburg conference.
2. Why is Rojava special both for Middle East and for us in Europe (various perspectives: anarchist, feminist, communalist, anticapitalist, anticolonialist).
3. What are possible ways to support Rojava reconstruction and development, starting from Kobane Reconstruction Board
4. What is the idea behind Amargi.PL and what is the current status of coordination with Rojava representatives.
5. Short- and mid-term agenda. […Lees verder]