PUSCII Benefit, Rebetiko Night

Monday 26 July 2021, PUSCII Benefit, Rebetiko Night, Volkseten Vegazulu. Food served from 7pm, no reservation. Music from 9pm with Charis Konstantinou (guitar and vocals) and Jaap Faber (guitar).

You might be using services provided by Puscii without being aware of it. An active squat scene also means using, supporting and maintaining on the long term an initiative like Puscii, https://www.puscii.nl/.
“Puscii is the radical tech collective that used to run Utrecht’s first public internet workspace in the Ubica squat. Since our retreat to the virtual realms, we run a server to provide web hosting, email, mailinglists, streaming, etc. to anarchists groups, freaks, artists and other sorts of people like us. We do our best to keep our data safe from the prying eyes and ears of state and capital, using cryptography whenever possible. Alas, servers ain’t cheap, so our little techno safe haven is quite a costly affair”.

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchens existing since the very beginning of Joe’s Garage, June 2005. Your donations are welcome. Starting from 19:00 until 21:00, vegan, no reservation. All benefits go to social & political struggles. Joe’s Garage is a space run by volunteers. Without a collective effort, without your active participation, we’re remaining closed. Get in touch in you feel like giving a hand. We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available, mail us.

Also every monday, from 19:00, free fruit and veggie stall in front of Joe’s Garage.

Latin american movie night: No (Pablo Larraín, 2012)

Sunday July 25th 2021, No (Pablo Larraín, 2012), 118 minutes, in Spanish with English Subtitles. Doors open at 20:00, Film starts at 20:30

No, a Chilean historical drama directed by Pablo Larrain and starring Gael Garcia Bernal. The film unfolds in 1988, when Augusto Pinochet, who had ruled Chile with an iron fist since coming to power in a 1973, caved to international pressure and called for a public referendum to determine whether or not he should receive an eight-year extension of his rule. Virtually everyone in the country assumes that the results will be fixed, but Renee Saavedra (Bernal), a youthful ad executive who recently returned to the country after years of living in exile, decides to take on the challenge of rallying the public’s support against its dictator through the “No” campaign. […Lees verder]

July August 2021 at Joe’s Garage

New Squatting Law – Squat Wars IV, Return of the squatting ban.

The Dutch government recently passed a new law, Wet Handhaving Kraakverbod (or law to Enforce the Squatting Ban), with the aim of evicting squatters more quickly. There is a lot of confusion and uncertainty about what exactly this law will entail and especially what influence this will have on squatters and their housing rights.

Unfortunately, this text will not be able to answer all questions since this law has been written by politicians who see squatting as a terrible thing and want to get rid of it, without actually seeming to have much understanding of the legal protocols and procedures. The result is a law that says that from now on, squatters must be evacuated more quickly without clearly establishing exactly how this should work. Both the Public Prosecution Service, the Council of Judiciary and Bond of Lawyers strongly criticised the proposal and called for this law not to be adopted, nevertheless a large majority voted in favour and this law entered into effect on 19 May, 2021. […Lees verder]

Benefit for Progetto 20K, refugee support group in Ventimiglia

Monday 5 and monday 19 july 2021, benefit for Progetto 20K, refugee support group in Ventimiglia, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Progetto 20K is a group of people whose aim is to bring solidarity and support to migrants who become stuck in the territory of Ventimiglia due to the national and European migration policies. The main objective of the group is to support the freedom of movement for all people and to be active so that rights are obtained and guaranteed. The project called Progetto20k started in June 2016 monitoring the border and informing migrants about the rights they hold, services they can benefit from in the Italian territory, information about the situation at the French-Italian borders and tips about the trip they are willing to embark. Every day at the French-Italian border hundreds of people are rejected by the French police and sent back to Italy, without allowing them to apply for international protection in the transalpine country. People stopped in France, mainly in the city of Menton, but also in the French territory, who do not have valid documents for expatriation, are taken by the French police corps to the Paf (Police Aux Frontières) office in Ponte San Luigi, at the so-called high border: here they are detained for several hours, the time to identify them and notify them of the “refus d’entrée”, a document declaring the person ineligible on French territory. These documents are often falsifies, changing the dates of birth so that even unaccompanied minors who would have the right to be taken into care in the country where they are located can be “legally” refused entry.The main place where we carry out part of our activities in the city of Ventimiglia is at the Gianchette park, where the evening meal distributions are made. We provide a generator so that people can charge their own phones and power banks, and we guarantee internet access. We also distribute information material on the border, the various European states, services dedicated to asylum seekers, etc… First aid is also provided given the large number of people who are injured and bruised on a daily basis, mainly due to the long journey on foot across the Balkan route. Moreover, through mobile info-point activities, we directly inform people at the border and down in the city so that they can have all the necessary information about their rights, the journey they intend to make and the safest, most dignified, protected and effective way to do so; we directly support the people we meet every day through the collection and distribution of clothing, blankets, basic necessities and hygiene kits. The aim of these activities is to provide people in transit with the tools they need to be able to continue their journey autonomously, creating paths of solidarity that allow them to build common practices and imaginations, beyond any border.

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchens existing since the very beginning of Joe’s Garage, June 2005. Your donations are welcome. Starting from 19:00 until 21:00, vegan, no reservation. All benefits go to social & political struggles. Joe’s Garage is a space run by volunteers. Without a collective effort, without your active participation, we’re remaining closed. Get in touch in you feel like giving a hand. We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available, mail us.