Proxy Repair Cafe

Wednesday 31 july 2024, Proxy Repair Cafe. Door opens 18:00

Do you have a problem with your Linux machine? Is your laptop hardware faulty? Do you need some help with your devices but don’t want to pay for someone else to fix it without learning?
Come by to Joe’s to this event of Proxy cafe where we will focus on fixing computers. Remember that is just a gathering of people and is all volunteer effort 🙂
If you want to just come for a tea, coffee or a talk is also more than fine! We will offer you the tastiest frozen Pizzas that we know!
P.s. You get much higher chances of getting help if you run Linux or other opensource operating system

Proxy Cafe, free software workshops, discussing tech and politics, GNU/Linux, fixing computers and revive old laptops, free and opensource software workshops. Zapatista coffee.
Proxy Cafe, Amsterdam

Voku & mobilization for the No Border Camp 2024

Monday 29 july 2024, Voku & mobilization for the No Border Camp 2024. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

A No Border Camp 2024 will take place soon in the Netherlands, from August 21st till 25th. Location will be somewhere in the center of the Netherlands. From their website: “This year we are organizing another No Border Camp to take action, exchange knowledge and further build the movement. This concerns all aspects of the repressive migration policy in the Netherlands and Europe, such as border externalization and militarization, the exploitation of migrant workers, the situation in AZCs, detention and deportations, and the rise of the extreme right…”
There were various No Border camps held in the Netherlands these last years, in Wassenaar in 2019, in Rotterdam in 2022, in Groningen in 2023. A previous camp took place in Rotterdam in 2013. In July 2002 in Strasbourg, the No Border camp gathered around 3000 activists:

No Border Camp 2024

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchens existing since the very beginning of Joe’s Garage, June 2005. Your donations are welcome. Food is vegan, no reservation. All benefits go to social & political struggles. Joe’s Garage is a space run by volunteers. Without a collective effort, without your active participation, we’re remaining closed. Get in touch in you feel like giving a hand. We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available, mail us.

Voku benefit Woningsdag w/ live music: Lyngfarer and Ancient Hostility (anarcho folk)

Monday July 22, 2024, Voku benefit Woningsdag w/ live music: Lyngfarer and Ancient Hostility (anarcho folk). Food served from 7pm, no reservation. Music from 8pm.

The benefit money will go to the costs of Woningsdag, every year while the country celebrates Koningsdag we celebrate Woningsdag because the urgency to get everyone housing is more important than Monarchy. Last Woningsdag, on April 27, 2024, a building got squatted in the city center (Gravenstraat 26-28). We still have some unpaid costs and that’s why we have a benefit.

There will be live music performance as well with Lyngfarer and Ancient Hostility, the anarcho folk night from Joe’s this summer:
“Lyngfarer is the quiet and pensive stuff that Magnus Nymo from Norway writes. It lives in the fog between medieval lore and anarchist dbeat classics but is quiet enough to be a lullaby. Magnus started performing as Lyngfarer in 2015 and has since then hung out and toured around Europe, Scandinavia, Ireland and the US and UK.”
Ancient Hostility (anarcho folk): “Harmony singing and drones from members of All In Vain and Dawn Ray’d, singing songs about heartbreak and resistance.” […Lees verder]

Raising Radicals

Sunday July 21, 2024, Raising Radicals, maandelijks op een zondag om 12.00 in Joe’s Garage Amsterdam-Oost, tussen 12 en 14u! Wees allemaal zeer welkom zondag 16 juni in Joe’s Garage met kids! Geen Raising Radicals in Augustus.

Idee is een maandelijks ouder-kind-cafe maar dan een beetje anders. Misschien komt er af en toe een specifiek thema aan bod zoals; welke acties zijn veilig met kinderen en welke niet? Of misschien is er soms een leuke activiteit voor kids, of misschien is het gewoon al leuk genoeg om te kletsen met politieke activistische ouders en kunnen kids lekker met elkaar spelen, klagen over hun hippy-ouders whatever. Alle input en ideeen zijn super welkom, idealiter gaat het zichzelf een beetje organiseren en ben ik alleen de toevallige starter van het geheel….. Stuur graag door naar alle ouders die zich thuis voelen op een plek als Joe’s Garage zodat de eerste keer zo leuk wordt dat we dit vaker willen doen! ♥️&✊🏼✊🏽✊🏿&💩

Idea is a monthly parent-child cafe, but a little different. Perhaps a specific theme is discussed occasionally, such as; which actions are safe with children and which are not? Or maybe there is a fun activity for kids, or maybe it’s just fun enough to chat with political activist parents and kids can play with each other, complain about their hippy parents, whatever. All input and ideas are super welcome, ideally it will organize itself a bit and I am just the coincidental starter of the whole….. Please forward to all parents who feel at home in a place like Joe’s Garage so that the first time It’s going to be so much fun that we want to do this more often!


De Drie Duyfjes benefit voku

Monday 15 july 2024, De Drie Duyfjes benefit voku. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

This evening we are raising funds to pay for our legal defense. Come to support!
Gravenstraat 26-28 had been rotting away for a decade. There was a first attempt to squat the houses on September 12, 2021, during the Woonprotest. 61 people were arrested and police brutality followed this squatting action.
On April 27, 2024, on Housing Day (Woningsdag), Gravenstraat 26-28 is successfully squatted. Within a few days, the front gets some fresh paint and the house is named De Drie Duyfjes. Life is back in the house. Come support your local squatters!

[…Lees verder]

Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Chocolat (Claire Denis, 1988)

Sunday July 14, 2024, Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: CHOCOLAT * 1988 * Directed by Claire Denis * 105 minutes * In French with English subtitles * free screening * doors open at 8.30 * intro and film start at 9:00.

French Director Claire Denis grew up in west Africa, where her father was a civil servant. The family moved to a different country in Africa every several years because they wanted her to understand culture and geography. This is why much of her work deals with the spiritual and psychological impact of colonialism, especially in West Africa. This was her debut film, and it is about a French woman reflecting on her childhood in a colonial outpost in French Cameroon as a 7-year old girl.
So as you might expect the film is largely autobiographical, recounting her own memories and emotions while she was growing up, and in this case the film has a special focus on her relationship with her family’s African servant.
This film isn’t restless, like so many movies today. It sinks into the world of west Africa, and moves at an ambient pace… allowing sensuality to surface. The film is about identity, memories, and a romance that tries to navigate racism and complicated social structures. This is different from a Hollywood film also because it doesn’t try to exploit our emotions and treat us like children by making things black-and-white. Instead it is a film full of mystery.

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to screen a movie, let us know: joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net

Radical Sunday School: Solarpunk, What Would a Brighter Future Look Like?

Sunday 14 July 2024, Radical Sunday School: Solarpunk, What Would a Brighter Future Look Like? From 17:30 till 20:00.

When you imagine the world you want to live in, what do you see?
There is no shortage of events these days that remind us of the problems that exist in the modern world. From wars, famines, genocides to rent hikes, intolerance and local corruption. And as it always seems to be, we can talk endlessly about these problems, their causes, and how awful it is they exist at all
It’s important we talk about them, but we also need to hope for something more than just “solutions”. A better world is possible, and the art movement of Solarpunk is something that can help us give form to the jumble of left-wing, ecological, anti-authoritarian and progressive ideas in our heads.
Solarpunk attempts to combine a utopian vision of our future, where we live ecologically, communally, equally, with a practical and achievable outlook. Come by our session to learn more about how Solarpunk can help you see that future worth fighting for! […Lees verder]

All Crafts Are Beautiful

Sunday, July 14 and Sunday, August 11, 2024, All Crafts Are Beautiful, from 14:00 till 18:00.

Join us this summer for the All Crafts Are Beautiful events located at Joe’s Garage! There is a time to go on the barricades together and the is a time to come together for the sake of coming together. Come and bring your own craft project or learn new skills from others like knitting, crocheting, repairing etc.
14:00-18:00 every second sunday of the month at Joe’s Garage.