Black and White Night: One, two, three (Billy Wilder, 1961)

Sunday 28 november 2021, Black and White Night: One, two, three (Billy Wilder, 1961). Free admission. Doors open at 20:00, film starts at 20:30

C.R. “Mac” MacNamara is a high-ranking executive in the Coca Cola Company , assigned to West Berlin after a business fiasco a few years earlier in the Middle East (about which he is still bitter). While based in West Germany for now, Mac is angling to become head of Western European Coca-Cola Operations, based in London. After working on an arrangement to introduce Coke into the Soviet Union, Mac receives a call from his boss, W.P. Hazeltine, at Coca Cola Headquarters in Atlanta. Scarlett Hazeltine, the boss’s hot-blooded but slightly dim 17-year-old socialite daughter, is coming to West Berlin. Mac is assigned the unenviable task of taking care of this young whirlwind.
An expected two-week stay develops into two months, and Mac discovers just why Scarlett is so enamored of West Berlin: she surprises him by announcing that she’s married to Otto Piffl, a young East German Communist with ardent anti-capitalistic views. When the Southern belle is confronted about her foolishness in the matter of helping him blow up anti-American “Yankee Go Home” balloons (how the couple met) she simply replies with, “Why, that ain’t anti American, it’s anti-Yankee… And where I come from, everybody’s against the Yankees …”

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to screen a movie, let us know: joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net

Esperanto course #1

Esperanto was invented in 1887 by a Polish ophthalmologist named L.L. Zamenhof, who hoped his creation would help to bridge diffrences which stem from language barriers. Zamenhof saw a turbulent world divided by language, and he believed that the languages people already spoke were oversaturated with history, politics, and power, making it impossible to communicate clearly. Esperanto was a fresh start, a technology that would allow its speakers to sidestep the difficulties of natural languages altogether.

He made it as easy to learn as possible, with no irregular verbs, a vocabulary adapted from Romance language roots, and a simple, genderless, almost caseless grammar.

Come and learn the basics of Esperanto and experience for yourself how easy it is to learn!

There´ll also be some proficient Esperanto speakers (esperantistoj) present at the event so you´ll have a chance to hear what a conversation in Esperanto actually sounds like!

Oh, and there´ll be some vegan food too 🙂

Join to the free Esperanto course


Voku benefit for the struggle against the french-italian border + TUSOL (acoustic punk from Romania)

Monday 22nd november 2021, Voku benefit for the struggle against the french-italian border, Volkseten Vegazulu. Food served from 6pm, no reservation. After the food, TUSOL (acoustic punk from Romania) on the stage.

At the Italian-French border, three self-managed shelters were evicted in seven months. Places where comrades and migrants struggle together against an infamous border.
The border police want to destroy every example of self-management and collective organization. They want to hide and control who they define as “illegal”, they do not tolerate the existence of free spaces in which no one is a guest and everyone can choose how to approach their journey. The repression grows and increases the control on this border which has already killed and which continues to put people’s lives at risk. Destroying these spaces of solidarity, cops and gendarmes and the states that send them, defend the border and make it deadly.
Let’s help the evicted from the shelters to continue the struggle against the border.

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchens existing since the very beginning of Joe’s Garage, June 2005. Your donations are welcome. Food is vegan, no reservation. All benefits go to social & political struggles. Joe’s Garage is a space run by volunteers. Without a collective effort, without your active participation, we’re remaining closed. Get in touch in you feel like giving a hand. We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available, mail us.

Circumstance (Maryam Keshavarz, 2011)

Sunday 21 november 2021, Circumstance (Maryam Keshavarz, 2011) 108 minutes, in Farsi with English subtitles. Free admission. Doors open at 20:00, film starts at 20:30

Circumstance is an amazingly accomplished and complex first feature from Iranian-American writer-director Maryam Keshavarz. Set in Iran, the film was shot in Lebanon. It explores homosexuality in modern Iran, among other subjects. Atafeh is the teenage daughter of a wealthy Iranian family in Tehran. She and her best friend, the orphaned Shireen attend illicit parties and experiment with sex, drinking, and drugs.
MaraKesh Films is the production company spearheaded by writer-director-producer Maryam Keshavarz. MaraKesh Films is dedicated to making sure women and minorities are behind and in front of the camera.

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to screen a movie, let us know: joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net

Proxy Cafe, discussion about “social” media and alternatives

Wednesday 17 november 2021, Proxy Cafe, from 18:00 to 20:00.

This episode we will have a discussion about “social” media and alternatives to promote events like Radar [] and Gancio [].
Proxy Cafe: fixing computers and tools. Zapatista coffee. Cryptocafe. GNU/Linux. Revive old laptops. Free software and opensource. Discussing technology. Once a month on a wednesday.

Solidarity Voku for Undocumented Migrant Women. No one is illegal!

Monday 15th november 2021, Solidarity Voku for Undocumented Migrant Women. No one is illegal! Volkseten Vegazulu. Food served from 7pm till 9pm, no reservation.

A lot of undocumented women live in different shelters in Amsterdam. Undocumented migrant women make up one of the most vulnerable communities here. Even though a lot of undocumented migrants live here for a long time and are residents of the city of Amsterdam, they are still deprived of basic human rights. They are not allowed to work and can’t live on the allowance provided by the city which is sometimes not enough to cover expenses, especially during the winter where they need to buy warmer clothes. Come and support undocumented migrants in Amsterdam. […Lees verder]

Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Romuald et Juliette (Coline Serreau, 1988)

Sunday 14 november 2021, Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Romuald et Juliette (Coline Serreau, 1988), 107 minutes. In French with English subtitles. Doors open at 20:00, Film starts at 20:30.

Coline Serreau (La belle verte) is an oddball and marginalized filmmaker, even within French cinema. Despite having quite a series of films, she has never gotten the recognition she deserves. Brilliantly determined, she refuses to tackle hard social problems with bitterness, but instead creates a brazen breeze of surreal humor that instantly reveals how absurd our modern world is. She embraced all the topics that were too hot to handle back in the 1980s… racism, gender inequality, monogamy, queerness.

In this flick we have Daniel Auteuil as a corporate businessman who gets wrapped up in a scandal when he attempts to cut costs in his factories. But then there is a twist… a woman who he always took for granted – the black woman who cleans his office every night – is suddenly able to help him. I won’t say more about the plot, since these broad narrative strokes aren’t what this movie is about anyway. It is about the details, the incredible humor, the beautiful twists and turns, and the sense of humanity that shines in this flick. Director Coline Serreau has a skill for a kind of magic that far surpasses any Hollywood product despite all the money they spend.

This is a sharp, simple, tender film that “does the right thing”. Cinema can be a negative cultural force that encourages fear, hatred, or in the modern sense, passive consumerism. But it once (in the 60s, 70s and 80s) was often used as a positive cultural force, that simply re-evaluated our society and shifted it towards something more humane. If there is any meaning to the word progress, it only makes sense if we end up living a more profound existence. And that is what this flick is about… how we get caught up in a crazy prefabricated world, and end up losing our sense of meaning.

A movie shining with social critique, humor and brilliance.

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to screen a movie, let us know: joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net

An Introduction to the Esperanto Language, History and Community

[esperanto] [text in english]

Enkonduko al la Lingvo, Historio kaj Komunumo de Esperanto

Merkredo 10 novembro 2021, 19:00

Esperanto estis inventita en 1887 de pola okulkuracisto nomita L.L. Zamenhof, kiu esperis ke lia kreaĵo helpos transponti diferencojn kiuj devenas de lingvaj baroj. Zamenhof vidis turbulan mondon dividitan per lingvo, kaj li kredis, ke la lingvoj, kiujn homoj jam parolis, estas trosaturitaj de historio, politiko kaj potenco, kio malebligas klare komuniki. Esperanto estis nova komenco, teknologio kiu permesus al siaj parolantoj tute flanki la malfacilaĵojn de naturaj lingvoj.

Li ebligis ĝin kiel eble plej facile lernebla, sen neregulaj verboj, vortprovizo adaptita el latinlingvaj radikoj, kaj simpla, sengenra, preskaŭ senkasta gramatiko.

Venu por aŭdi kaj pri la historio de la lingvo, iom lernu, kio faciligas ĝin esti rapide lernenla, kaj malkovru kiel ĝi povus esti uzata por travojaĝi la mondon pere de la tutmonda Esperanto-komunumo (Esperantujo), kaj ankaŭ kiel vi povas partopreni en la movado (eĉ se vi ankoraŭ ne parolas esperanton).

Ĉeestos ankaŭ kelkaj lertaj esperantistoj ĉe la evento, do vi havos ŝancon aŭdi kiel fakte sonas Esperanta konversacio!

Ho, kaj ankaŭ estos iom da manĝaĵo 🙂 […Lees verder]
