ORCA Fundraising & Integration Voku

Monday 4 March 2024, ORCA (Organized students for Radical Climate Action) Fundraising & Integration Voku. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

After our action on the 23rd of February at the UvA, ORCA is cooking some delicious food for some funding. ORCA is a student group, primarily made up by UvA (Universiteit van Amsterdam) students that advocates for a vision of true climate justice that addresses the intertwined root causes of the polycrisis. We share an intersectional, anti-capitalist, antifascist worldview and oppose any kinds of oppression and discrimination. This includes an abolitionist approach to borders, police and (neo)colonialism. We believe in bottom-up revolutionary organising and a new world based on mutual radical care, solidarity, and a regenerative culture. Our goals include the decarbonisation, democratisation, and decolonisation of the Dutch higher education system, and we reject the neoliberalisation of our society, including our educational spaces.
Want to find out more? Come to the Voku & have a chat.

ORCA (Organised students for Radical Climate Action) https://squ.at/r/9qpd […Lees verder]

Film screening: Une île et une nuit (An Island and One Night)

Sunday 3rd March 2024, Film screening: Une île et une nuit (An Island and One Night) * 2021-2023 * 100 min * multi-lingual (11 languages) * no subs * Free or pay what you can * doors open at 20:00, film starts at 20:30.

Around a campfire travelers, vagabonds and pirates tell their stories, share their dreams and adventures. From language to language and story to story they tell their tales of how they reached this imaginary island which could be a reality. The island comes under threat from the forces of development, capitalism, technology and gentrification.
A film made organically, collectively and non hierarchically by the inhabitants and users of a community called Le Quartier Libre des Lentillères, located in Dijon, France facing eviction and development as well struggling against all borders.
The Quartier Libre des Lentillères was born out of a demonstration in 2010, in Dijon, at the end of which a hundred people cleared and then cultivated quality land left abandoned and threatened by a real estate project. From there was born the Pot’Col’Le, an open and collective gardening dynamic based on the exchange of knowledge. The Jardin des Maraichères, managed on a self-employed basis, supplies weekly non-profit markets at free prices. At the crossroads of these two large plots, dozens of small allotment gardens are intermingled. In the midst of all this, busy farms, a dynamic of building huts and maintaining places open to all for walks, for workshops for the exchange of diverse knowledge, concerts or atypical parties. From all this is born a colorful neighborhood, mixed collectives fed by several hundred people.
However, all these dynamics are threatened: the SPLAAD (Société Publique Locale d’Aménagement de l’Agglomération Dijonnaise) and the Grand Dijon want to destroy this creative boiling that produces a neighborhood as we want to live it, outside the established frameworks, to replace it with a real estate project of “eco-neighborhood”: the “ecocity of market gardeners”. The first phase of construction has begun on the industrial plot of land of the former slaughterhouses, but we intend to oppose the work of the second phase of construction which concerns the Quartier libre des Lentillères. We are more determined than ever to fight so that solidarity prevails over business. Join us!

Une île et une nuit https://piratesdeslentilleres.net/
Quartier Libre des Lentillères http://lentilleres.potager.org/

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to screen a movie, let us know: joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net

Radical Sunday School: Legal Workshop

Sunday 3rd March 2024, Radical Sunday School: Legal Workshop. From 17:00 till 20:00.

What to do when you’re arrested? What are your rights? What do you do during an interrogation? What does the Arrestantengroep do?
Legal Support Group/Arrestantengroep http://arrestantengroep.org/
https://radar.squat.net/nl/arrestantengroep-legal-support-group […Lees verder]

Legal costs benefit voku with Your Local Pirates

Thursday 29 February 2024, Legal costs benefit voku with Your Local Pirates. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

Your Local Pirates: “During a recent action, one of our antifa comrades got arrested and is being prosecuted. To cover legal costs we will rock your tastebuds together with Your Local Pirates. Your Local Pirates come to play 21 – 22 hrs. We have lots of new songs in the program as well! So come and enjoy both food and music and help support the benefit!”
Your Local Pirates https://yourlocalpirates.noblogs.org
https://radar.squat.net/en/your-local-pirates […Lees verder]

Cinema Italia: Good morning, night (Marco Bellocchio, 2003)

Sunday 25 February 2024, Good morning, night [Buongiorno, notte] (2003) * Directed by Marco Bellocchio * 106 min * In Italian with English subtitles * doors open at 20:00, film starts at 20:30. After the film, please engage in sharing comments, ideas, and inspiration with the host(s) of the evening.

The kidnapping of Aldo Moro, the politician who succeeded in forming a government with the Christian Democrats (West side of the Iron Curtain) and the Communist Party (Eastern bloc) together, was a turning point not only in the history of Italy but in Europe at least. In the 1970s, going beyond the political division East-West was almost beyond imagination. One leitmotif we are invited to reflect upon is the generation gap between the old Communists who fought fascists during WW2 and the new generation of people in their 20s, who in the 1970s want to achieve a proletarian revolution in Western Europe.

How can we influence politics with our actions? The power of media, and in particular the mainstream news of television but also entertainment, in contrast with the power of books, is an element of reflection in Buongiorno, notte. We may share the same language (in the film: Italian) but if language is shared only on the surface, communication ultimately is impossible. The use of music, especially when extra-diegetic (i.e. heard by the public, not by the characters), is an element wisely used by the director to underline emotions and comment by himself what is happening on the screen; you will recognize the motif of Pink Floyd.

Bellocchio, who last year came back to the topic of kidnapping with Rapito (kidnapped), 21 years ago proposed a very audacious feature film. First, the topic was filmed previously in 1986, starring an outstanding Gian Maria Volonté — we should say that Roberto Herlitzka in Bellocchio’s film is extraordinary as well. Also, because Bellocchio’s angle is original, as the protagonist is a young woman, Chiara, who is part of the big history but in a sense stays at its margins. Her sacrifice, in terms of personal life, is illustrated by the black-and-white dreamy sequences that comment the film with a poetic touch. Finally, Buongiorno, notte also has an element of meta-cinema, reflecting on the responsibility of making films in the early years of the 21st century respecting history but taking liberties with history as well.

The film invites us to reflect on what are we ready to sacrifice in our normal life for our principles, and for staying loyal to our ethics. What is the value of life in front of imminent death? What does it mean to live 55 days in an apartment without ever going out? What is the difference between Christianity and Communism? What are we repeating in our lives, and what we are really choosing by ourselves? Do we have the courage to dream?

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to screen a movie, let us know: joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net

An evening for Palestine

Saturday 24 February 2024, an evening for Palestine, with rembetiko, folk traditional Greek music and tapas. From 19:00, no reservation

Marianna (flute, voice), George (bouzouki, voice), Julio (bouzouki, voice), Spiros (guitar, voice), George (ud, clarinet).

AUFree Palestine voku

Thursday 22 February 2024, AUFree Palestine voku. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

AUFree Palestine is doing a Voku to raise funds for Palestine actions! As AUFree Palestine continues our actions we need more and more resources, which means we are in need of some moneyyyyy. That’s where you can help! We will cook you some cheap and delicious (vegan) food, which we then eat together in Volkskeuken Vegazulu, which is located at Joe’s Garage. Let’s surround ourselves with good food, each other, and in solidarity with Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸 It will be a nice evening at Joe’s garage. You’re welcome to drop by from 7PM but it’s first come first serve, so be quick. See you there!! 🍉

AUFree Palestine is a student-led movement dedicated to civil disobedience, radical education, and community mobilisation in support of Palestine. We stand actively opposed to the Zionist genocide of and apartheid against the Palestinian people. Our manifestations also seek to hold to account the complicity of Amsterdam University College and its parent universities, UvA and the VU, in this genocide. These academic institutions refuse to speak out and actively suppress the protests, voices, and experiences of students who take a stand against this open aggression on Palestine.

Their silence does not speak for us: the students of this university stand united against the violence of ongoing occupation and settler colonialism. By gathering and organising actions, we indicate the hypocrisy of an educational institution that claims neutrality amidst genocide while we study decoloniality in its classrooms. We refuse to be silent while the institutions that represent us suppress pro-Palestinian expression, maintain ties to “Israeli” institutions, and collaborate with and abet Zionist violence.

AUFP – AUFree Palestine https://radar.squat.net/en/aufree-palestine […Lees verder]

Debt solidarity voku

Monday 19 February 2024, Debt solidarity voku. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

The funds for this benefit will go towards paying the rent debt of the family member of a Black comrade who is at risk of eviction and houselessness in the US after spending the final months of her brother’s life as his primary caretaker. This responsibility has put her in debt with her landlord and with her cost for nursing school. […Lees verder]